rifle scope

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    Rifle Scopes Millett vs Nikko Sterling

    Millett 6-25X56mm LRS-1 Long Range Rifle Scope w/ Illuminated Reticle $455 Nikko Stirling Targetmaster Rifle Scope 30mm Tube 10-50x 60mm Side Focus Illuminated Mil-Dot Reticle $400 Nikko has higher magnification but millet has .1mil adj. This is more a question of brand quality rather then...
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    Rifle Scopes Complete Noob Here :) All advise is muchly appriciated

    Hello everyone, I'm almost done building my first gun ever and it happens to be a ar-15 chambered in the 5.56 NATO. I have hunted all my life and I consider my self an above average marksman however this is the first time I have ever decided to buy something new, I have always shot my Fathers...