I have used the Maven B5 18x (non-reticle) and the Vortex UHD 18x side by side, and separately the prev version Leica Geovid-R 15x LRF binos. All with eyeglasses.
I had no problems with eyebox or keeping them steady handheld for short stints.
The typical use for me was pdog shooting in high-ass constant ND winds, either off a bench with elbows on the bench or standing off a tripod. In those cases it was no problem. Use long spikes on the tripod as it helps in the wind, btw.
I was quite surprised at the experience, of which I was previously led to believe was going to be a shaky mess.
The Mavens were a bit better than the Vortex, and the Leica just rocks. Love the LRF in it. No reticles in any of them. 15-18x completely replaces a spotter for my use, which is small rodents out to 500-ish yards.
In memory (not direct comparo), the Mavens were either very close to the Leicas or the same.
Maven has a demo program that I used. Try and return if you don’t like them.
I still own the Leicas.
I have heard rumors of other 15x-ish binos coming out with reticles and LRF. The just announced Vector X LRF bino can be configured to 17x, I believe, with the teleconverters screwed on.