198g flatline


Full Member
Sep 8, 2017
Western ny
Looking at trying the 198g flatline bullets. Anyone have one they would sell me to see if they would work. Ran into issues when I tried the 6.5 mm’s. They were going to have to jump a crazy distance off the lands and ended up selling them. Rather not buy a whole box just to possibly run into the same issue possibly.
The Warner 300 Norma reamer for the 198 has .112 freebore. Compare that to the saami 300 Norma freebore of .215. The 198 has a very short bearing surface and a very very long nose. You didn’t say what cartridge you’re using?
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Rifle builders who are producing rifles. I still have never set up a round to jump more than 0.040", so it is intriguing and makes me wonder am I doing something wrong. Results are good, so I'm not changing until there's an issue
Rifle builders who are producing rifles. I still have never set up a round to jump more than 0.040", so it is intriguing and makes me wonder am I doing something wrong. Results are good, so I'm not changing until there's an issue

I spec’d out my last two 260 barrels to start at about.07+ jump but I’m not shooting solids, just bullets known to be jump friendly.
First one was as a experiment and second because first one shot so well.
Looking at Warners load data I see they list a OAL for the cartridge. 300WM for me. Can anyone tell me what the base to ogive length is for the 180 & 198gr at the published OAL?
I would recommend you contact the Warners or Josh Kunz. I could measure those for you, but I would not come close to the level of precision those sources can offer. I just don't trust myself.
Looking at Warners load data I see they list a OAL for the cartridge. 300WM for me. Can anyone tell me what the base to ogive length is for the 180 & 198gr at the published OAL?
It will be the same for both and it will be at the top end of the driving band. That is where the .308 diameter ends. Everything else in front of that is smaller with the pilot band being a .302 diameter. Thst point is about. 510 from the base of the bullet.
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You see a lot of people, or you read one article? Big difference.
I am finding success in a longer jump. Shooting a 6bra at .070" off, a .280 ai at .1" off, and a 30 06 at .060" off. I have others that like .120" off. I would not be surprised if you could find a .2" off spot that would work. So I would say not that preposterous.
I am finding success in a longer jump. Shooting a 6bra at .070" off, a .280 ai at .1" off, and a 30 06 at .060" off. I have others that like .120" off. I would not be surprised if you could find a .2" off spot that would work. So I would say not that preposterous.
Novel said it was preposterous, I have never once, seen a builder set up a rifle with the intent to jump .1-.2” from the start. I didn’t say they wouldn’t shoot a ways off the lands. Farthest I’ve ever, first person seen, shoot great off the lands was, .130”. That’s more the exception than the rule
It will be the same for both and it will be at the top end of the driving band. That is where the .308 diameter ends. Everything else in front of that is smaller with the pilot band being a .302 diameter. Thst point is about. 510 from the base of the bullet.
. 510" from the base of the bullet. I can do the math from there.
Thank you.
Ok so doing the math if I were going to seat them to the published OAL in my barrel they would be jumping .235" to the lands.
Question now becomes if I seat them longer will there be enough bearing surface in the neck to hold the bullet?
Ok so doing the math if I were going to seat them to the published OAL in my barrel they would be jumping .235" to the lands.
Question now becomes if I seat them longer will there be enough bearing surface in the neck to hold the bullet?
Is it a 300 Win Mag with a SAAMI chamber?
Or is it a custom reamer spec?
What is the freebore on your chamber?
Its a "match" chamber. I don't know the specs. I do know that the 225 ELDM are .015" off the lands @ 2.825" to the ogive. Doing the math with the measurements Mr. Warner provided & his posted COAL in the load data the 198's would be 2.6". That would be nearly a 1/4" jump.
That was the issue I ran into with my 6.5 Creedmoor. In order to get a minimum bearing surface I was going to have to jump them over .200 I just received some 198g bullets from jbaily yesterday I will measure them and report back what I find with my 300 win mag RPR.