rem 700

  1. Bebop

    PRS 1 Manners Elite Tactical stock with ARCA Rail ($1050 Free shipping)

    Manners Elite Tactical PRS 1 Factory Tan MCS- DBM BArricade mini chassis with 14" ARCALOCK rail for short actions rem 700 Barrel Contour – 1.250″ Straight $1050 Free shipping
  2. L

    Rem 700 switch barrel show me what ya got.

    looking to build a switch barrel Rem 700 show me what ya got.
  3. L

    Accessories Manners MCS-TF2A - SOLD

    Manners MCS-TF2A Kimber 8400 Short Action inlet - Adv. Tactical 1, 2, SOC, SRC - badger ERF (NV rail) -Flush cups (left and rear) -Mini Chassis (AI patter mags) -Folding stock -Adj. Cheek riser - molded forest camo I have had this brand new stock for years and never did anything with it. Time...
  4. bhoges

    Rem 700 223 build range report and build update

    A few weeks back my buddy wanted to do a writeup on velocity vs barrel length on a 223 factory rifle. I just happened to have a stock Rem700Vs in 223 with a 26in barrel. We chopped her down to 16.5 inches and recorded all the readings along the way. Well once my rifle was pretty much destroyed I...