<span style="color: #663333"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT COUNT UNLESS YOU FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE ENTRY LISTED WITHIN THIS ORIGINAL POST!!</span></span></span>
This shootout thread is shut down, and round2 is up and running! http://www.snipershide.com/shooting...yard-bolt-action-6group-30round-shootout.html
<span style="color: #339999"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">(((((((((( 100 YARD SHOOTOUT!!!!! ))))))))))</span></span></span>
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #339999">****NOTE!!! NO ADJUSTABLE BENCH RESTS OR VISES!! ONLY BIPODS, MONOPODS, OR FRONT/REAR SAND BAGS ONLY!!!****</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF0000">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) SNIPER'S HIDE BOLT-ACTION BEST AVERAGE (TOP TEN) (average# is what really counts!):</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">***#1 place: MoBoost, 24" 6PPC BULL / SAVAGE 12LRPV / .243, (.249", average), shot on (11/04/12), post on page#5***</span>
#2 place: Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.3623" average), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
#3 place: Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
#4 place: 6brshooter, 24" BULL / CUSTOM BOLT / .243, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#3
#5 place: Coleridge, 20" BRUX#3 / REM700 CUSTOM / 6BR, (.413" average), shot on (10/05/12), post on page#2
#6 place: RugerSlinger, 19" BARTLIEN / STILLER TAC30 MANNERS T5A / 260, (.473" average), shot on (10/18/12), post on page#4
#7 place: Josh Elam, 20" BULL / AIAE / .308, (.494" average), shot on (09/12/12), post on page#2
#8 place: wfjames22, 25" LIGHT BRUX / REMINGTON 700 MCMILLAN / 260 REM, (.513" average), shot on (10/27/12), post on page#5
#9 place: Maladat, 20" BRUX#4 SPORTER / APA CUSTOM / 6.5 CREED, (.566" average), shot on (10/10/12), post on page#3
#10 place: RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO TRI-FLUTED / REM 700 VTR / .223, (.609" average), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #009900"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) SNIPER'S HIDE BOLT-ACTION BEST SINGLE GROUP (TOP TEN):</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">***#1 place: Josh Elam, 20" BULL / AIAE / .308, (.086 best single), shot on (09/12/12), post on page#2***</span>
#2 place: Coleridge, 20" BRUX#3 / REM700 CUSTOM / 6BR, (.214" best single), shot on (10/05/12), post on page#2
#3 place: 6brshooter, 24" BULL / CUSTOM BOLT / .243, (.225" best single), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#3
#4 place: Maladat, 20" BRUX#4 SPORTER / APA CUSTOM / 6.5 CREED, (.275" best single), shot on (10/10/12), post on page#3
#5 place: Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.271" best single), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
#6 place: wfjames22, 25" LIGHT BRUX / REMINGTON 700 MCMILLAN / 260 REM, (.323" best single), shot on (10/27/12), post on page#5
#7 place: Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.354" best single), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
#8 place: RugerSlinger, 19" BARTLIEN / STILLER TAC30 MANNERS T5A / 260, (.338" best single), shot on (10/18/12), post on page#4
#9 place: Hagerty, 24" SS VARMINT FLUTED / SAVAGE 110 / .223, (.352" best single), shot on (10/25/12), post on page#4
#10 place: RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO VARMINT / REM 700 SPS / .308, (.376" best single), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #CC6600"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) GRAND PRIZE... This person shoots 3/8" (.375") @ 100yrds ALL DAY LONG board (started 10/02/12)!!!</span></span></span>
- MoBoost, 24" 6PPC BULL / SAVAGE 12LRPV / .243, (.249", average), shot on (11/04/12), post on page#5
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #993399"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) HONORABLE MENTION #1, This person can actually shoot 1/2" (.5") ALL DAY LONG board (all 6groups are at or under .5" @ 100yards).... the rest of us are just lucky a$$ bastards, LOL JK!!!</span></span></span>
- Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.3623" average), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
- Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) past leaders for average(what really counts):</span></span>
- RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO VARMINT / REM 700 SPS / .308, (.645", average), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
- BlueVFRank, 24" Roedale RT / .308, (.730" average), shot on (10/21/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) past leaders for best single group:</span></span>
- RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO TRI-FLUTED / REM 700 VTR / .223, (.430" best single), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
- BlueVFRank, 24" Roedale RT / .308, (.432" best single), shot on (10/21/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) THE BOLT ACTION SHOOTOUT OVERVIEW!</span></span></span>
I thought this would be really fun for the Bolt-Action platform shooters to really show off your bad A$$ rifles and sniper's hide shooting skills in the Bolt-Action community. <span style="font-weight: bold">Enough of the "shoots .5moa all day long @ 100yards" talk, and to actually walk the walk!!!... <span style="color: #990000">Hell, to make it even more fun and challenging for you Bolt-Action boys and gals, you obviously walk at a higher standard, SO 3/8" (.375") will be your rule of thumb (semi-auto shootout prize crown is set at 1/2" / .5" !! FYI)</span>....</span> If you think this will be easy, then think again. You will never know until you try it! Will purchase a shot for the first .375" all day long crown! LOL
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">HERE ARE THE GUIDELINES TO POST:</span></span></span>
1.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">At 100yards</span></span> (please be honest about this 100yards), all 6 groupings, 5shots each, 30 total bullets (no more, no less)... All consecutively shot!!! Must be on one target..... What ever size target you think you can get 6 groups @ 5shots each on.... <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Can NOT be on individual targets.</span></span> MUST BE on one target with 6 total groupings, 5shots each, 30 total bullets. That's it!! Shoot as fast or slow as you want, but must be shot within that day (AKA, all day long)!!... If your one piece of paper / cardboard doesn't have 30 bullet holes, it doesn't count..... Bullet holes must be easy to see in your picture!! This is NOT about bullseyes!! All about grouping size average and your best group size!! All in good fun people... .25" or 5",, show off your skills baby! Just try your best! Everyone is welcome here regardless of skill! It's all Bolt-Action rifle cool baby!
2.) Can be any caliber Bolt-Action type platform. 308, 223, 260, 30-06, what ever. BOLT-ACTION ONLY!!!
3.) Can use any type factory or reloaded ammo. What ever works best for your bolt-action rifle.
4.) cough, <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">honestly measure with calipers </span></span>the distance of your two furthest bullet holes of each 5shot groupings (((center to center of each bullet hole))) and <span style="font-weight: bold">write this measurement IN LARGE FONT BLACK MAGIC MARKER right next to each grouping (6 total measurements). </span>
5.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Post close up picture of your best SINGLE group</span></span> WITH CALIPERS showing the measurement!! <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">MUST BE WITH CALIPERS!! NO RULERS ALLOWED!!</span></span> If you don't have calipers, then go buy some. They are only $20 bucks!! Sheesshh, stop being such as cheap A$$ !! JK... Please be honest with your measurements!!! No coins or objects for scale!!! Just hard core measurements.
6.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Post picture of entire target showing all 6 groupings / measurements with calipers still on your best grouping!!</span></span> NO picture, then it didn't happen!!
7.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">In your posting</span></span>, add up all 6 measurements and divide by 6 for your average MOA shot. Example, 1.12" + 1.01" + .56" + .75" + 2.25" + 3.46" = 9.15 divided by 6groupings = 1.525" average.
8.) <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Please, be honest!!!</span></span></span>
9.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">If you do reload, feel free to post your load specs!</span></span>
10.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Post what type of Bolt-Action rifle, ammo used, and how you took your shots (prone, bench, bipod, sandbags used, blah blah blah)...</span></span>........ <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">No lock down gun vises!! NO BENCHREST VISES!!! </span></span>Sandbags are ok, bipods are ok, monopods are ok.... If you are using a vise, then you are not really shooting the damn rifle and a monkey can shoot the rifle for you.</span>
11.) Please post a picture of your rifle with your entry!!!!
12.) there is NO SUCH THING AS "FLYERS" in this shootout.. any possible "flyers" you might have count as your group!! damn those flyers!!!
13.) Please put the type of rifle, your sniper's hide name, and date you <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">consecutively shot</span></span> at the top of your target!
14.) As long as you follow the rules, have 6 groups @ 5shots each / 30 total bullets only, then feel free to post your results regardless of your average / single group size even if you don't make the leader boards!! You can not have multiple rankings / measurements on the leader boards,,,, <span style="font-weight: bold">only your best entry will make the boards with your one rifle</span>.... You can however, have multiple leader-board entries by using two completely different bolt-action rifles. In short, you can make as many attempts as you want with your rifle in order to improve your standing on the boards / get the best possible outcome with your rifle... no limits on entries..... the only way to be on the boards more than once at the same time is to use two different rifles.... Rock out as many bolt-action rifles / entries as you want. Time to bust out that bolt-action collection!! All info is good info. Each rifle is different, has different optics, has different purpose, and different operators!!!! Be respectful of everyone's postings! Sub MOA or not, show off your rifle and skills! This is all in good fun!
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">15.) IF and only IF, with a bolt-action, you get ALL 6 total groups, 5shots each, consecutively shot in one day of shooting, AT or UNDER 3/8"(.375") ON EACH GROUP @ 100yards, THEN you will get the esteemed title of, "This person, (your name), with this semi-auto rifle, (type/brand of rifle), shoots 3/8" (.375") ALL DAY LONG" on the original post!!!! You will be required to have caliper measurements with pics ON EACH GROUP if you think you made it this far!! No cheaters or you will be called out if anything looks fishy... Until then, you are mostly just full of BS! </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">THIS IS THE EXAMPLE ENTRY BELOW!! IF YOUR ENTRY DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THIS, THEN IT WILL NOT COUNT AND YOU WILL BE ASK TO RE-DO YOUR ENTRY (STARTS TODAY 10/04/12)!!! </span></span></span>
Shot with my 20"CL LMT MWS @ 100yards with harris bipod front & rear bag on bench.
Average was .749"
Best group was .397"
Cartridge = 7.62x51
Rifle used = 20" CL barrel LMT MWS 7.62
Barrel Length / Type = 20" chrome lined heavy barrel
Optics = moa/moa 4-16x50 vortex viper FFP
Mount = Larue LT158 with 10moa cant
Shot with reloads
2fired 7.62 nato brass
cci 200's
40.5 gr varget
168gr AMAX
2.198 ogive seating depth / ~ about 2.809 coal
.397" + .613" + .910" + .738" + .806" + 1.030" = 4.494 / 6 = .749 average over 6 groupings @ 5shots each / 30 total bullets:
Best group was .397":
My rifle, 20"CL BARREL, LMT MWS 7.62:
(optional) My reloads / bullets used:
<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">ONLY BIPODS, MONOPODS, FRONT/REAR SANDBAGS ALLOWED!! </span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">THE FOLLOWING VISES, ADJUSTABLE FRONT RESTS, AND SLEDS ARE NOT ALLOWED:</span></span></span>
This shootout thread is shut down, and round2 is up and running! http://www.snipershide.com/shooting...yard-bolt-action-6group-30round-shootout.html
<span style="color: #339999"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">(((((((((( 100 YARD SHOOTOUT!!!!! ))))))))))</span></span></span>
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #339999">****NOTE!!! NO ADJUSTABLE BENCH RESTS OR VISES!! ONLY BIPODS, MONOPODS, OR FRONT/REAR SAND BAGS ONLY!!!****</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF0000">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) SNIPER'S HIDE BOLT-ACTION BEST AVERAGE (TOP TEN) (average# is what really counts!):</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">***#1 place: MoBoost, 24" 6PPC BULL / SAVAGE 12LRPV / .243, (.249", average), shot on (11/04/12), post on page#5***</span>
#2 place: Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.3623" average), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
#3 place: Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
#4 place: 6brshooter, 24" BULL / CUSTOM BOLT / .243, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#3
#5 place: Coleridge, 20" BRUX#3 / REM700 CUSTOM / 6BR, (.413" average), shot on (10/05/12), post on page#2
#6 place: RugerSlinger, 19" BARTLIEN / STILLER TAC30 MANNERS T5A / 260, (.473" average), shot on (10/18/12), post on page#4
#7 place: Josh Elam, 20" BULL / AIAE / .308, (.494" average), shot on (09/12/12), post on page#2
#8 place: wfjames22, 25" LIGHT BRUX / REMINGTON 700 MCMILLAN / 260 REM, (.513" average), shot on (10/27/12), post on page#5
#9 place: Maladat, 20" BRUX#4 SPORTER / APA CUSTOM / 6.5 CREED, (.566" average), shot on (10/10/12), post on page#3
#10 place: RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO TRI-FLUTED / REM 700 VTR / .223, (.609" average), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #009900"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) SNIPER'S HIDE BOLT-ACTION BEST SINGLE GROUP (TOP TEN):</span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold">***#1 place: Josh Elam, 20" BULL / AIAE / .308, (.086 best single), shot on (09/12/12), post on page#2***</span>
#2 place: Coleridge, 20" BRUX#3 / REM700 CUSTOM / 6BR, (.214" best single), shot on (10/05/12), post on page#2
#3 place: 6brshooter, 24" BULL / CUSTOM BOLT / .243, (.225" best single), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#3
#4 place: Maladat, 20" BRUX#4 SPORTER / APA CUSTOM / 6.5 CREED, (.275" best single), shot on (10/10/12), post on page#3
#5 place: Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.271" best single), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
#6 place: wfjames22, 25" LIGHT BRUX / REMINGTON 700 MCMILLAN / 260 REM, (.323" best single), shot on (10/27/12), post on page#5
#7 place: Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.354" best single), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
#8 place: RugerSlinger, 19" BARTLIEN / STILLER TAC30 MANNERS T5A / 260, (.338" best single), shot on (10/18/12), post on page#4
#9 place: Hagerty, 24" SS VARMINT FLUTED / SAVAGE 110 / .223, (.352" best single), shot on (10/25/12), post on page#4
#10 place: RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO VARMINT / REM 700 SPS / .308, (.376" best single), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #CC6600"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) GRAND PRIZE... This person shoots 3/8" (.375") @ 100yrds ALL DAY LONG board (started 10/02/12)!!!</span></span></span>
- MoBoost, 24" 6PPC BULL / SAVAGE 12LRPV / .243, (.249", average), shot on (11/04/12), post on page#5
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #993399"> ((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) HONORABLE MENTION #1, This person can actually shoot 1/2" (.5") ALL DAY LONG board (all 6groups are at or under .5" @ 100yards).... the rest of us are just lucky a$$ bastards, LOL JK!!!</span></span></span>
- Squin, 28" KRIEGER #17HV / KMW STOCK IMB BIG HORN / 7MM RSAUM, (.3623" average), shot on (10/13/12), post on page#4
- Ctsmith, 20" FLUTED BULL / GAP ROCK WITH REM700 ACTION / .308, (.398" average), shot on (10/06/12), post on page#2
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) past leaders for average(what really counts):</span></span>
- RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO VARMINT / REM 700 SPS / .308, (.645", average), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
- BlueVFRank, 24" Roedale RT / .308, (.730" average), shot on (10/21/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) past leaders for best single group:</span></span>
- RyanMcIntyre, 20" CRMO TRI-FLUTED / REM 700 VTR / .223, (.430" best single), shot on (10/16/12), post on page#4
- BlueVFRank, 24" Roedale RT / .308, (.432" best single), shot on (10/21/12), post on page#4
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">((((( 100 YARD !!! ))))) THE BOLT ACTION SHOOTOUT OVERVIEW!</span></span></span>
I thought this would be really fun for the Bolt-Action platform shooters to really show off your bad A$$ rifles and sniper's hide shooting skills in the Bolt-Action community. <span style="font-weight: bold">Enough of the "shoots .5moa all day long @ 100yards" talk, and to actually walk the walk!!!... <span style="color: #990000">Hell, to make it even more fun and challenging for you Bolt-Action boys and gals, you obviously walk at a higher standard, SO 3/8" (.375") will be your rule of thumb (semi-auto shootout prize crown is set at 1/2" / .5" !! FYI)</span>....</span> If you think this will be easy, then think again. You will never know until you try it! Will purchase a shot for the first .375" all day long crown! LOL
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">HERE ARE THE GUIDELINES TO POST:</span></span></span>
1.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">At 100yards</span></span> (please be honest about this 100yards), all 6 groupings, 5shots each, 30 total bullets (no more, no less)... All consecutively shot!!! Must be on one target..... What ever size target you think you can get 6 groups @ 5shots each on.... <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Can NOT be on individual targets.</span></span> MUST BE on one target with 6 total groupings, 5shots each, 30 total bullets. That's it!! Shoot as fast or slow as you want, but must be shot within that day (AKA, all day long)!!... If your one piece of paper / cardboard doesn't have 30 bullet holes, it doesn't count..... Bullet holes must be easy to see in your picture!! This is NOT about bullseyes!! All about grouping size average and your best group size!! All in good fun people... .25" or 5",, show off your skills baby! Just try your best! Everyone is welcome here regardless of skill! It's all Bolt-Action rifle cool baby!
2.) Can be any caliber Bolt-Action type platform. 308, 223, 260, 30-06, what ever. BOLT-ACTION ONLY!!!
3.) Can use any type factory or reloaded ammo. What ever works best for your bolt-action rifle.
4.) cough, <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">honestly measure with calipers </span></span>the distance of your two furthest bullet holes of each 5shot groupings (((center to center of each bullet hole))) and <span style="font-weight: bold">write this measurement IN LARGE FONT BLACK MAGIC MARKER right next to each grouping (6 total measurements). </span>
5.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Post close up picture of your best SINGLE group</span></span> WITH CALIPERS showing the measurement!! <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">MUST BE WITH CALIPERS!! NO RULERS ALLOWED!!</span></span> If you don't have calipers, then go buy some. They are only $20 bucks!! Sheesshh, stop being such as cheap A$$ !! JK... Please be honest with your measurements!!! No coins or objects for scale!!! Just hard core measurements.
6.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Post picture of entire target showing all 6 groupings / measurements with calipers still on your best grouping!!</span></span> NO picture, then it didn't happen!!
7.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">In your posting</span></span>, add up all 6 measurements and divide by 6 for your average MOA shot. Example, 1.12" + 1.01" + .56" + .75" + 2.25" + 3.46" = 9.15 divided by 6groupings = 1.525" average.
8.) <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Please, be honest!!!</span></span></span>
9.) <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">If you do reload, feel free to post your load specs!</span></span>
10.) <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Post what type of Bolt-Action rifle, ammo used, and how you took your shots (prone, bench, bipod, sandbags used, blah blah blah)...</span></span>........ <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">No lock down gun vises!! NO BENCHREST VISES!!! </span></span>Sandbags are ok, bipods are ok, monopods are ok.... If you are using a vise, then you are not really shooting the damn rifle and a monkey can shoot the rifle for you.</span>
11.) Please post a picture of your rifle with your entry!!!!
12.) there is NO SUCH THING AS "FLYERS" in this shootout.. any possible "flyers" you might have count as your group!! damn those flyers!!!
13.) Please put the type of rifle, your sniper's hide name, and date you <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">consecutively shot</span></span> at the top of your target!
14.) As long as you follow the rules, have 6 groups @ 5shots each / 30 total bullets only, then feel free to post your results regardless of your average / single group size even if you don't make the leader boards!! You can not have multiple rankings / measurements on the leader boards,,,, <span style="font-weight: bold">only your best entry will make the boards with your one rifle</span>.... You can however, have multiple leader-board entries by using two completely different bolt-action rifles. In short, you can make as many attempts as you want with your rifle in order to improve your standing on the boards / get the best possible outcome with your rifle... no limits on entries..... the only way to be on the boards more than once at the same time is to use two different rifles.... Rock out as many bolt-action rifles / entries as you want. Time to bust out that bolt-action collection!! All info is good info. Each rifle is different, has different optics, has different purpose, and different operators!!!! Be respectful of everyone's postings! Sub MOA or not, show off your rifle and skills! This is all in good fun!
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">15.) IF and only IF, with a bolt-action, you get ALL 6 total groups, 5shots each, consecutively shot in one day of shooting, AT or UNDER 3/8"(.375") ON EACH GROUP @ 100yards, THEN you will get the esteemed title of, "This person, (your name), with this semi-auto rifle, (type/brand of rifle), shoots 3/8" (.375") ALL DAY LONG" on the original post!!!! You will be required to have caliper measurements with pics ON EACH GROUP if you think you made it this far!! No cheaters or you will be called out if anything looks fishy... Until then, you are mostly just full of BS! </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">THIS IS THE EXAMPLE ENTRY BELOW!! IF YOUR ENTRY DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THIS, THEN IT WILL NOT COUNT AND YOU WILL BE ASK TO RE-DO YOUR ENTRY (STARTS TODAY 10/04/12)!!! </span></span></span>
Shot with my 20"CL LMT MWS @ 100yards with harris bipod front & rear bag on bench.
Average was .749"
Best group was .397"
Cartridge = 7.62x51
Rifle used = 20" CL barrel LMT MWS 7.62
Barrel Length / Type = 20" chrome lined heavy barrel
Optics = moa/moa 4-16x50 vortex viper FFP
Mount = Larue LT158 with 10moa cant
Shot with reloads
2fired 7.62 nato brass
cci 200's
40.5 gr varget
168gr AMAX
2.198 ogive seating depth / ~ about 2.809 coal
.397" + .613" + .910" + .738" + .806" + 1.030" = 4.494 / 6 = .749 average over 6 groupings @ 5shots each / 30 total bullets:

Best group was .397":

My rifle, 20"CL BARREL, LMT MWS 7.62:

(optional) My reloads / bullets used:

<span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">ONLY BIPODS, MONOPODS, FRONT/REAR SANDBAGS ALLOWED!! </span></span></span>
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="color: #FF6666">THE FOLLOWING VISES, ADJUSTABLE FRONT RESTS, AND SLEDS ARE NOT ALLOWED:</span></span></span>

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