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Sniper’s Hide Cup 2017 Sniper's Hide Cup at Rifles Only


HMFIC Damage Controller
Staff member
Commercial Supporter
Full Member
Jul 24, 2001
The Original Sniper's HIde Cup, will be back at Rifles Only in November

Registration will open August 30th, however this is more of an "Invite Only" event so if you want to get on the list post here

I will be submitting my list of shooters to Rifles Only and they will be adding their list of preferred shooters so space will be extremely limited

We are at a point where, just opening it up to anyone is not gonna happen. We want peope who understand this event is an destination and Rifles Only is where all this started. When we originally paired with Rifles Only these matches took off to a new level. Everything grew out of what we did at Rifles Only.

We plan on revisiting some of the old school stages we ran back in the day. So if you want to relive what precision rifle events were like before the PRS or NRL, here is your only chance to get in.
Hmm Ill try and make it, depends if building the new house hasn't killed me by then.

Jake Freese

Hit and miss at the NTX matches
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Frank I had a dumb question

I currently shoot in South Texas rifle club at RO.
For one I'd like to add my name to the list so I can shoot this.
Gilbert Garza

But now the question
Our group has several that do not participate on Facebook or Hide forum. How would I go about advising them about the match ?

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So I guess the match is not invite only now? And is a PRS points match?

The PRS has no clue what is going on, I met with them in CO, and they said, they had no idea what matches were promised to be what ?

They booked 3 events on the same weekend, the SHC was supposed to be the Tactical Division Finale, now it appears they added the Tac Finale to the Finale ?

So we really have no idea as communication has been non-existent, I traveled 3 hours to see them ? I am interested in the changes moving forward but it appears they are still in the dark with all this...

With the butt hurt competitors sniping at me every chance they get, (As if people are not sending me the conversations) I really don't care either way as there is more than enough shooters to keep the big shots out, in my opinion they bring nothing to the event but drama. With the entire old guard out and the new owners wanting to make this run like a real business / series they would be open to talking, but so far, it's been pretty light. My hope is a new governing body that actually governs the shooters like they should, taxing them when they fuck up, vs constantly taking credit for the work of others.

My thoughts are,

Let the shooter shoot any matches they want, then have a couple of qualifying events for the finale, top 25 you are in, end of story. Come in 26th, shoot the next one and try again. Let everything before the qualifier be practice and not forced in order to keep the costs down. The problem with traveling for a minimum number of events is travel costs. Some guys have the luxury of driving to enough events vs the guys who have to travel. If you let them compete without restrictions or by forcing them qualify through volume you open the door up for an easier go at it. You can have 4 or 5 events that qualify you, automatically bring in the top 25 of each event and bang you have the top field set.
LOL Who? The new mgmt with Dennis? If so...I find that hard to believe because Dennis along with his two directors seem to have their shit together if you ask me.
Doesn't change the fact, the PRS had no infrastructure and put nothing on paper... it was all cross talk and cliques, that is not how a series is run.

A note was put out on the PRS Match Director FB page and it really was just a "Hold on and Wait", nothing is really gonna change yet, we are working on sorting it out but first they need to establish an administration.

They are basically starting over, and doing so by potentially staying the same for now, which is sort of how I read it.

As I said in Colorado, there was a lot to untangle as to what was or wasn't promised to various MDs in regards to the main finale, tac finale, regional finales, etc. For us (Brandon Hembree, Ryan Castle, and myself) it comes down to talking to the MDs and digging through old emails. The PRS Director position was passed over to another gentleman a few months before I bought it. He did a tremendous job in getting things organized as much as he could in the little time and with the information he had. That being said, there was still a lot of "discovery" on our part and a learning curve that we are just now getting ahead of.

As far as the Tac Finale goes, we have few people that want to attend the Tac Finale. Ryan talked with Jacob at Rifles Only, and he told Ryan to move it wherever we wanted. Jacob said he wasn't going to do anything special for the Tac Finale at Rifles Only. If Jacob would have said he wanted the Tac Finale, then it would have been at Rifles Only.

There are a lot of things we want to do for the PRS and long range precision shooting community in general, but for 2017 we can't throw a monkey wrench in everything mid-season as I'm sure you know. I would honestly love to fly out there sometime and sit down to talk. Once this season wraps up, I'll have a lot of free time to travel out to Colorado, or maybe I could come out a couple of days early to Rifles Only.

Lastly feel free to call or email me anytime at 775-544-1653 / [email protected].
I can appreciate that, and said as much.

The changes came without any communication, when I spoke to Jacob it was not relayed to me the same way as written and I will take that for it is... a miscommunication on each side, including mine. But I am also very easy to reach and did come down to Mill Creek to start the ball rolling, to me it just appeared to stop.

Remember, the Rifles Only event is still a Sniper's Hide event, we could have done as much as needed, it's a combined thing.

My door is always open to discuss,

Thanks for the response it helps.
Spots non-transferable or refundable, I am going to have to pass, we are supposed to be out of the outage on the 31st. That is too close in case we run long. Oh well maybe next year
Im sure most know, there is still a few spots for the SnipersHide Cup

This is an awesome place to get started in this type of shooting. You get to shoot and learn from some of the greats.

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As of now we are all going, but those other 2 can get a bit flaky......
A certain crescent shaped gun plumber may be coming, as well as The Stash. Two long lost faces. Now Tat and I just have to kidnap Magnum PI on our way in.
I heard that the gun plumber was in from Sotex Hunter. Trying to nail down the Stash, is like trying to catch a fart in the wind. Looking forward to seeing you guys and Carpentier.

Screenshot 2017-10-09 12.50.51.png

ever shoot moving chaos at RO ?
Morgan, you shot awesome congratulations! Yes, it was a fun and challenging match and those that didn't end up coming really missed out. It was great to see you in South Texas again Frank I hope you'll be back soon! Thank you to Frank, Jacob, Lisa and the whole RO staff for putting on a fun and safe event. Thanks again to all the sponsors who supported this event and provided for a really nice prize table!
WELL it looks like I am late to the party. Frank it was GREAT seeing you again. Glad to see the Snipers hide cup back where it started. THANKS to Jacob, Lisa, there STAFF and all the RO's. Also to the Sponsors for donating prizes for the prize table. Everyone that shot the match and got something off the prize table needs to send a THANK YOU to all the sponsors. I make it a habit to do so and when I do many say they do not usually get a note from someone. Make sure to do it.