On behalf of the match staff, I'd like to thank all the competitors for coming to test themselves at the 2012 Thunder Beast Team Challenge. You displayed a superior level of safety in dynamic shooting situations while traversing hard terrain with a high level of physical exertion. Everyone was on the ball and on-time and that really helped us keep the match a little bit ahead of schedule. All the teams should feel proud for completing this event. It takes a lot of expertise in different shooting disciplines/styles to succeed at this match and it's a significant accomplishment to place in the top 10 at the TBTC.
Thanks to the RO's for working their asses off for (at least) 3 days: Paul, Jeff, Ann, Travis, Michael, Mike, Matt, (USO) Mike, Stan, Ray, James, Joe, Dave. While the competitors shot 4 field/assault courses a day, the RO's had to work about 15. That's a hell of a lot of work and I know some of you were smoked by the end of the weekend.
Thanks to Ray for his extraordinary help as Assistant Match Director. Thanks to the land owners, Dave and Lorraine W., for continued access to their property. Also a special thanks to Jeff and Ann for their efforts throughout 2012 to make sure we have the right sponsors in place for all our events.
Also thanks to all the sponsors for an excellent prize table and support throughout the year. We had teams competing from US Optics, JP Enterprises, Trijicon, Burris/Steiner, and Barrett.
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