
  1. Dsparil

    OLD CCI BR-2 Primers Versus NEW CCI BR-2 primers

    I have 1,000 of the old BR-2 Primers still ready to go. They are in the white and light blue boxes with the picture of the target with the dark square at the top and an imprinted rifle outline in the middle as opposed to the new primers that are shipped in the dark blue boxes. Is there any...
  2. B

    fed primers in stock

    3-G shooting supply has 39(1000ct) federal large rifle in stock. Also some cci small pistol mag. Go get 'em!
  3. Evilaviator

    Cabele's Backorded Primers Finally Shipped

    Hallelujah the wait is over. 5k Remington 7 1/2 primers on the way. Says they are in stock so I'm guessing they have more in inventory.
  4. M

    210M Primers

    Anyone been getting the Federal Large Rifle Gold Medal Match primers? I've seen CCI, Remington, Wolf and some others but no Federal.
  5. ranger1183

    Primers in Spokane, WA.

    What was the "Sportmen's Warehouse" here in Spokane is now owned by a Canadian outfit and called "Wholesale Sports - Outdoors Unlimited" or something like that. They have somewhere from 50 - 100 cases (1000 primers each) of CCI Large Rifle Magnum primers #250 in stock. $27.99 per case...
  6. Supersubes

    Hangfire problems- RE15 and wolf primers?

    I was testing loads today for a 6.5X47 Lapua. I just received some Wolf small rifle magnum primers and a new lot of Re15. I have never used wolf primers which seem to be highly regarded here. I figured i would test them out at the same time I tested the new Re15. Every few rounds I would have...
  7. D

    Where to get primers? Argh!

    I've been shooting factory ammunition (FGMM) in my .308 for 8 months, saving the empty brass. I have plenty of powder, picked up here and there (Varget and Vihtavuori). I have equipment, either already on hand or easily available. And I cannot find any primers anywhere, for any price. I've been...
  8. D


    Have any of you ever used these primers? How do they compare to the standard fare ( CCI, Federal, Winchester )? Would they be OK to use in an AR ?
  9. C

    Bench Rest Large primers at PV

    They also have CCI large mil primers
  10. M


    Has any one used on 338LM?
  11. N

    Dumping Win - Wolf primers in stock anywhere?

    I'm phucking fed up with Winchester primers piercing and scorching my firing pin, even on mild loads I get a random pierce. Switching to Wolf SR Magnums. Does anyone know of anywhere that has them in stock right now? I'll have about 800 WSR primers available as soon as I can get me some...
  12. Jayne

    Making primers last longer in storage?

    Any tips on making primers last longer in storage? I've got some old primers I bought back in college.... um.... 17 years ago and I've had a few misfires with them recently. I'm not so worried about the old ones at this point but I've stockpiled a number of new primers and want to make sure...
  13. BgBmBoo


    In stock at Midway as of 11:00am PST 7-28-09 Take care,Stan
  14. Todd Heyn

    Does Lake City .223 Brass have crimped primers?

    I am looking at purchasing some once fired .223 brass from Wideners. Here is the link: Once Fired Lake City Brass Just let me know if the brass would have crimed in primers. I have sent them an e-mail but have not yet heard back. Thanks in advance.
  15. Tactical30

    Magtech primers

    I found a bunch of Magtech small rifle primers online so I ordered a bunch. I was wondering why they had so many in stock (or maybe it was just a coincidence that they got them in stock that day) is there something wrong with those primers? Are they shitty primers or did i just luck out and...
  16. RidgeRebel

    Primers inbound!

    Finally got some from Powder Valley. Thanks for the heads up guys. IT's like Christmas!
  17. LoneWolfUSMC

    Midway USA has Federal 210M Large Rifle Primers!

    Get em while they last!
  18. Tactical30

    Primers, ahhhhhhh!

    Does anyone know where to get any small rifle primers in stock ANYWHERE, EVER? Know any websites were they get in stock sometimes here and there? Im new to reloading and just spent like $1,200.00 on brand new reloading equip. and the only goddamn thing I cant get is PRIMERS!
  19. M

    Primers plentiful here again

    Stopped by Capital Sports in Helena today. Picked up 2000 CCI primers. Large rifle, and small rifle. Several thousand more on the shelf. Also picked up a pound of RL17 to check out in the 308 and 30-06 with 208s. Word from the clerk is that the shortage is over.
  20. S

    Primers at Powder Valley Wolf all sizes