
  1. J

    Article in latest Blue Press ref. short barrels

    Anyone read the above article? I thought it to be quite interesting, especially given LL's video on shooting his 18" bbl out to 1K. I might have to try this out with a couple of rifles. There was another thought provoking article in the same issue about pistol reload procedures, but that...
  2. D

    whats the best .50 press and dies rcbs or ch4d

    i need a new press for loading .50 and .460 whats the best, most accurate rather than volume one who makes the best dies looking for 460 steyr would you buy ch4d or rcbs?
  3. T

    Lee Classic Cast Reloading Press better than RCBS?

    Hey guys, I just sold my RCBS for the Lee press and I love it! Very solid well centered and it doesn't cam over like the RCBS Here's what mine looks like:
  4. B

    which reloading press?

    Its time for me to get a new press. I was looking at the redding Boss, Big Boss and Big Boss II. What is the difference and how do they compare to the Rockchucker supreme?
  5. zscurlock

    .50 cal press? Load? Trimming?

    Which do you prefer? The only one I can get right now is the Hornady. I am also wondering what do about trimming? I have a giraud for all other calibers. Does bmg brass grow and need to be trimmed every firing? I have 200 pieces of primed brass and wanted to get started. Will I have to size it...
  6. w_rigdon

    CH4D and Lee Press

    Will the CH4D dies for the 375CT work on the Lee Classic Cast Press.
  7. T

    New TX-50 progressive reloading press for 50 BMG

    introduced at the recent NRA Show in Phoenix, AZ May 2009 click link for video, and web page
  8. Dsparil

    Redding T-7 Turret Press (slinky clear tube)

    what is that tube for? does that catch the spent primers that are removed from the brass?
  9. C

    50 bmg press

    What's the best option in a 50 press?
  10. Dsparil

    turret press for precision reloading(Redding)

    is the Redding Press GTG for loading .308 match ammo? I was told it wobbles?
  11. W

    Mounting a Press to table top?

    I am about to mount my new Forster co-ax to a standard countertop, (particle board with a layer of formica I think on top) its the standard 5 ft countertop you can buy at Lowes and or Home depot. I have just built a new reloading area in the basement and need some advice. Is there a...
  12. P

    Poll Which Press to Buy

    I am having a tough time choosing a press. I need help. Which one should I buy. I didnt know how to post a poll. I will be purchasing it around the end of the month. Also, I am loading 6.8 spc and I am having a hard time finding shell plates for the 6.8. I have loaded with a rock chucker in the...
  13. K

    Anybody use a Drill Press to trim cases?

    I'm on the list to get a Giraud but it is looking like up to 6 weeks for shipment. I was wondering if you could get good results using a quality drill press...does anybody use a press with the Forster Power Case Trimmer? Do you get good results? Thanks!
  14. F

    Handy new use for my Drill Press

    I'm running through about 500 once fired .308 brass I just purchased and I've started using my small bench top drill press in my reloading work flow. I started by mounting a .410 shotgun bore brush in the drill's chuck to clean out the inside of the neck after tumbling. I leave the press running...
  15. sharpshooter08

    Press for 338 lapua

    I would like some recomendations for a reloading press on reloading the 338 lapua. Im currently looking into the hornady LNL classic single stage press. any other tips or must need equipment for reloading this caliber is greatly appreciated.
  16. Doc Holiday13

    Progressive Press Review: Hornady LNL AP

    So I got my LNL last week and got to use it this weekend. For people who just want to cut through all the in's and out's. The Press WILL ROCK YOUR FREAKING SOCKS OFF!! Now as with anyone looking to get into reloading. I highly recommend starting with a single stage press, simply because with...
  17. GasLight

    Lee Classic Turret Press Picture Request

    Hello, I am hoping someone that has a Lee Classic Turret Press can take a picture of the underside of one of the removable turret plates for me? Looking to see how hard it would be to modify one of these plates before I commit to buying the press. Any help is greatly appreciated! Dave
  18. The Mechanic


    Just picked up my brand spankin' new Hollywood press with dies quick change shell holders, adapters and all. The .50 will be spittin' hand loads from now on. Picked up powder primers and some A-max's so I am ready to go. Just to let you know how big this thing is that is a 9mm on the left and a...
  19. Opiy

    I am thinking of a new single stage press

    I was looking at Redding for a new single stage press for when I get me a new bolt gun. I was looking at the boss but they also have the Big Boss which is beefier and seems to offer more bells and whistles. Anyone have these and how do you feel about it? There another single stage that just...
  20. D

    Progressive Reloading Press Recommendations

    I am looking to upgrade to a progressive press. Any recommendations on which brand and/or model I should consider and why? I currently have a RCBS Rock Chucker and have used one of the Dillon progressive models (not sure of the model...might have been a 550B) any suggestions, likes or dislikes...