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Sidearms & Scatterguns 1911 question


Full Member
Oct 6, 2010
Ok...I'm getting the 1911 fever...but I know SO little about them! Can I get a list of manufacturers of them-and possibly some reviews? I'm looking for one mainly just for shooting fun; 1000-1200 would be the most I would pay. I would like to be able to use it on patrol or home defense if needed. Thanks in advance!
Re: 1911 question

In that price range I think most people would recommend a used Springfield TRP, you may be able to get a new one close to that but it would take a little looking I would think. has lots of good info on the 1911 and since you are considering it for duty use I would read Hilton Yam's article on Choosing a 1911 for Duty Use. That article can be found at

Hope this helps,
Re: 1911 question

Not to knock you but why would you want to take a pistol that you are not familiar with "on patrol with you"
There are SO many manufacturers in that range it would take pages. Most of the good ones in that range would be Springfield, I think Ed Brown has one in that range, some low range custom stuff or best bet is to get something used.
Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeremy45</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In that price range I think most people would recommend a used Springfield TRP, you may be able to get a new on close to that but it would take a little looking I would think. has lots of good info on the 1911 and since you are considering it for duty use I would read Hilton Yam's article on Choosing a 1911 for Duty Use. That article can be found at

Hope this helps,
^^ Good start.
Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mhptrooper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok...I'm getting the 1911 fever...but I know SO little about them! Can I get a list of manufacturers of them-and possibly some reviews? I'm looking for one mainly just for shooting fun; 1000-1200 would be the most I would pay. I would like to be able to use it on patrol or home defense if needed. Thanks in advance! </div></div>

Have you figured out what features you want? 5", 4", stainless, blued, magwell, sights, etc? Might help with recommendations otherwise it's like asking which car to buy. If you haven't Id spend time cruising the various vendor sites (Springfield, Colt, Kimber, S&W, etc, going to the LGS to fondle all the models, and renting a few and shooting them if possible. Most of those vendors sell a $1200 gun plus you can find some used Baers and Dan Wessons for that price.
Re: 1911 question

I would probably not use it as my primary duty weapon; but it would ride in the car with me-as another gun in the fight. I tried a kimber the other day at SWAT training and it shot so nice...I was hoping to find one cheaper; but reliable...I would like a 5" barrel, and rails. I've looked at the remington and liked it-anyone out there have any expeirence with this one?
Re: 1911 question

There is a Oregon made Kimber in for sale, $1100.00. Under Brown, Colt 1911's, Novak, and other names, at 9:00 this am, 2nd page top.
Not out of line, IMHO.
Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mhptrooper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok...I'm getting the 1911 fever...but I know SO little about them! Can I get a list of manufacturers of them-and possibly some reviews? I'm looking for one mainly just for shooting fun; 1000-1200 would be the most I would pay. I would like to be able to use it on patrol or home defense if needed. Thanks in advance! </div></div>

Talking to a gun shop owner recently, he recommended the Springfield Armoury RO (Range Officer). Same internals as the TRP, but at less cost. I liked the look, and that's probably what I would go with in the first case. When you get down the road a way, you can decide what to change. I gather that's the idea behind the RO, get off to a good start, then see what YOU need after using it for a while.

Hope this helps.I love the 1911 and hope that you will be happy with your choice.

Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: The Mechanic</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Reliable equals money or a very loose gun that is maybe a little lacking in accuracy and shoots only ball ammo. You get what you pay for. </div></div>

This is true of the gun itself and a 1911 gun-plumber should you need one. If a smith has no wait and is cheaper than everyone else there is generally a good reason for it. He may be just starting out and trying to get work but you get what you pay for and that is something to remember when you are staking your life on someone else's work. I learned this one the hard way and have only used smiths that are well know or have multiple good references from people I know on and outside of the interwebs.

Speaking to the true of the gun I have a couple of 1911's that run near flawlessly. The first is a bone stock Colt Combat Elite XSE; it runs anything I feed it and the only malfunctions that come to mind are when I start adjusting OAL of the ammo I am running. But if you shake this pistol it rattles like it might fall apart!
The second is a Wilson Combat X-Tac, this thing is solid and will eat just about anything as well, however, it cost significantly more than gun #1.

Re: 1911 question

There are a number of Springfield Armory models that fit what you're looking for, the TRP being very nice. I'm also a big fan of the Colt 70 series and those are out there if you look for them. The 1911 forums have a lot of information. I'd also say you should reach out to your local gun club or friends that shoot because you will quickly find another 1911 aficionado that can help you.

I bought my first 1911 in 2010 and it's since become my favorite pistol. The best advice I got about buying a new 1911 is that it's better to know what options you want BEFORE you buy, and get the model that has those options. It's usually cheaper to go that route than to buy a base model with the idea that you'll upgrade later. What state are you located in?
Re: 1911 question

Got my first 1911 in 1986. Love at first sight. I love her still.

Mine rattled like you wouldn't believe, but accurate as all hell, go figure...

Built by a great Smith. Bloke by the name of Rodger Stockbridge.

Yes, you get what you pay for, but there are some good pistols out there for good money. You just have to look, try and THINK before you buy.

Good luck,

Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Paduan Learner</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Talking to a gun shop owner recently, he recommended the Springfield Armoury RO (Range Officer). Same internals as the TRP, but at less cost. I liked the look, and that's probably what I would go with in the first case. When you get down the road a way, you can decide what to change. I gather that's the idea behind the RO, get off to a good start, then see what YOU need after using it for a while.

Hope this helps.I love the 1911 and hope that you will be happy with your choice.

N </div></div>

Only downside I see to this is the non Novak style rear sight cut. I prefer non adjustable sights on all of the 1911's that I use for action shooting competition and carry. John Harrison does make a great replacement sight for that cut though. Just something to think about as sights are a very personal decision.

Other than that, everything I have heard on the Springfield RO has been good.

Re: 1911 question

I'm in Mississippi...I'm liking the sig sauer scorpion 1911 as well-it seems to have all the features I'm looking for, but I'm very apprehensive after having dealt with a P250. I'll check into the TRP as well.
Re: 1911 question

Few guys on my team are running the Sig Scorpion 1911 and are loving them. For the price, Sig's attention to detail is outstanding for a production pistol. I saw one for sale here on the Hide for $900 about 2 weeks ago, with like 25 rounds through it.
Re: 1911 question

Getting an Ed Brown for $1200 is quite the deal. And that would be used. And still almost stolen, something's up, used in a crime, fencing a hot-gun price.

I am an old 1911 guy and carried one for work for about 12 years. They are a great pistol to learn on, understand, and service. Once you are comfortable with a 1911, modern pistols aren't shit to service. Actually a joke.

With 1911s you get what you pay for. I am not hot on Kimbers as duty weapons. For plinkers and casual users, fine. Lots of features at a good price.

For serious work, you need to stick with a 5" model, single-stack, 45 and honestly start at about 2k retail. I am probably coming off a bit harsh to some 1911s guys, but I do have the experience to back it up. The appeal, and the fallacy, of the 1911 market is the belief the more you spend, the better off you are. The average 1911 "owner" is the worst breed of cat when it comes to whining about something not being "perfect" on their pistol. It's a pistol designed to be self-seviced by farm-boys who never made it past the 8th grade. That's culture-shock for the average American consumer who has to call AAA to change a tire on his car.

Most 1911 owners don't know what they are doing, so spending more money in the hopes of compensating for their lack of personal skill in servicing and maintaining a 1911 is the well-spring of most 1911 gripes. Give me a Kimber or a any 3rd rate 1911 and I will make it run like a scalded dog. I might wear out a few parts faster, and just HAVE to replace a few out of the gate so I can sleep at night. But I have the skill to service a 1911. But here is the most important part of my post for someone who wants to carry a 1911 is harm's way....

But even after all of that, you still have the issue of the grip-safety and the thumb-safety. When I carried a 1911, I was all 1911 all the time. Even force-on-force training pistols were 1911s for me. Because I always had to practice being able to grab that pistol under EXTREME stress and operate the controls. And real stress isn't defined as, "Shooter Ready? Stand---Buuuuuy!! BEEP".

Most gun guys will roll their eyes and act like this never happens to them. Flubbing a 1911's controls. Bullshit. And these same guys never miss either. 1911 flubs happen all the time on the square ranges when it's just casual shooting, "oops...I didn't hit the safety". Happens A LOT in serious training. Especially if the pistol is your secondary and you are transitioning. Don't even get me into working your strong-side corner in a building search, with a flash-light in your hand. Spending all your time shooting those striker guns will burn your ass. And at the worst damn times.

Again, I'm all for carrying a 1911 for work. I did it. I was one of the biggest advocates. But it was almost a lifestyle in itself. If you drop the serious coin on a "qualified" 1911, that's only the start. My suggestion would be to only shoot 1911s, dry-fire 1911s, plink with 1911s, and train with 1911s. Because there is where the rubber meets the road. Not the pistol. The user.

Disclosure: I carry all Glocks now. I have a few nice 1911s left. I save them for games and my personal nostalgia. But even the Glock 21 makes sense as a CDP game-gun over a 1911 to me. These days.

In closing, I am not down on 1911s. Far from it. I recognize life is a journey and we all have to find the means of our own salvation. All roads lead to the promised land ultimately. When I see someone on a different road, I don't judge. But if he is someone I care about, I do keep an ear out for understanding. As long as he understands the road ahead, I have confidence we will meet again.

Re: 1911 question

I Carry a Sig Tac Ops Daily on patrol and for SWAT as well.It is very reliable and in Sig's individual officer program very affordable
With that being said Springfield,Colt,and Smith and wesson make great 5" rail guns that will be in your price range

As a word of advice if your going to start carrying it practice practice and practice some more

You can't get a better platform imo for SWAT work
Re: 1911 question

In my opinion you can't go wrong with Kimber. I bought a CDP II Ultra LG a while back and I have never had one problem with it. It has a 3" barrel and the accuracy is better than my 5" taurus!
Re: 1911 question

If you can find a trp in that price range that is the way I would go. I just don't see that happening. I would look into a range officer or one of the loaded models. I my humble opinion you will get a lot for your money. I had a sig scorpion when they first came out it shot great but the finish started flaking off after 2-3 weeks. Sigs customer service aggravated me so I got rid of it the few times I have talked to Springfield regarding custom work on my emp they have impressed me. Just my experience. Hope that it helps.
Re: 1911 question

Where to start....there are volumes written on the subject and some religion along with it. Series 70 or 80? Bla blanbla.

I can tell you I prefer the series 70 ...and yes I know the definition has changed. But I don't like the fire pin safety (trigger issues at least for me).

I just picked up the colt gunsite pistol, its a series 70 but with upgrades from Wilson tactical. Colt wants $1700 but gunsite sells it for $1439. All it needed in my opinion was night sights.

You can find more info on the gunsite web page. It's at least worth a look.

Re: 1911 question

TRAIN with it! That is the key to using the 1911. Especially if currently using another platform. Get used to drawing, releasing the thumb safety, and handling the 1911. The 1911 is a great platform no matter the manufacturer. More the money, check out Sig's 1911. Have have two of them. A Sig Tac Ops carry and a compact. Both have been flawless since day one. I have fed them FMJ and various brands of HP ammo. Check the features that you get when comparing them to other 1911 models. Used TRP or Les Baer models also would fit in your price range. No matter what brand you buy, TRAIN with it and get comfortable using it. You don't have to drop a lot of coin to get a great 1911.
Re: 1911 question

im very happy with my 2 sig's, nitron 1911's. i have not had any problems with them . there 5" barrel and nitron coated stainless. they have not had ftf or stove piping yet. seems to shoot all i put through it. i even got some free wolf and tryed it too. no probs.
Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: leprechaun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I Carry a Sig Tac Ops Daily on patrol and for SWAT as well.It is very reliable and in Sig's individual officer program very affordable
With that being said Springfield,Colt,and Smith and wesson make great 5" rail guns that will be in your price range

As a word of advice if your going to start carrying it practice practice and practice some more

You can't get a better platform imo for SWAT work </div></div>

I agree, if you are new to the 1911 platform, you really need to shoot and or dry fire practice. Some people have a difficult time remembering to keep the finger off the triger while disengaging the thumb safety. Get the muscle memory down and get used to the new trigger pull. The ambi. safety are a good thing for when you qualify and have to shoot left handed. Sig is using Caspian frames and slides with EGW internals if I am not mistaken. Thier Nightmare model looks like my next 1911 purchase.
Re: 1911 question

I'll probably catch some flak for this, but if you plan on carrying it I would only go with wilson/nighthawk/brown etc. In my experience you can find cheaper guns that will be very accurate, but not reliable enough that I'd carry it. I trust my wilsons as much as I trust my glocks/M&Ps/walthers, but there are not many other 1911's I personally would. YMMV
Re: 1911 question

I think I was misunderstood...I was wanting this mostly as a range gun; I'll stick with my glock for service use. The closest the 1911 will get is to ride in my console of my car; sort of a "last resort" type deal. I'll keep looking--today I handled a sig scorpion and kimber; liked the kimber better. Thanks again for all the input, and please keep it coming! This site has always been a big help when I need information!
Re: 1911 question


The price range you list will get you something pretty darn nice!

NEW: Springfield loaded models. Since it seems 95% likely to be a range toy, the Range Officer is a good amount of gun for the money. If you like stainless better, the Loaded Target model. Both have adjustable sights.

COLT: I have a Combat Elite that has served me pretty well. I also have a plain-jane one that is ridiculously accurate for a "base-model" type gun!

SIG: I have a Sig 4.25"bbl/officer grip model that has been a really good pistol to me. I changed the trigger/magwell to my liking. But look at the Sig models of 1911 as well. Just be forewarned that Sig have firing-pin safety(if you're a purist) and external extractors. Operationally - fantastic gun for the $$.

STI: I had a competition gun and LOVED IT! I wouldn't hesitate for one second to get one of these if one came around that fit my wants/needs. Great company to deal with.

There are others to be sure, but none that I've experienced other than Kimber. Most any Kimber will be out of the price range you've stated.

If you were to venture into the $1500, I would suggest either a used Les Baer or Springfield Armory TRP.

Keep us posted!!!

Re: 1911 question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mhptrooper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think I was misunderstood...I was wanting this mostly as a range gun; I'll stick with my glock for service use. The closest the 1911 will get is to ride in my console of my car; sort of a "last resort" type deal. I'll keep looking--today I handled a sig scorpion and kimber; liked the kimber better. Thanks again for all the input, and please keep it coming! This site has always been a big help when I need information! </div></div>

Sorry when you said patrol I assume duty, if its a paper puncher I would just look for any half decent 70's series gun. Colt wouldn't even be a bad choice as if you ever want to go custom later it would probably be a more re-sellable platform than say a kimber or a sig, although I did once handle a sig C3 that was not half bad, although I hesitate to buy anything from the NH monster. Both sig and kimber haven't been nearly as good since cohen took over (with sig my experience is only with 2 p229's and the abortion that was the 556, my old school p226 is incredible.)
Well...the decision was made quite awhile ago; I went with a SA MC operator-I knew it was the weapon I was hunting the moment I picked it soon as I broke it in I sent it back to the SA custom shop for a few refinements...let me tell y'all-if you ever have a chance to deal with Mr. Dave at springfield custom-do it! He took time to explain my options, rather than selling me a lot of stuff I didn't really need...I'll post picks soon, and on a side note...the glock now sits at home, this 1911 is the only weapon I have consistently shot 100% score with in my LE career...don't get me wrong-I like my G34, but I LOVE this 1911!
Although it's been 15 years since I owned a handgun, I was once a committed 3-Gun Bullseye competitor, and my large bore gun was a Series 70 Gold Cup; Excellent firearm.

There was a professional smith who shot at our range and specialized on 1911's. He taught me the do's, don't, and how's of tuning a 1911, and I did quite a few for my friends and myself. I've owned the AMT long slide (mistake), and even bought some Thompson frames and built up some guns using the Sarco Builder's kits (definitely no mistake at the time) as bare bones service handguns.

What I found most interesting was how little one actually needed to do to transform the 1911 into something worth cherishing. His philosophy was that JMB actually knew what he was doing when he designed the 1911, and that no major mods were necessary to make it perform optimally. It was all just a matter of slowly and attentively optimizing the parts relationships. Most of my work did not involve replacing any parts, it was nearly all about refining the fit of the existing parts.

To do it over today, I would go straight for the SA RO. Verify that the parts are optimally mated, and run with it.

The previous advice to stick with 1911, become ingrained with the 1911 muscle memory, and refine one's skills based upon, and only upon, the 1911, makes excellent sense to me.

Yes, I understand that the Series 80 and above use the firing pin safety, and I have shot them. I think it's just a learning issue. Once it's familiar, it's a non-issue.

Only quibble, it's not a backup piece. There are some smaller 45acp's and if I was down to my last whatevers, any inconveniences inherent in using one of them would be a distinctly secondary issue.

Last edited:
Here are the pics, sorry they were taken with my phone; but you get the idea...SA custom did the checkering (which feels AWESOME) and blending job and the S&A magwell...add in several Wilson parts and ETM+P's and she's ready to go! I go 10-8 with this weapon every day, and use it as my secondary on the SWAT team--it's a real shooter!


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