14.627 inches @ 2000 yards


Banned !
Feb 13, 2015
Southern VA
Congrats too Heather Mcguire on winning the first ever 2000 yard benchrest competition held in Townsend Montana over the weekend. Pictured here with her impressive 14.627" 5 shot group. Terrific shooting! Rifle is a .416 Reed built by Gunsmith Shawn Williams, Northridge Rifles. 36" Lilja barrel, Bat Action, Mcmillan stock, and Cutting Edge Bullets.

NOT bad for a "loaner" rifle huh???


Edited To Add: Congratulations to all those that competed in the 2000 yard BR comp and thanks to Alex Wheeler for all his work it bringing that competition from thought to fruition.

Quote from Northridge Rifles facebook:
Special thanks to Jeff Reed as his .416 Reed Magnum was a Loaner gun at this match so a couple competitors like Heather would have a mammoth to shoot.
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Hopefully a fulsome match report to come?

This, gentlemen, is what the future of extreme long range shooting should look like; it combines accuracy with precision and produces measurable results.
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For those that may not know what the rules and guidelines of the E2K (Elite 2000 yard association) here is a copy and paste of the rules from Alex Wheeler thread over on Accurate Shooter.



Elite 2000 yard Association

Rules (draft 2-8-2018)


1- ELR

1a Rifle weight not to exceed 40lbs including all attachments and "as fired"

1b Rifle must be supported by an attached bipod in the front. The rear may be supported by anything except a mechanical rest. Attached monopods are legal.

1c Rifle to be fired from prone position.
* If physically unable to get into a prone position the shooter may use a bench (if available) at the match directors discretion.


2a- Unlimited, with the only exceptions listed under "Both classes"

2b- Rifles may be fired from benches (if available), or from prone position.


18 LBS as fired, foldable bipod only. Fired from prone. *disabled may shoot off bench at match director approval.

Rules for ALL classes.

Set up time.

1. Once your relay is called to the firing line, you will have 15 minutes for set up.

Wind flags:
1. Are allowed, but must be set no higher then at the "line of sight"
2. Are subject to the Match Directors discretion and approval


1.No instrument that collects or records data allowed forward of the firing line.
All instrumentation subject to the range officers discretion and approval.

Rifle scopes / sights:
1. Must be adjusted by the shooter for POA corrections. (No "smart scopes".

Course of fire.

Sighter period will be unlimited shots. You will be given 5 minutes at the command "commence fire". The range officer will announce time warnings at 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, and 15 seconds remaining. The R.O. will command "cease fire", and bolts must be removed at this time. This is a COLD RANGE period for the target crew to go in and raise targets, or paste accidental hits. Once the targets are up, and pit sealed the R.O. will announce the 3 minute final sight in period. R.O. will command "commence fire", and shooters have unlimited sighters at the sight in bank. Any shots on record targets at this time will result in disqualification from the relay. R.O. shall give time warnings at 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, and 15 seconds and "cease fire". The R.O. will then immediately give the command "commence fire on record targets". Shooters will have 10 minutes to complete their 5 shots for record. Time warnings will be announced at 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds and 15 seconds.

The targets dimensions are as follows: (MR-1)

72" x 64"
0=on paper outside rings, but will qualify for group


Each official match will consist of a 3 target aggregate for each class for both group and score.

Ties for score will be broken by smallest group. If there is still a tie, it will be broken by x count. If there is still a tie, it will be broken by closest to center.

Group ties will be broken by highest score.

Targets with fewer than 5 shots:
1. 72" will be added to the group size for each missing shot
2. Missing shots will count "0" for score.

Group's outside the repair centers will be measured, scored, and pasted over for reuse. Group's that stay within the repair centers will be taken down, and given to the competitor after it's been officially scored.

Winners will be announced for the following...

HUNTER gun overall

Unlimited gun overall

ELR gun overall

HUNTER gun group

HUNTER gun score

Unlimited gun group

Unlimited gun score

ELR gun group

ELR gun score

WORLD RECORDS will be acknowledged for the following.

Unlimited gun

- Small group
- High score
- 3 target aggregate group
- 3 target aggregate score

ELR gun

- Small group
- High score
- 3 target aggregate group
- 3 target aggregate score


-small group
-high score
-3 target aggregate group
-3 target aggregate score
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This is exactly the competition format needed to develop the discipline into the future. It is how we made 1000 yard shooting mainstream and 2000 yard is the next natural progression.

It also moves away from the need for steel but adds the record keeping of paper and, I assume from the limited details, has more than one shooter on the line at one time.

Love to see pictures of the target set up.
Nice shot! Hey, she's single, I'm single, we both like the big boom... Hey Heather, come teach me how to shoot my HTI like that and I'll show you how to mow shit down with an M2 --less skill, more fun! Ain't got nothing else that'll impress a girl like that.

If the .416 Reed's parent case is the .416 Barrett then it's parent case is the .50 BMG I'm pretty sure.
I don't like the no smart scope rule, that's going to make it harder for people to get in to ELR but probably not change any results because the best won't need a smart scope.

Just ban stuff like Tracking point and it should be good.