• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. EdwardArmsCo

    Photos Just a few pics of the Edward Arms CQB Select Fire Firearm

    One of the perks of being an 07/C2 manufacturer is the ability to make firearms like this. This 7.5 inch beauty boasts mostly Arizona made components from the BCG to the Receivers, Rail System, Barrel, Trigger, Buffer / Tube and I'm sure Im forgetting a few pieces. Sorry , it's dirty in the...
  2. Fatherdeath

    Photos SBR Rebuild

    As of today my last part part came in (my back ordered Aimpoint) Gen 1 Noveske Regstered SBR lower Adams arms ultra light evo upper 1:7 twist melonite Aim point T1 with GGGAZ mount Troy hk front sight USMC Issued KAC 200M-600M micro Magpul acs and grip KNS non rotaiting pins Magpul BAD...
  3. Havoc

    Photos High Temp Cerakote For Suppressor

    I had run my suppressor a little hot on a 7.5" barrel. It of course destroyed the bluing on it, along with my rough use during run and gun drills caused a lot of scratching, nicking, and marring on it. It looked damn ugly actually. So I decided to hit up Hide member Short-busShort-bus to paint...
  4. M

    Suppressors SBR vs Pistol Questions

    I have seen a number of great looking SBR AR-15 uppers for sale recently, both 10" and 14". My question is if I purchase a RRA marked pistol lower and transfer it as a pistol on a 4417 can I purchase a SBR upper and attach it to my pistol lower without any legal issues? I believe the SBR lower...
  5. A

    Something a little different; Noveske Leonidas SBR

    On its way... Well, actually, it's not that simple. The gun pictured is a post-sample Noveske Leonidas 7.62. Noveske is temporarily out of the 7.62 business, and I've been wanting to build an SBR AR10. When I saw the gun pictured for sale on an NFA board (Sturm) I emailed the dealer and...
  6. Captain Moroni

    what maks an SRB a SBR?

    ok I know a bbl under 16" but if the overall leanth is over 26" is it still an SBR? the reason I ask is that if you have a GSG-5p the pistol with the 8" bbl and put a fixed stock on it the OAL is 26.5" that is with out the flash hider so what is the deciding factor?
  7. C

    Finished my SBR!

    Hope it shoots as well as it looks!
  8. ROLEXrifleman

    Suppressors 9mm SBR ?

    1) with a 9" barrel will I need to down load the ammo si it doesnt get super sonic? 2) What loads are people using with a can? 3) Bolt ramping, absolutly goota have it or just cheap insurance? I'm going to be running a 9" TROS barrel
  9. S

    Gunsmithing AR-15 SBR build

    I'm in the process of building my first AR. I have a stripped lower and just purchased a Noveske 7.5" upper from a follow hider. I have also ordered a ACE ARFX-E stock with kit and lower parts kit from CMMG (not sure when I will be getting those). I have searched the internet and can't find any...
  10. Superjet06

    Photos RRA SBR

    Heres my newest build! Bushmaster upper: 11.5" HBAR, 1x7 twist RRA lower & stock, Stag LPK Aimpoint CompC3 2moa Tac 16 Suppressor
  11. Mr.Mildots

    Suppressors How long is your SBR taking?

    I sent in my Form 1 back in January. DOJ cashed the check within 2 weeks. Now it's been almost 4 months and nothing has come back. Anyone else in the same boat? I remember these usually took about 1 month and I know there's a lot more of us doing these with the current political climate, but 4...
  12. T

    SBR's... minor question

    alright i tried searching sbr's and all i got was a few sales, so i figured i would ask my question to the masses. here goes..... If I were to register a lower as an SBR, say an AR10 with a 10.5 inch barrel, would it be legal for me to swap uppers for a longer barrel like a 20 incher if i wanted...
  13. Captain Moroni

    Suppressors The right way to get an SBR

    So what is the procedure to build an SBR if I buy an AR lower then what? (I know form 1) if I wanted to get a 3 shot burst trigger would it have to be made before 86'? Fill me in on all the in and outs Thanks Tucker I thought of another question if I buy a lower from brand x and its serial...
  14. rweldon

    How to get paperwork started for a SBR AR-15.

    I just bought a new Colt 6920. I want to put a new Colt 10" Commando upper on it. I know that's not legal without having the proper paperwork completed and having the tax stamp paid for...so where do I start?
  15. F

    ? regarding "SBR" on my receiver

    I plan on purchasing a SBR upper next month and want to put it on one of my current lowers. I've been told all I need to do is take my lower to my Class III dealer, fill out the paper work using the serial # off my lower and send the paper work a long with the needed copies of my Trust and the...
  16. ds

    Czech AR15 SBR

    I wanted a new toy for my range. I have stayed away from an AR15 in the past – all monkey metal and plastic, well it is true but on the other hand it is also like meccano for big kids – build it the way you want. I decided I wanted a short barrel, in this case 10.5” and it may as well be piston...
  17. skinney_7

    Suppressors SBR can.

    got a few SBR's i'm workin on, 9mm cal. all have barrels that recede below the quad, so when the suppressor is attached it won't stick out as far, any suggestions on a really good 9mm SBR can?
  18. 81sfo

    Another SBR question?

    I have a question, i bought an sbr upper thats 6.8spc,my question is if i have to have a lower marked 6.8spc too?The lower reciever im planning on using is a new rra 556/223 will this mess up the paper work on form4?Do i need to get a reciver marked for 6.8spc or can the 556 one work as far as...
  19. HOOFER

    Suppressors SBR QUESTION

    hey all got a quick question, im looking into buyin a 10 or 14 inch upper for my m4, now i know that i can buy it now, but when its attached to the rifle it needs to be registered as an sbr, that is the same process as a can except that its a form 3 correct, can someone help explain the...