
  1. Lowlight

    Possible Sniper's Hide Spec Built Caliber Choices

    Okay, we talked about this briefly but things are starting to move forward and I wanted to check a few things out before getting too involved in the build specs. The Sniper's Hide M2009 build will be loosely based off the Gladius which was an 18.5" 308 rifle that George spun together for me...
  2. Mumbles

    Rifle Scopes Super Sniper Variable Power This is news to me. Is this news to anyone else, or am I behind the times? I searched but didn't come up with anything.
  3. Bushmaster7

    Photos 60 Kill WWII Sniper Patch

    Here is the 60 confirmed kill WWII German Sniper patch I mentioned in my reply regarding the authenticity of my patch. This came direct off of the Caracci Militaria webpage. I know him and he is a recognized expert. As you can see, this is one in good condition like mine, not cut from a uniform...
  4. Bushmaster7

    Photos WWII Sniper Patch

    After many years of looking, I managed to find an authentic WWII German Sniper Patch. You may recognize this as Lowlight's Avatar image. These are among the rarest of all insignia from WWII and were awarded but generally never worn on uniforms due to the fact that anyone captured wearing one of...
  5. tacmt

    LE Sniper School, Oct 2009

    The Virginia Beach, VA Police Department will be hosting the Hathcock Law Enforcement Sniper School at the US Training Center in Moyock, NC. from October 19 - 29, 2009. Those attending must be full time paid sworn law enforcement officers. The tuition is $1050.00 per person. For additional...
  6. H

    Photos my multicam sniper suit

    This suit was made from a TruSpec base. It has Duro Nylon Multicam covering The entire front of the top,and right where you need it on the pants... with built in Knee, elbow, and kidney pads.It also offers a shoulder pad up in the right shoulder made of a softer foam for reducing recoil effects...
  7. B

    sniper observational skills

    so whats that rifle at the feet of the AI rep in the military channel ultimate weapons broadcast when talking about the ice grooves in the awsm bolt ?
  8. Steelhead

    6mm a viable "sniper" round?

    Maybe this has been discussed already, but I could not find anything on it. I've been thinking about having one of these new 6mm's built and then I got to thinking about whether or not they would make a viable "sniper" round. And by that I mean that they would do everything that a .308 is...
  9. G

    Police sniper training at Ft Benning?

    Does anyone out there know if Ft. Benning Does any civilian law enforcement sniper training?
  10. M


    TO ALL : READE RANGE SNIPER CHALLENGE WHEN : Aug. 1 & 2 , 2009 WHERE : Reade Range - START TIME : Be on range by 7:30 for 8;00 AM start ENTRY FEE : $75.00 MONEY ORDERS ONLY - No personal checks SEND TO : Mike Rodich 762 Sizerville Rd. Emporium, Pa . 15834 ROUND COUNT : 150...
  11. N

    Fieldcraft At what distance are military sniper shots taken?

    There is a lot of info on the average distance of shots taken by law enforcement snipers. I was very surprised to see the average as short as 77 yards, but it does make sense knowing that they try and get as close as they can. At what distance are most military sniper shots taken? I've done...
  12. desertratdad


    RESULTS VISIT: UPDATED Aug 20, 2009: To all people who have been interested in Utah Shootouts competitions and long distance training: BIG CHANGE !!!!!! We will still have a two day shooting match, BUT, sorry to announce that our Western Regional Sniper Shootout does...
  13. J

    Sniper's Hide "Gladius" Limited Edition M2009

    What are the chances of a Gladius build for 2009/2010 ?
  14. ChadTRG42

    Tiger Valley- Team Sniper Match- September 19 & 20

    I'm in! Tiger Valley's posted info: Team Sniper Match - September 19 & 20 Tiger Valley has just announced the details our September team sniper match. The match will include a prize table. If you are interested in helping promote your business and support the shooting sports, please give...
  15. JoeMartin

    Sniper's Hide - Rimfire Forum - A#1

    Just want to compliment Sniper's Hide on a great job of making the Rimfire Forum here one of the best I've ever seen! It's packed full of good information and knowledgeable folks. I especially enjoy the long range .22LR posts. Long Range .22LR is a great game to pursue, and the tactical...
  16. T

    Counter Sniper Scopes

    Would appreciate any info about the Counter Sniper brand of scopes.Quality,performance,etc.
  17. Victor Co Heather

    The original "sniper" of SH...

    Hey LL- What happened to the sniper pic that was the logo of SH? You took it down about a year ago... it was so f-ing slick, bring it back! TIA!
  18. A

    In-Service Advanced Sniper School Montana

    September 7 - 11, 2009 Sorry, but this school curriculum is Restricted LE/Mil Certified Sniper Only. The Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office and Augustis Ranch Inc. in cooperation with Crosshairs Inc. will be conducting a weeklong simulator based in-service advanced police sniper school. This...
  19. M

    Sniper and Carbine Course Dates Updated

    Strategic Consulting Training Group in Alabama has updated its classes for June.
  20. D

    Sniper Golf: Comp Idea

    I've just been playing around with this idea for awhile in my head because I think it could potentially be a really great way to get outside, have fun and shoot. This doesn't involve golf balls or using them as targets which is what I understand sniper golf to be as it's known here on the hide...