
  1. Ishallbie O'Cullkillin

    40 S&W Super Powder?

    About to embark on a 1000 rds of 40S&W handloads , and doing research, came across Ramshot's Enforcer powder, which claims their max loading pushes a 165gr Montana Gold 1322fps from a 4" bbl @ 31,810 psi. Seems like this is too good to be true. Are they smoking crack? Any recommendations for a...
  2. Grump

    Barrel Life spreadsheet powder temps?

    I think it was from somewhere herd on the hide that I found out a few months ago about an "Accurate Barrel Life" calculator spreadsheet that would output the number of rounds to be expected before accuracy dropoff. Quite a few powders are listed in the "comment" for the cell with the powder...
  3. 4

    Automatic Powder Measures - Any favourites?

    Am looking to speed up the reloading process and am looking to buy an automatic powder dispenser. Its gotta be quick (ish) and very accurate (same as hand weigh the charges on a balance beam scale). We have very few reloaders in our UK club so I dont have anyone in particular to bounce ideas of...
  4. D

    Powder Suggestions for .300 WSM

    Just started hunting this year with a .300 WSM. I haven't reloaded any yet as it liked the Black Hills 180 gr Accubond and I didn't have brass. I plan to start reloading in the near future. Anyone have experience with reloading the 300 WSM? I am curious to powders for the short mag case? I...
  5. Down Under Hunter

    416 BARRETT POWDER- What is it ? Load data ?

    Does anyone know what the powder of choice is through the 416 Barrett. Anyone have any loading data they are having success with yet ?? Cheers DUH
  6. T

    223 50 grain v max best powder to use

    I have a bunch of 223 50 gr v max bullets and can't get much of a group with the powder i've been using. I have used IMR 4895 and 3031 and the best group I have gotten is about 5/8 of an inch. Not that I am dissapionted but I have gotten better than 1/2 inch groups with 50grhp federal value...
  7. TresMon

    How well does TAC powder in .223 group?

    Hey, I was curious if anybody has tried to work up a sub-moa load with 75 or heavier grain bullets?? I would like to try to work up a 1000yd. load with it since it acheives higher velocities, but wanted to see if anyone has gone before me first... Thanks, Tres
  8. C

    Powder Dispenser, "The Best" Harrels or???

    OK.. due to my present situation I am slowly but surely putting together a portable reloading set up. Redding Turret press stand built from scratch, all that goos stuff... OK so.. I am really anal about powder charges. I'll weight 3 or 4 times on my digital scale. blah blah.. So what is the...