
  1. Longrange****

    Using Pistol Primers for rifles

    Ok.....I have been looking and looking for SOLID info without much luck or detail.... Wondering if it would work well enough to use pistol primers in our rifles... Here is what I am looking for: -a conversion list IE: 223-what pistol primer...308-same...6BR...6.5-47...yadda yadda yadda...
  2. Hawk Gunner

    Suppressors What are you guys using for defensive pistol ammo?

    I have a HK 9sd and the full complement of Glock .40's. I've been out of the loop a few years. I have almost depleted the ton of Winchester SXT left over from my LEO days and need to buy some new stuff. Is there any new Gee Whiz stuff that would be better than the win SXT or new Federal HST...
  3. Am180man

    Suppressors Elite Iron Ruger Mk II pistol.....

    Got my Ruger Mk II back from Elite Iron. Started out as a slab side target model. Now it's an integrally suppressed thing of beauty! Dale and Kathy are great folks to deal with. I have 2 other cans in transfer and will be purchasing one of the Bravo cans for my FN SPR. Pistol is extremely quiet...
  4. Puck

    Pistol grip stocks: why aren't there more

    Title pretty much says it. Pistol grip stocks look like they would be more comfortable to use in just about any position and give your arm and wrist a more natural alignment. I've been practicing getting into prone position in my hall way and my forearm is getting a little tender from the slight...
  5. macthknife

    Suppressors Pistol Refresher?

    It's been many years since My training at Ft. McClellan Alabama. And quite some time since I have had any range time with a trusty 1911. Are there any books or internet resourcees that is reccomended for brushing up on handgun skills? I would like to read some of Col. Jeff Coopers stuff, but...