✪ ✪ ✪ Counter-Narrative Thread - Truth and Better Ideas - Deprogramming the Left ✪ ✪ ✪

It might be worth trying to organize this by specific topic of what you're providing a counter-narrative for, including a bit of detail on the narrative being countered that's more than the common straw-man. The way this is shaping up it reads more like specific links and resources to make points already popular with the right and less like anything that would deconstruct arguments from the left in a way that makes the right more appealing. Seems unlikely that you'll find clever tactics in this framework, but I can see how it's a resource for the already converted.
Yes, I hear what you're saying... Gathering info and resources, maybe link to the posts in the OP.

There's plenty of ammo here, just need to argue it effectively.

Understanding of course, you'll never convert a zealot, but the low information people are the targets. Of which I believe there are many.
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Thomas Sowell...

this alone should redpill 99% on the idiocracy of the democrat party, but it doesn't.

deprogramming takes time drills are faster safer and way more reliable only a couple extra holes you will get them swearing they were talking rabbits if they can still talk
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Everything the left offers is based on avoiding personal responsibility and/or getting free stuff.
66% of the entire federal budget goes to entitlement spending, all created by democrats, because they're terrified of living life disconnected from the government sugar teat.
The last republican mayor of Chicago left office in 1931, so after nearly 100 years of uninterrupted democrat control Chicago must be the shining example of democrat success.

The old saying is democrats are for the poor, republicans for the rich.
The hidden implication of that saying is democrats have a vested interest in maintaning and expanding the poverty class, lest they lose their constituency. It's the only thing they've successfully done.