
  1. FNuser

    Photos pacific scale

    Pacific scale w oil resevoir
  2. M

    Best balance type scale

    Are their any scales more accurate than 1/10 grain? Is there one that has a more precise way of reading it then looking at a pointer pointing to some hash marks? What is the best one available? (Without spending the cost of a new rifle)
  3. A

    Electronic scale choices...

    Hi guys, Just set myself up with a Hornady LNL press and all the goodies to load 308WIN. Now all I have left to buy is a set of good quality electronic scales.. what a choice! I have been looking around at the various different scales RCBS, Lyman, Hornady etc. The thing that I do not like...
  4. T

    Need help zeroing my lyman 500 beam scale

    I know this is not rocket science so maybe my scale is defective or I'm just doing something wrong. Here is what the kit came with. It has a silver tray, copper colored try, and a weight that does not indicate what weight it is??? So I put on he copper colored tray per instructions and have both...
  5. Dsparil

    most accurate scale for reloading match ammo

    would the chargemaster combo be the most accurate or is there something more accurate out there?
  6. N


    looking for some thoughts on this scale
  7. LoneWolfUSMC

    RCBS Scale Drifting?

    I have a RCBS Rangemaster 750 scale. It's worked great up till now but I realized yesterday that after 5-10 minutes it would drift by about 0.2gr. I had to bust out my Lee Balance Scale to check my charges. I changed the battery and it still off. Anyone else have this problem? I have not...