14 year old sexually assaults 91 year old in Orlando, so Florida man?

No. Should read Florida teen found dead after sexual assault of elderly.
Or, it should read.
Teen who raped and elderly person, is now hanging from the bridge over X_____________ street. The body will be left there until the bones are picked clean. You may stop by for a peek at your leisure.
Or, it should read.
Teen who raped and elderly person, is now hanging from the bridge over X_____________ street. The body will be left there until the bones are picked clean. You may stop by for a peek at your leisure.
OK. But how about from a light pole outside his parents house so they have a reminder every day what failures they are.
Defective human. Some people are just born with absolutely no conscience. Just like that Texas kid, age 8 or 9 last month who stole his grandfather's revolver, snuck into a tractor trailer or camper parked across the street, and shot the sleeping occupant to death and when arrested he just replied that he was "curious" and "wanted to see what it was like"...
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Right after I got hired at my first LEO job, the mother of our Lt for patrol was sexually assaulted by a local loser (mid 20s). She was almost 90 years old at the time. Our Chief actually put the Lt in a holding cell at left him there until we had the guy in custody and transported to the regional jail. The Lt was also the sniper for our SWAT team 🤣.

The guy was sentenced to 20 years and ended up killing himself in prison by breaking the teeth off a plastic comb and slashing his own throat.......allegedly
Well well, so they finally show a pic of a minor thats the offender.

Look son, and it's a white kid.

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More consequences of letting the mentally ill and retarded walk among us. Bring back the asylums... and ass whippings.
That Edgar cut should be an automatic giveaway.

If my kid came home wearing one of those, I blindfold him and dump him somewhere in the middle of nowhere. And then move, leaving no forwarding address.
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Prime example of the punishment will never equal the crime . He doesn’t understand she was a human being . It’s a terrible thing to say but I could punish the freak a sleep like a baby . This country is in a sad state that this would ever even be thought about let alone carried out . Time to allow capital punishment again . There is no deterrent to stop this type of sin . Ole Sparky turned on and off a few times before the job is done .
Prime example of the punishment will never equal the crime . He doesn’t understand she was a human being . It’s a terrible thing to say but I could punish the freak a sleep like a baby . This country is in a sad state that this would ever even be thought about let alone carried out . Time to allow capital punishment again . There is no deterrent to stop this type of sin . Ole Sparky turned on and off a few times before the job is done .
Whiteboy that raped a 91 yr. old grandmother? Many of those cons in there were raised by their grandmothers, whom they'll never see again.

His butt's going get punished.
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