I decided to give the 17 Mach2 a try for Eastern Grey Squirrels this year. I rigged up a Sav MkII with a laminated Boyds stock and Zeiss 4-18 optic. In range session prior to season, I was impressed with the little 17's flat trajectory and precision compared to my Anschutz sporter in 22lr. Plus the 17 seemed to hit the same POA hot or cold. The Annie has a bad habit of shooting high right on the CB shot and most hunting shots are cold bore. Opening day, I was able to zap 4 of the lil bushy tailed critters out of the same shagbark hickory in the span of about one hour. All from about 50-60y out. I missed a few too. They just won't sit still for me?? One shot knocked the nut out of the squirrel's mouth when I was attempting a head shot, lol. If they would sit still for at least 2 seconds, they were dead. I am just not a fast as I used to be. Great fun and the 17 M2 may just be the perfect medicine for squirrel. It is flatter than a 22 and more deadly but does not tear them up as bad as the 17hmr or the 17wsm. The Mach2 is quieter also. The report sounds about the same as a hi-vel 22 rd. I posed a pic of the carnage. I think I would be confident in any shot out to about 80-100y with this rig. Out past that I would have to have a perfect set up on a stationary tgt.