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🚨Aussie babies die after being denied emergency medical transport by govt. ATTN: OUR AUSSIE MEMBERS

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member
    What did the statist motherfuckers in Australia's government call the protesting construction workers just the other day? "Far right antivaxxers", and "man baby Nazis", or some shit like that?

    How about we respond with "BABY KILLERS"? Because that is exactly what they are.

    FOUR infants from the Adelaide region in a four week period last year died from preventable heart conditions because they were forbidden from being flighted to a hospital in Victoria which had the facilities needed to treat these children. The travel restrictions are part of Australia's "COVID zero" policy, which forbade ANY movement of people between state borders for ANY reason. Even emergency medical situations are denied.

    And it is STILL happening. A mother in New South Wales with a baby who is suffering from a cyst was denied entry into Queensland for a lifesaving MRI scan.

    Another result of the "COVID zero" policy which had effectively turned the entire continent into a maximum security prison. EXCEPT... Even in a maximum security prison, inmates are still given access to medical care and are routinely transported out to hospitals for emergency procedures. This is more akin to the Soviet policies of genocide against the kulaks in Ukraine during the 1930s, which eventually led to the deaths of 3 million Ukrainians.

    What we are seeing here is pure unfettered malice and evil.

    PAGING OUR AUSSIE MEMBERS: Has this news been circulating amongst the protestors? These incidents happened over the course of some time so there is a possibility that they have been memory-holed by local state run media. The people out there fighting in the streets MUST get this circulating again. They need to use VPNs and sock accounts and flood social media streams as well as the tweets from these government parasites with the articles about these infant deaths. Every time these parasites sqwawk about the protests, FLOOD their streams with constant reminders that these fuckers have deliberately murdered infants for the sake of their power trips. Justice for these dead children and the children right now who are still being denied emergency medical transport must enter the common discourse down there too. Make this shit viral ASAP.
    FOUR infants from the Adelaide region in a four week period last year died from preventable heart conditions because they were forbidden from being flighted to a hospital in Victoria which had the facilities needed to treat these children.

    The premise of your assertion is incorrect.
    Sydney was an option. Refer to paragraph 5 of the independent inquiry I’ve included below:


    Likewise, there’s treatment for the NSW case you raised, albeit further away.

    Comparing Covid lock down to a genocide is laughable.

    If you want something that’s actually grounded in reality to be outraged about, I suggest you read about the current plight of the Uyghurs in China - that is a genocide.

    All the best.
    The premise of your assertion is incorrect.
    Sydney was an option. Refer to paragraph 5 of the independent inquiry I’ve included below:

    View attachment 7708492
    Likewise, there’s treatment for the NSW case you raised, albeit further away.

    Comparing Covid lock down to a genocide is laughable.

    If you want something that’s actually grounded in reality to be outraged about, I suggest you read about the current plight of the Uyghurs in China - that is a genocide.

    All the best.
    Are you retarded? Sounds like CNN fact checkers or .gov “we investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty “
    Where are names and credentials of the people who made this independent inquiry?

    Why only include paragraph 5?

    5.2 seems to contradict itself, The COVID19 pandemic didn't have any effect. The hospital they needed, they could not get to because of COVID restrictions.

    5.3- If the care they were receiving was adequate. Why did they want to transfer them?

    "Children's Hospital Westmead was availble and consulted about the management for all the babies."

    And what were Westmead's recommendations?
    Where are names and credentials of the people who made this independent inquiry?

    Why only include paragraph 5?

    5.2 seems to contradict itself, The COVID19 pandemic didn't have any effect. The hospital they needed, they could not get to because of COVID restrictions.

    5.3- If the care they were receiving was adequate. Why did they want to transfer them?

    "Children's Hospital Westmead was availble and consulted about the management for all the babies."

    And what were Westmead's recommendations?

    This right here... It does not explain why the most recent baby who is suffering from a cyst is currently being denied entry into Queensland for MRI either...

    Governments do not like their legitimacy and power sapped from them. They will do ANYTHING to project a sense of credibility. "Investigating ourselves" is one tactic that is quickly getting old. If I had a loved one who went through one of the incidents I listed above and the government said "we will launch an internal inquiry", I'd be like "nah, fam, don't even bother... And do make sure to watch the shadows when you go out at night. Wouldn't want you to trip and crack yer' head open on an unseen pavement seam, ight?"
    Americans are accustomed to the american medical system where you can essentially shop around and find the best care, regardless of any factor other than ability to pay.

    Have cancer? Go to MD Anderson. Don't live in Texas? No problem.

    "Single payer" (nationalized) health care systems as employed in other countries do not work this way. Triage systems require patients to wait weeks to months for life saving medical care. And, as seen in the example above, patients may not have the ability to shop facilities. Death due to lack of routine medical care is a real thing in "first world" countries across the globe.

    Health care in the US is not perfect, but it is pretty good given the comparables. Woe be unto us if we all had to accept the VA as the standard of treatment.
    That is sick as fuck, and there is no other way to put it.

    With all the crap that is going on down under, this really isn't surprising.

    I am sure all the Aussies are glad they gave back their weapons to keep everyone safe...

    Firearms are just a tool, like anything else. A determined and resourceful individual can fuck shit up even without the use of 'weapons'.

    The surrendering of personally owned guns by a population is merely a symptom of a much larger and virulent disease. It shows a population that is completely lacking in self preservation mentality. You can leave entire boxcars of rifles and ammo in "pacifist" hippie communities and these motherfuckers still will not use them even if their lives depended on it. They simply lack the will to protect their own lives, and they had been so brainwashed by the "only right wing imperialists use guns to subjugate POC" narrative that they view themselves as being the "morally superior" crowd by rendering themselves defenseless in the face of violent crime and tyranny. Even when their family members are being raped and murdered in front of them, they will claim themselves as being "morally superior" to their assailants. THAT is how fucked up some of these people are. And God forbid you show up with a gun and save them. They will turn on YOU, and rat YOU out to the authorities after the smoke clears. No amount of readily available guns and ammo can make such a population turn into resistance fighters.

    Redpilling has been the most effective solution so far. This year, NUMEROUS individuals in the UK and Australia have posted on gun and shooting forums APOLOGIZING for disrespecting American gun owners in the past, and realizing why gun ownership is so fundamental to us. This is the worst thing for the fuckers in charge. This is why they are blacking out, or rather, trying to black out livestreaming from the protest hot zones.

    Do NOT let them. Use HAM radios, dark web, anything to keep the signal going.
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    Unable to fan the flames of conspiracy theory in US, trying to reach out to similarly deluded fucktards, in Australia?
    I guess everyone needs a hobby.
    I quoted this to see how it ages in the next 6 months to a year.
    If you can't see the travesty happening in real time I pity you.

    I quoted this to see how it ages in the next 6 months to a year.
    If you can't see the travesty happening in real time I pity you.



    How I wish "conspiracy theories" had remained just "conspiracy theories"... So I can spend my day off making fun of peoples' milsim loadouts and bitching about folks using the wrong types of powder in their cap and ball revolvers instead of infants suffering and dying horrific deaths due to deliberate malice and indifference by tyrants. But no. Here we are.

    How I wish "conspiracy theories" had remained just "conspiracy theories"... So I can spend my day off making fun of peoples' milsim loadouts and bitching about folks using the wrong types of powder in their cap and ball revolvers instead of infants suffering and dying horrific deaths due to deliberate malice and indifference by tyrants. But no. Here we are.
    Reminds me of the infant in the U.K. They wouldn't allow travel to the US for life saving
    medical attention.
    The barristers/magistrates debated that kid to death.
    Better to have him die than have the NHS look bad.


    How I wish "conspiracy theories" had remained just "conspiracy theories"... So I can spend my day off making fun of peoples' milsim loadouts and bitching about folks using the wrong types of powder in their cap and ball revolvers instead of infants suffering and dying horrific deaths due to deliberate malice and indifference by tyrants. But no. Here we are.
    Every step of the way since late 2019 people have called me crazy, a wack job, conspiracy theorist, and a flat earther. Funny how everything I warned would happen, did. I get tired of saying “Iiiiiii warned you” or “I told you so”.
    Firearms are just a tool, like anything else. A determined and resourceful individual can fuck shit up even without the use of 'weapons'.

    The surrendering of personally owned guns by a population is merely a symptom of a much larger and virulent disease. It shows a population that is completely lacking in self preservation mentality. You can leave entire boxcars of rifles and ammo in "pacifist" hippie communities and these motherfuckers still will not use them even if their lives depended on it. They simply lack the will to protect their own lives, and they had been so brainwashed by the "only right wing imperialists use guns to subjugate POC" narrative that they view themselves as being the "morally superior" crowd by rendering themselves defenseless in the face of violent crime and tyranny. Even when their family members are being raped and murdered in front of them, they will claim themselves as being "morally superior" to their assailants. THAT is how fucked up some of these people are. And God forbid you show up with a gun and save them. They will turn on YOU, and rat YOU out to the authorities after the smoke clears. No amount of readily available guns and ammo can make such a population turn into resistance fighters.

    Redpilling has been the most effective solution so far. This year, NUMEROUS individuals in the UK and Australia have posted on gun and shooting forums APOLOGIZING for disrespecting American gun owners in the past, and realizing why gun ownership is so fundamental to us. This is the worst thing for the fuckers in charge. This is why they are blacking out, or rather, trying to black out livestreaming from the protest hot zones.

    Do NOT let them. Use HAM radios, dark web, anything to keep the signal going.


    Hopefully they can un-fuck this and get things back to normal. People here in the US need to be paying attention and take notes.

    Hopefully they can un-fuck this and get things back to normal. People here in the US need to be paying attention and take notes.
    Personally the patriots need to physically remove the current govnt from power, jail them, remove the illegals, send em back, put patriots into power and slam in term limits for congress. Install extra checks and balances that ensures individual rights, freedom and liberty are never threatened again. Pull all of our military from around the world and place them at our borders and coasts
    BUMP for our Aussie crew, because the "new" Australian government is yet again trying gun ban bullshit.

    Dear Australian gov't:
    Guns did not kill these four infants who had been intentionally and with full malice, denied lifesaving care.

    Guns did not kill the many others who died under similar circumstances because you motherfuckers were playing "public health terror theater" political games.

    Guns did not harm the livelihoods of the millions who suffered job losses and had their financial livelihoods jeopardized because they REFUSED to allow themselves to be injected with an experimental and HIGHLY DANGEROUS medical substance that YOU ARE AWARE had detrimental and fatal side effects.

    Guns did not kill those who had died waiting for emergency medical services that took too long to arrive because YOU decided to fire thousands of medics who had likewise refused the harmful injections.

    Guns did not destroy the country's economy over the past 2 years and pitted families, friends, and neighbors against each other.

    YOU caused all of the chaos and destruction described in this statement. Do not try to distract the public from the crimes that YOU have committed against the Australian people from 2020 to the present day. We CANNOT be gaslit, coerced, or deceived, because we already know you as the scumbags you are. We will NEVER forget.

    Gun owners from around the world.
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    might pay to check your facts before getting your panties in a wad

    There isn’t a “new Aussie government“ - the election hasn’t happened yet. I don’t think they have even set a date yet.

    we do have a fresh state government full of fucktards though….