The precision rifle expo is awesome don’t get me wrong but this years didn’t seem to be as big as last years. A lot of vendors there last year didn’t show up this year for some reason. GA Precision wasn’t there or I missed them. Didn’t see accurate ordinance either which is a ga company. (Yes I realize GA precision is not in Ga?) I don’t guess I saw the Defiance Machine booth either. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought I read they would be there. Edit...I just read they were part of the badrock rifles booth. All the shooting range experiences looked to be as good or better which is cool. I don’t shoot much unless something I’m considering buying, I like to stay back and let the people new to precision shooting experience it. And I realize it’s an expo and that the main purpose is for vendors to showcase the things they sell for information but there was very little merchandise for sell. A lot of people I talked to planned to be able to buy more items and that wasn’t much of an option. I will say I bought some things from Swannys booth and that’s the first I’ve heard of them. Helluva nice guy and dont mind answering questions spending the time it takes for solid customer service. Thumbs up to them. I’d like to see the expo continue and maybe it’s just me but it looked to be less vendors and less people overall coming to the expo. Just my 2 cents worth. Maybe others will post there experiences.