
  1. D

    Small Rilfe primers in stock

    Wideners has Wolf Small Rifle Magnum Primers in stock, grab em while they last ETA: w00t, good post for #50
  2. N

    What happened to all the LR Magnum Primers

    Well, it appears the LR Mag primers are now in the same category as 8Lb bottles of Varget and Wolf any size primers. Anybody have any sources that will ship sure appreciate it.
  3. P

    Primers & Powder in Austin, TX - McBrides 4-11-09

    McBrides in Austin just got in cases of Winchester Small Pistol and Large Rifle primers (you can only buy a 1000 per day). They had several 8# jugs of Varget on Thursday (sold out) but they have tons of Varget in 1lb cannisters and lots of othe rtypes of powder. They are light on projectiles...
  4. P

    5000 Standard Winchester LR Primers found

    I found a guy here in the Richmond, VA area that has 5000 WLR primers he is selling for $50/1000. I'd buy them, but I have a pretty large stock of benchrest primers already. Here is a link to his ad.
  5. dar1246

    Pressure with different primers

    I was using H4350 44grs CCI BR2 primers Remmington brass. The was signs of pressure. Had 1 blown primer. Tried Win primers today at 44.3 grs of H4350 with no pressure signs. Would primers make a that much of a difference in pressure and speed?
  6. sniper7mm

    Wolf small rifle primers .223

    Anyone using these? good, bad, so so ?? In these tough times I am looking for some other options.
  7. A

    Federal 205 primers ok for AR 15?

    Just wondering if the Fed 205 primers are ok for AR15's? I will be using them for match loads and plinking loads out of 3 AR's. I thought I remembered reading they were too soft and could cause slam fires. Any thoughts on this? THanks, Alan
  8. LSUbeatUby40

    Who has used SM Mag Pistol Primers in a .223?

    I came across some FGMM Small Magnum primers today and some people said you could use them in .223 loads for bolt, but not AR.. Its fine if you can't cause I can sell them or use them for other things, but just wanted to know?
  9. SSG3K

    210 and 215 primers

    I have 10000 of these combined and have never used them. What are the diffrences between the match primers from federal? Im starting to run low on the 215M and the 210M primers so I might have to start using these now. Thanks Rich
  10. R

    large magnum rifle primers

    can't find large magnum rifle primers anywhere guys! I'm sure that isn't news! wondering if anybody out there would want to swap some large mag rifle primers for some large rifle primers(cci200's). I need 2000 primers to get started on my new 300 winny. Thanks,rookie26 interested...hit me at...

    primers in stock NATCHEZ

    Product Number: WNWLR Product Title: WIN LARGE RIFLE PRIMER 1000/BOX Item Price: $30.68 $25.99 Availability: In Stock Shipping Weight: 1.39 lbs. Large Rifle Primers Limit 5 boxes (1 case or 5,000 primers) per customer FWinchester. Primers priced per thousand. Hazmat shipping...
  12. T

    This place has some primers and powder

    He will take pre orders on primers ask for Tony 1-866-751-2457 Say he has a pile of CCI primers due in next week or so If you pre pay you get to the front of the list He has in stock right BR2 in stips 1000 47.00 CCI 450 1000 47 remington large pistol 2...
  13. U

    HEADS UP!! Primers in NW Louisianna

    Hope its ok to do this. this guy has 20,000 L and S pistol primers
  14. paraman1

    Using Small Pistol in Small Rifle primers place

    Due to the current primer situation I cannot locate any small rifle primers and was wondering if there is any factual evidence of problems associated with swapping out for the small pistol primer . I know in some small case loads they reccomend using the SP primer (.22 Hornet) but this would be...
  15. U

    $30 a brick primers

    What would you do if you made a deal with a man to sell him Federal 215 primers for $30 a thousand and drive to meet him for a FTF deal then he offers you $25?? Like I have a crap load and I was trying to help him out but told him to take his $ and stick it up his ass.
  16. rdinak

    Is it possible to load 9mm with magnum primers?

    I need to load a few thousand 9mm rounds. Problem is, all I have are magnum primers for small pistol. If I use milder loads will it be safe to use the magnum primers? I have both Federal and Winchester Magnum small pistol primers. How much pressure increase might I expect to see using the magnum...
  17. dar1246


    I found someone with primers yesterday. They still have some in stock. CCI BR2 large rifle.
  18. SmokeRolls

    Looking for good deal on powder and primers

    Looking for atleast 8 lb of H 4350 and 2K of Federal 210 M.... May be interested in more if for a good price including shipping cost if thats possible....(To others)Please don't crap in my thread and grab up what I am asking for before I get to it this evening....Remember be nice... I will be to...
  19. A

    Remington 1 1/2 Small Pistol primers

    Anyone here use these in reloading .40? Went to the store today and they had a shipment of primers in so I went nuts and bought some. One of the boxes are "Remington Small pistol 1 1/2". Box says not to use on .40 but I have seen on another forum or 2 where they were used and seem ok. All...
  20. G

    Law on shipping primers

    What's the law when it comes to shipping primers to another individual. I have a buddy that lives out of state they currently has primers in-stock where he lives. Would he be able to legally ship them to me?