• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

    See the winner


  1. Twisted

    Shot 600 yards for the first time tonight....

    I'm actually a little impressed with myself. Out of the 20 rounds I fired at a 6" X I had: 7 - X hits (one of which was dead on tits center) 10 - 10 rings 2 - 9 rings 1 - 8 ring Not too shabby for my first time out at 600 yards. With my current loads I am about 19.5 MOA of drop at 600 yards.
  2. OUVarmintHunter

    Movie Theater Old Time Cartoons... Here's one...

    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fHmKl0cAV7U"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fHmKl0cAV7U" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">...
  3. lordt313

    Advice on 1st time equipment

    I am getting ready to purchase reloading equipment because I can no longer aford factory ammo, I will be reloading one rifle in .308 and eventually want to make precision loads. i am just looking for some suggestions as far as a press, dies etc.. Thanks Taylor
  4. BgBmBoo

    First time out with reloads....crappy results

    Ok...so I made up 30rds for my .223 (Tikka T3) today. These are the very first hand loads I have ever made. The results are rather sorry. To say I am disappointed is putting it mildly. Here is a pic. The first group was about what I shoot with quality factory ammo. After that it all went to...
  5. P

    Rifle Scopes Leupold service turn-around time?

    I sent my Leupold Vari-X III 6.5-20x40 EFR in to Leupold for repair. The elevation adjustment is messed up. It would only go down about halfway, then the crosshairs stopped moving although the knob still turned and clicked. Fed-Ex shows it has been delivered and signed for. About how long do...
  6. H

    First Time Tactical Rifle competitor needs help

    Hi Guys, I have shot IPSC/IDPA for several years but never a rifle match. Can you tell me what type of shooting is done in these matches like prone, sitting ,offhand. What equipment I will need. Type of practice, type of targets etc.. just any and all info you can give on these type of matches...
  7. deersniper

    GAP wait time?

    Anyone know what the current wait is? I ordered a barreled action about 3 weeks ago. Was quoted a little less than 4-6 weeks. Waiting is the worst part. -dan
  8. Twisted

    First time stretching the legs a bit, pics...

    Not sure where to post this or if it is ok but just wanted to share. I'm just getting into this long distance accuracy thing so I'm still learning a lot. This was my first trip to see how the rifle works past 100 yards. Was such a nice day that I took my rifle and gear to work so I could hit...
  9. barenger

    Is a Savage Worth the time to customize

    is a savage worth my time to semi custom (10 fp w/manner t4)? i need a practice gun.or do i shoot the hell out of my mill-spec guns and re-barrel.
  10. gunman_7

    Maggie’s Thunderstorm Time Lapse - Very cool video

  11. B

    Rifle Scopes Frustrated with wait time on USO!!

    Ordered my first USO scope on Dec 15th. I was told that it would be only about 8 wks to build - no problem. It's just now 12 wks and I still have no scope. Emailed Jeff Fertal back on Feb 25th and was told scope would be ready in about a week, see attached email: Hello Jeff, Your scope...
  12. H

    Maggie’s What time is it?

  13. J

    Photos My friend Carmen's first time shooting the Barrett

    My friend Carmen came over and we had a little fun at the range with the 82A1. She had a blast and will be shooting it more for sure!
  14. J

    Range Report First time at 300yd

    I know there is another thread here about the same topic, but I didn't want to hijack the OP's thread, so started my own. Here's the setup: Novice 308 shooter (me), prone shooting off bipod and small rear bag, 300 yd confirmed by Leica CRF 1200, 50* F, 3-5mph wind from 7:00, near sundown with...
  15. Phylodog

    Stupid question time - Neck sizing

    I'm getting started loading for my .223AI. I'm new to neck sizing and was wondering about lube. I use imperial sizing wax when bumping the shoulder on my .308 brass, should I be using it on the necks of the .223? I tried a couple dry and they seem to size easily without anything on them but I...
  16. Evilaviator

    Cheap Trigger Time

    Question for you guys. Hope this is in the correct forum. I am just about done with my custom built .308 for F-Class competition. I am thinking about purchasing a CZ452 Varmant .22LR to get some cheap trigger time.. I have read that shooting a .22LR at 200yds is pretty close to shooting a .308...
  17. jacq220

    Gunsmithing First time Styple/Duracoat

    As the title says, first time to styple a grip and first time using duracoat. Color in the photos did not come out so good, but i used olive drab and it looks really really good. Thanks to the hide for giving me some confidence to try this, and to Phlydog for lending me his sprayer and...
  18. bohem

    Advice on loading VLD's for the first time

    I just got in some "sample" bullets from JLK "Swampworks" and I've never loaded a VLD before. Right now they're going in a 30-06 My current pet load is topped with a 178 Amax and I seat them to contact the rifling upon bolt closure. I got some of the 175 VLD and 180 VLD with Long Boat Tail...
  19. Super Bee 950

    Hunting & Fishing My first time ever hunting coyote experience.

    First a little background. I havent hunted anything on 4 legs ever. I did some dove hunting about 20 years ago, but thats it for experience going into this. I decided to try hunting Coyote after a camping trip with my son. We heard them calling and I thought it would be a real challenge to hunt...
  20. Twisted

    Rifle Scopes Time to upgrade optics, some questions...

    So I recently built my first precision rig (Rem 700 in .308) and I put a Bushnll Elite 3200 5x15x40 on it. I honestly like the scope and for the money it is hard to beat. Well, a few weeks ago I took a precision shooting class with a very knowledgeable instructor. He was commenting how the big...