Reloading Equipment 1000 rounds 223

Don’t laugh. In a year many may wish they took advantage of this deal.

This is the truth right here. Just a month or two ago I could find people selling it for 60-65cpr for federal. It is now 75-80cpr for federal and a lot of the times it is close to $1/ round. I only imagine it getting worse not better once pedo joe takes office.
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Stop crapping on the guys thread. Anyone one here can easily google the ammo and see what it goes for and what’s available. If you want the ammo and it’s not available then you pay whatever having it is worth to you

The days of buying 1000/$250 are probably behind us. If he sells it great. If he doesn’t then so be it

Some have money and no ammo. For the rest of us we took AJ’s advice when it was worth something