Re: 10 guns you will have in the future
Interesting thread. I'm going through a similar thought process, myself, based on current use, projected use and my overall tactical situation. Yes, to some extent my "toys" are just that but one has to consider SHTF. No, I don't want to go off on a tangent about the possibilities and causes, just thinking about possibilities and preparedness.
Right now, I have an AR30 in .338, so there's the long range; a Winchester 95 in .30-06, a companion .22; some Smith .357 revolvers and a couple of PPKs. Looking through this thread and the question posed, I am somewhat torn whether to dispense with the .338 as unneeded because of range - since I live in coastal Florida, there is very little in the way of 1000 yard plus use. My basic defense item is a pump shotgun. The only reason I even bother with a rifle is that I could be pinned down by someone standing off 100 yards (or less with some cover). Of course, my 95 in .30-06 could handle that well.
But, then there's the consideration of pirates. Don't laugh, that's serious in the South Florida coastal area to the Caribbean. While one doesn't need long range on the water - not really usable because of boat pitching - power to breach a hull may be useful. So, my mind goes back to the .338 even though part of me says sell that and get just another .30-06, though in a bolt and modern so I can use the heaviest 06 loads (my 95 will handle anything standard). So, that said, answering the thread question, my 10 for the future will be:
1. AR-30 .338 or a .30-06 Model 70
2. FN Tactical Police 12 ga.
3. Marine shotgun (to be acquired), main criterion being corrosion resistance as it will indeed be used on a boat.
4. Winchester 95, if I wind up eliminating the AR-30. This really is my "go-to" rifle because it's handy.
5. .22 9422 if I keep the 95, otherwise purchase something compatible with the AR30 in terms of feel.
5. S&W 627, 3 1/2", 8 shot. I have an IWB holster for this that makes it disappear. Pull it out and it's a hand cannon.
6. S&W TR8 5"
7. S&W 340 PD.
8. Bond Derringer in .38/357 as b/u
And, I have everything I need in less than 10. I have another revolver, a single action which can go if needed.
9. Under "normal" circumstances I carry a PPK in .380. I didn't put it on the main list as it easily is replaceable by the J frame Smith.
I just want to keep things simple and have as little variety in ammunition as I can.