150yds today with my TR


Full Member
Aug 22, 2011
Springfield Mo
Day was nice so I went to have a little fun

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Re: 150yds today with my TR

Long range with the .22,,, always fun! I've done a little testing with some cheap Federal 510B, and CCI Blazer from 200 yards on an eight inch gong and found both perform just fine. It's not until I get down to the five inch gong that I need to use the subsonic stuff to get my hit ratio up out of 25 shots. I'd have shot today but our 9 degree temperature just didn't appeal to me...

Nice shooting!
Re: 150yds today with my TR

Funny how different guns like different brands of ammo. Some of mine like the really cheap stuff and others the high velocity. I've been having good luck with CCI 40gr Minimags for stretching it out to 400 yards or so and one of my rifles like Wolf Match Target standard velocity for the same distance.

Also don't like it when you are experimenting with different types without refouling the barrel with the new ammo. The various types of lube don't seem to mix well, takes quite a few fouling shots to get the next ammo to start to group again.

Good luck
