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PSA: ALWAYS have AT LEAST several months to a year of nonperishables stocked at ANYTIME. Chaos and incompetence in Xi'an, China as lockdown continues.

When the shtf, there will be no government except the local government. There will be attempts at government at a larger scale, but they will be largely irrelevant.

Plus, if you follow OPSEC, how will the government know you have food, weapons, water?
I think being able to be part of a team is more important than being able to lead one, half the fuds out there think they’ll be leading the neighborhood watch group to the steps of the capital but can’t get along with their next door neighbor during normal times. Now try to get along when you haven’t eaten in three or four days, you only get two to three hours of sleep at a time because you have to pull your guard shift, your feet itch from athlete’s foot, you’ve got mild crotch rot, your sleeping bag has been moist since the last rain, and you just found out you’re out of batteries for your headlamp. Most folks don’t even understand what it feels like then let alone how to be part of a team under those conditions…leading under them is a whole other level.

Good points. I'll add that most people confuse leadership with barking orders under the threat of penalty.

I think Robert Heinlein said it best: "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
When the shtf, there will be no government except the local government. There will be attempts at government at a larger scale, but they will be largely irrelevant.

Plus, if you follow OPSEC, how will the government know you have food, weapons, water?

To a certain degree, they have all the info. i.e. State records on water wells, firearm background checks, etc. Probably useless (and lost) information when Govt ceases to exits. Really no way to know what people have for food storage (except for credit card transaction data). Easy to spread out and hide much of your food stores.

OPSEC is key. How many people post pictures and location data on social media about what they have, and what they're planning. It's a given that all of us here on the Hide own at least one firearm, so that's hard to hide. Come find me, if you want to take the time and effort and you might find a firearm, whether a Mossberg 22 or an old Mauser. You might find a few MREs, and a cabinet full of stewed tomatoes. You'll be hard pressed to find or even know what I own, what assets I can control, or have availability to.
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Plus, if you follow OPSEC, how will the government know you have food, weapons, water?

:ROFLMAO: A bunch of short-sighted idiots already made the freedom-for-security trade 20 years ago. The government knows, either through its own surveillance or via the purchase of information from private parties. Sure, you might have paid cash and decided not to use your customer loyalty card at the big-box store when loading up on beans and bandaids, and maybe the NSA can't pinpoint exactly how much of each you have. Doesn't matter; they've got behavioral models that can yield good enough guesses at whom might have such stockpiles, and that'll be good enough in an emergency situation.
Food is a worry, but not how you think. When you are discovered to have it, and the masses do not, the hungry mobs will destroy anything to get a meal.

You don’t have enough ammo, meds, fuel or people to hold them off.

So, you’re saying my 180K rounds ammo fort is insufficient?

I keep telling that damn woman it’s not enough! Now I have proof!
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A progressive Dillon press, straight walled pistol cartridges, and carbide dies = any amount of ammo you want, quick.
Thank god I stocked up on primers back in the day.
Anyone know how many primers it takes to fill a 40mm ammo can ?
What about a 20mm ammo can ?
I guess I should have clarified: Having enough ammo, and enough people, loaded mags, and weapons to effectively employ that ammo is going to be a problem against the hordes.

So, you’re saying my 180K rounds ammo fort is insufficient?

I keep telling that damn woman it’s not enough! Now I have proof!
Alphabet Agencey troll? google is your friend.
Well, federal primers come in big boxes, cci comes in small ones.
I have a 40mm can and a 20mm can, both full.
No idea, was just asking if anyone had ideas that could be better than mine.
Of course you probably tag everyone as a alphabet soup operator.
What is it they say about feeling inadequate enough to make everything a dig at others ?

You don't drive a lifted 4x4 with huge wheels and tires do you ?
I've had numerous people who come to visit me say... When xxxx happens, I'm coming to stay with you. I always tell them to bring all the food they think they will need to live on, as I won't have enough for them. They look at me as, are you serious? I then follow up with the statement that I have a clear line of fire at least 200-yards looking down my driveway, and if I don't see pizza and beer in hand, there will be no warning shots. They then chuckle, but I'm sure they still wonder what if about the first part?

Honestly, as my good friend says, I'll start to worry when I see (hear) Denver burning. I70 will be a huge parking lot in no time, with people trying to flee the big city. The only people who I would remotely worry about are the tourists that are already here in my AO, and unless it's hunting season, I would guess less than 5% would be armed. If it's Winter time, the roads will no longer be getting plowed if it's a serious crisis, and nobody is moving in my area, and those displaced without food, heat, shelter will be lucky to survive a couple days.

Question for you gents... Neighbor kid, let's say 7-year old little girl knocks on your door saying she's hungry, and asks for food. What do you do. You're fully aware if you give her food, and she tells her parents, family, friends, etc that you gave her some food, then you will have all your neighbors asking for a handout.
As I'm picking my teeth, and peering over my ample gut, "Gee, honey, I am truly sorry, we don't have any food either." That kid is bait, and is supposed to draw out a victim (you). Watch where she goes.