So I got one of these for my wife last year for Valentine's day and this year I got her a venom red dot for it ( yea it's pretty romantic). Weve shot maybe 700-800 rounds since I bought it with all of them being suppressed. Ive cleaned it several times however I've never cleaned the magazines. Now the last couple times we've shot the gun the magazines are very slow to feed if you fill them to max capacity ( I also have TK mag bumpers) so I put 10-11 rounds in per mag and you release the follower spring and the rounds just crawl back to the top of mag like they are traveling through mud. However you play with the follower spring without any rounds in it and it reacts just as fast as it did day one. Anyone else run into this problem? It's causing the gun to fail to feed because the spring isn't seating the next round in the top of the mag fast enough. We shoot primarily CCI standard velocity through it suppressed. Thanks !