• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. ammolytics

    Rifle Brass Sorting Experiment - Part One

    Hey everyone! I published the first part of an ongoing experiment which explores the relationship between the weight and volume of rifle brass. https://blog.ammolytics.com/2020-01-08/brass-sorting-part-one.html The results were pretty interesting, and I was surprised by a few of the findings...
  2. The Rat 71505

    bullet Weight for a DPMS Lite Hunter .243 20" 1-10

    Just bought a new DPMS Lite Hunter .243 with a 20" 1-10 twist barrel. I haven't shot the gun yet. Just wondering what you guys think about bullets for it. Looking to hunt coyotes and deer, how heavy/light of a bullet can I shoot out of it accurately? Thanks!
  3. E

    TRG,,, what weight bullets?

    Those that reload for their TRG 22, what weight of bullets does the rifle seem to prefer? do you change to a different bullet for different distances? (X upto 500 yards, Y beyond 500) Thanks
  4. H

    Chargemaster needs minimum weight for auto disp?

    I have been using a plastic Lyman funnel pan on my Chargemaster and noticed last night that the auto dispense wasn't working. I pulled out the stock metal pan and noticed it weighed more than double what the plastic pan did. When I used the metal pan, the auto dispense works fine. The plastic...
  5. B

    Rifle Scopes How likely is a Nightforce 1-8x & what weight?

    Been trying to get an optic solution that 1-4x may work for others but I need more power. In researching the NF 2.5-10x both, somebody mentioned this fall a 1-8 is coming out which would be perfect for me if it had decent eye relief, good field of view, and didn't weigh a ton. How likely is...
  6. flims

    accepted bullet weight variance

    Can anyone point out what is an acceptable bullet weight variance for 30cal bullets to be used for 1000yards? lets say +/-0.5 grain difference over 20 weighed bullets, would that be acceptable? Does this margin of error increase as you use heavier bullets such as the 250scenars for the 338? eg...
  7. R

    Rntobey: weight sorting brass

    Just wondering how everyone weight sorts there brass. I have heard of some weight sorting before resizing & trimming. Others have told me to sort after resizing & trimming. Also, how much weight variance is acceptable per batch.
  8. K

    Lapua 308 brass weight distribution (pic)

    I just picked up 400 new Lapua 308 cases and decided to kill some time. I sorted them on my digital scale that measures to .0001 grams. I sorted them in .002 gram increments. The lightest weight starting in the top right of the pic and going left, then from bottom right to the left, ending...
  9. Captain Moroni

    Gunsmithing AR buffer weight???

    OK I need to slow down my bolt on my AR. I have a jard trigger and the disconector doesnt disconect when I have my suppressor on it the guy at jard said heavier buffer spring, heavier buffer and heavier disconect spring. My question is can I make my buffer to heavy? if I remove the rubber...
  10. V

    Trigger Pull Weight, TRG22

    Sorry for another question regarding the TRG 22. Does anyone know the recommended pull weight for the first stage of the trigger. I tested the weight of the second stage and is at 3 lbs. The manual advises how to adjust but does not mention anything regarding recommended weight of 1st stage in...
  11. André

    Weight of your AICS outfit ?

    Having bolted on most available accessories on my AICS Rem 700 in .308 Win, I found it got heavy. Then I weighted it and the scale read 15.9 lbs How much weights yours ?
  12. L

    Wich bullet weight 300WM?

    Hi guys, I have seen this question another thread so sorry to repeat it but the answers werent that clear. I live in South-Africa so our choices in rifles arent that great, sort of take what you get. I've just recieved my 300Winny Remington Sendero SFII with a 1:10twist 26inch barrel...
  13. superde

    Weight of AICS sa?

    Anyone know off hand what they weigh?
  14. B

    Building a lighter weight precision rifle in 308

    Hey, I'm new here, I was told to list a bunch of stocks for sale (PSS), but found that this site is pretty cool in the process! While I'm here, I might as well bounce a question off you knowledgable folks. I'm pondering an inexpensive 700 based build as a lightweight "fieldable" rifle...
  15. Victor Co Heather

    155 grain Lapua Scenars actual weight???

    I just put 20 155 grain Lapua Scenar on my scales (one electronic/one manual) and found that they ranged in weight from 154.1 grains-154.5 grains. NOT ONE WAS 155 GRAINS FROM 5 DIFFERENT BOXES! Is this normal for Lapua? (my SMK almost always come out at the exact weight specified... the...
  16. ker2222

    Gunsmithing lkng for old post: Add weight + pad to HS Stock

    My googlefu and search skills must grow weak. There was a long post one time of a member who did a tutorial with lots of pics on how to cut off the old recoil pad, add weight and install a new recoil pad on an H&S precision stock... anyone have any idea of who it was or something I could...
  17. ker2222

    weight differences: Manners vs McMillan

    I know this goes against the goals of many.....but I am actually looking for a heavy stock....especially in the butt ( ) If going with their heaviest fill and putting an integral adjustable cheekpiece on each......is there much of a difference between a McmIllan A-5 and Manners T4
  18. C

    Black Hills 308 match powder and charge weight?

    Anyone know what powder and charge weight Black Hills uses in their 308 win 168gr match rounds? My rifle likes this load but I want to load it myself. Someone help me figure this out please. Thanks
  19. R

    Rock M24/M40 barrel weight

    Can anyone tell me their Rock M24/M40 30 cal. finished barrel weight (without flutes) at 22" long? 24"?
  20. C

    Gunsmithing A 4 Weight?

    Guys, would anyone know what an A 4 standard fill with saddle cheekpiece would weigh? Thanks.