• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. P

    Rifle Scopes Steyr 96 Picatinny?

    G'day all, Does anyone in the USA make a picatinny rail for the Steyr ssg 69 that clams to the existing dove tail? Thanks Frank
  2. Dogtown

    .460 Steyr

    Anyone have experience with this cartridge? It appears to be a necked down .50BMG and Lehigh makes solids for it, but other than that components seem few and far between, let alone rifles chambered for it. As usual, CH4D will make dies for it, but that's about it. Just curious...
  3. D

    460 steyr dies

    hi Does anyone know who/where to get dies for the steyr 460 Cheers
  4. W

    Steyr SBS opinions please

    I have a fellow wanting to trade me a LNIB Steyr SBS stainless 308. Has two stocks along with the rifle. Walnut and Syn. I don't know jack about Steyr so inform me please. I know they're a quality rifle but don't know anything else about them. Thanks
  5. D

    any info/ links on the 460 steyr please

    does any one have info on the 460 steyr i see rcbs is doing dies but thats about all i know , there is one US company selling ammo but no balistic data, is the bullet .458 dia? cheers
  6. malaga2

    Photos Steyr SSG McMillan

    Here are two... one SSG P2K and one PII that has been cut to 21"...
  7. P

    Rifle Scopes Steyr SSG 30mm Ring Height

    A question for SSG owners, I decided to mount a Falcon Menance 7.5-50 on my SSG PIIK. My 30mm rings appear to be high. Will I have enough clearance for the 50mm obj.Post pics if you can. Thanks to all.
  8. cybersniper

    New STEYR SSG08 COBRA scoop

    hello: I could tell you how nice it shoots, or the groups it prints BUT NO I will show you the only sniper rifle I have, that I can place in one of my library´s shelves. Even with the big SN3 the rifle is so compact and beautiful that I can´t avoid leaving it there close to me so i can take a...
  9. S

    Suppressors Steyr M A1

    Anyone own one of these.How would you rate this compared to the other plastic pistols? Steve
  10. D

    Gunsmithing 1890 Steyr questions

    I have a friends 1890 steyr that I want to fix up for him. I wanted to know the best way to recondition the wood stock back to the original look and feel as of right now its fairly dull from all the dirt and grim over the years that embedded into the wood. Also, I was courious if there is...
  11. M

    Gunsmithing Steyr Action/ New Stock

    Ok, just to clarify I don't know jack about gunsmithing, really. So, having said that, I have a few questions. Could I have a gunsmith take a Steyr SSG04 barreled action and put it in a say MCM A5 or something, with different bottom metal, like a badger M5 or something like that?? Just used...
  12. M

    Steyr SSG04 Stock Question???

    Any one know of different stock offerings for the stock Steyr SSG04 barreled action? Love the action, HATE, HATE the stock. Any input would be great. Thanks alot. Jeremy
  13. T

    Rifle Scopes steyr ssg 34 mm scope rings

    Hi, Are there 34 mm scope rings for the Steyr SSG PII? I called Steyr USA. There are no Steyr factory 34 mm scope rings. They referred me to ARMS in Massachusetts. The ARMS person told me that their 34 mm scope rings cannot be mounted on the SSG. Is there any other place I can look? Thanks,
  14. R

    What works best with the Steyr SSG 69 P1 ?

    What loads works best with the old SSG 69 P1 ? Thanks 155 Scenars 168's ? etc...
  15. G

    Steyr SSG scope rings

    Although I live in a rural area, a local gun dealer and gun smith have both told me that the only rings that I can get are the factory 1 inch rings I currently have. They both said the mounting system is "special". Any help on 30mm rings for they gun would be appreciated. The gunsmith wanted...
  16. cybersniper

    Rifle Scopes answering question about Steyr SSG and USO

    I have received some questions about my Steyr SSG69 PII prototype and about my picatinny mount and USO SN3 The rifle was modified by me to try to solve the few ergonomic problems that the old SSG69 has, and find out if a new SSG69-A1 model was viable. I wanted to convince Oliver Bauer from...
  17. M

    Photos Steyr SSG04

    My SSG04!!! Awaiting new glass....