
  1. C

    Old Lyman Spar-T, ok for seating?

    Gents, do any of you have any experience with the old Lyman Spar-T presses? I have one that's been stored for many years but I've been thinking about dusting it off strictly for bullet seating. I'm just not sure what kind of runout it will give me. I still plan to use my RockChucker for...
  2. H5N1

    Seating Question

    I'm trying to work on a Berger 95gr.vld in .243. I'm loading 41.5gr.IMR 4350. I've also seated this batch .005 into the lands and some on the lands. The manual I have shows this is max load.I've never had to seat into the lands before. Is it still safe seated this way at? Thanks for your help,
  3. P

    seating bullet = large bulge below shoulder

    I always feel stupid asking your pros for help, but I gotta learn somehow... I have reloaded 9mm, .223, .22-250 and everything has gone bang just fine. Fast forward to my first attempt at reloading .308 Using Lee dies and my foster co-ax, I made 20 rounds. All brass (once fired FGMM) was...