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.22 ammo accuracy


Mar 16, 2021
I am new to the Accuracy of .22lr. my question is, if @100yards of what ever bullet, being Eley,Lapua,wolf or what anything else holds 1MOA or better is it good for further distance?

I have no way to test past 100 yards so I have to rely on data.
A quick and dirty relationship exists with rimfire cartridges.
For a simple comparison if you double the distance, expect triple the spread.
At half the distance you end up with a third of the spread.
This is not an exact formula due to variations in wind/temperature/rifles and skill.
But based on my accumulated targets over multiple years and distances.

If you produce a 0.5 inch group at 50 yards, expect 1.5 inch at 100 yards under similar conditions.
1.5 inch at 100 yards and expect 4.5 inches at 200 yards. Works better in reverse.
Produce a 3 inch group at 200 yards, you get 1 inch at 100 and 0.33 inch at 50 yards.
A quick and dirty relationship exists with rimfire cartridges.
For a simple comparison if you double the distance, expect triple the spread.
At half the distance you end up with a third of the spread.
This is not an exact formula due to variations in wind/temperature/rifles and skill.
But based on my accumulated targets over multiple years and distances.

If you produce a 0.5 inch group at 50 yards, expect 1.5 inch at 100 yards under similar conditions.
1.5 inch at 100 yards and expect 4.5 inches at 200 yards. Works better in reverse.
Produce a 3 inch group at 200 yards, you get 1 inch at 100 and 0.33 inch at 50 yards.
this is a help thanks.
I am new to the Accuracy of .22lr. my question is, if @100yards of what ever bullet, being Eley,Lapua,wolf or what anything else holds 1MOA or better is it good for further distance?

I have no way to test past 100 yards so I have to rely on data.
I have seen all kinds of things with rimfire ammo.
You will find different ammo will group better or worse at certain temperatures, distances, bullet weights and velocities.
Some rifles seem to be more consistent than others, my B14r and T1x are very consistent with several brands of ammo.
Usually you will find that ammo labeled match or target will group better than bulk or copper plated ammo.
Many High Velocity types of ammo will group poorly at closer distances, but I have also seen those groups tighten at extended ranges...
22lr rifles/pistols can be tricky, however, there are several rifles that I own that will hold sub-moa at 50yds and 100yds easily on calm days.
There is some weird magic going on with rimfire, but I would agree with the above and a general rule. If you double the range, expect somewhere between double and triple the group size.

I have only found one exception to that, and it is with the most recent lot of Lapua PB I have been using. I had the rifle at the testing facility and the were having trouble with the 50 meter target not picking up the all of the rounds. But the 100 meter target was doing fine, and this lot of PB was consistently shooting .75's at 100. I decided to go with it, figuring it should shoot well under that at 50.

After I got the ammo I went out to zero the rifle at 50 yds and the rifle was consistently shooting .5's. My best group was a .48. I was a little frustrated with it so I set a target up at 100 and sure enough, it was shooting .75 or under, with the best group being a .64.

To rule myself out as the cause, I switched back to the last of my R100, shot three separate 5 round groups at 50 and three and 100 and it performed like it always has. About .25 at 50 and .75-.8 at 100.

I am still scratching my head on that one.
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Slow day at the office...;)

I enjoy hearing about how folks are getting great results from the different brands of rimfire.
Sub-moa results with inexpensive cartridges keeps me hopeful I'll run into a brick as capable.
Sadly, my luck doesn't work that way. When I purchase cheap ammo, the results live down to the price.
Strays, fliers, mv spread, dents, dings, poor assembly, irregular cartridge dimensions are what I'm shipped.
I'd enjoy finding inexpensive ammunition that was capable of more than a couple random acts of accuracy per box.
My problem is that a couple 5 shot groups don't satisfy my OCD. I expect my results not only to be consistently tight
but to also hit where I'm aiming. That's why I've taken to composite aggregate group size when looking at my results.
I send 50 shots at a target, 5 shots at a time, then measure the overall spread relative to point of aim.
I may have a 5 shot group average less than 1.25 inch at 100 yards, but the 50 shot aggregate will be 2 inches plus.
That composite group is a better representation of the ammunition's consistency.
My Sako loves SK, well sub moa at 100

That Norma stuff isn’t bad, as it was all I could find, I can run KYL rack easily at 50 and 1” targets at 100, haven’t used it too much on paper
There is some weird magic going on with rimfire, but I would agree with the above and a general rule. If you double the range, expect somewhere between double and triple the group size.

I have only found one exception to that, and it is with the most recent lot of Lapua PB I have been using. I had the rifle at the testing facility and the were having trouble with the 50 meter target not picking up the all of the rounds. But the 100 meter target was doing fine, and this lot of PB was consistently shooting .75's at 100. I decided to go with it, figuring it should shoot well under that at 50.

After I got the ammo I went out to zero the rifle at 50 yds and the rifle was consistently shooting .5's. My best group was a .48. I was a little frustrated with it so I set a target up at 100 and sure enough, it was shooting .75 or under, with the best group being a .64.

To rule myself out as the cause, I switched back to the last of my R100, shot three separate 5 round groups at 50 and three and 100 and it performed like it always has. About .25 at 50 and .75-.8 at 100.

I am still scratching my head on that one.
No need to scratch your head Tenex is designed for optimal 50yd to 50meter accuracy buy its load and bullet design dont put bets on it at 300yd you'll loose . That's the very reason I group shoot all my ammo at 300 yds I'm moving out to 600 next week. I could care less at 100 in less I'm shooting asprins.
No need to scratch your head Tenex is designed for optimal 50yd to 50meter accuracy buy its load and bullet design dont put bets on it at 300yd you'll loose . That's the very reason I group shoot all my ammo at 300 yds I'm moving out to 600 next week. I could care less at 100 in less I'm shooting asprins.
I plan to post the new videos soon, but this is some of my T1x at 475yds.

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No need to scratch your head Tenex is designed for optimal 50yd to 50meter accuracy buy its load and bullet design dont put bets on it at 300yd you'll loose . That's the very reason I group shoot all my ammo at 300 yds I'm moving out to 600 next week. I could care less at 100 in less I'm shooting asprins.
I will say this veloicty spread or deviation at any range is your enemy, low ES cost money !
My 1517 shoots under .4 at a 100 yd on calm days but none of my 22lr will at 100yd ,but I have got several groups all 10 shots under 3 " @ my 330 target what would that backwards calculate too ?
your getting consistent 3" groups at 330 yards...not happening

the ammo ES is more than 3" at that distance
I would have to say that consistent 3in groups at 330yds would make for an incredible video if you have one available?
I'm not saying that it isn't possible but it'd be something to see, is all.
I usually get 6-8 hits out of 10 on 4in steel at 300yds with my T1x, however, on a calm day the hits might increase slightly?...
Maybe with different ammo I might get close to those results but I'm not holding my breath., lol.
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Turbo...Compare averages to aggregates

I'm not much for averaging results, as it hides problems.
I've built the 25 shot aggregates and compared the total spread from each target.

Bleiker Results - 2010

100 yards in a tunnel


5 Group Average............................25 shot Aggregate

0.455" Eley Match...........................0.60" Vertical - 0.82" Horizontal
0.510" Lapua Midas Plus...................0.67" Vertical - 0.64" Horizontal
0.549" Lapua Midas M.....................0.71" Vertical - 0.77" Horizontal
0.611" Lapua Polar Biathlon..............0.83" Vertical - 0.82" Horizontal
0.611" Eley Tenex Ultimate EPS........0.99" Vertical - 0.65" Horizontal
0.619" Eley Match EPS....................0.63" Vertical - 0.913" Horizontal
0.622" Eley Club............................1.03" Vertical - 1.13" Horizontal
0.630" Lapua Center X....................0.92" Vertical - 0.71" Horizontal
0.631" RWS R50.............................1.25" Vertical - 0.66" Horizontal
0.679" Eley Tenex Semi Auto........... 1.24" Vertical - 0.55" Horizontal
0.694" Lapua Midas L......................1.08" Vertical - 1.18" Horizontal
0.729" Eley Tenex..........................0.94" Vertical - 0.99" Horizontal
0.739" Lapua Master L....................0.79" Vertical - 1.24" Horizontal
0.753" Lapua Super Club.................1.11" Vertical - 0.70" Horizontal
0.785" Lapua Master M....................1.10" Vertical - 0.88" Horizontal
0.831" Eley Sport...........................1.32" Vertical - 1.05" Horizontal
0.851" Eley Match Xtra....................1.01" Vertical - 1.30" Horizontal
0.859" Lapua Standard Plus..............1.06" Vertical - 0.77" Horizontal
0.867" Akah X-Zone........................1.16" Vertical - 1.23" Horizontal
0.877" Eley Pistol Match...................1.18" Vertical - 1.03" Horizontal
0.907" Norinco Target......................1.08" Vertical - 1.79" Horizontal
0.924" Eley Silhouex........................1.95" Vertical - 1.18" Horizontal
0.939" CCI Standard........................1.63" Vertical - 1.02" Horizontal
0.952" Eley Subsonic HP...................2.11" Vertical - 1.05" Horizontal
0.963 Magtech..............................1.74" Vertical - 1.06" Horizontal
0.970" Olin Ball...............................1.45" Vertical - 1.37" Horizontal
0.978" Kassnar Concorde..................2.00" Vertical - 1.21" Horizontal
0.995" Eley Club Xtra......................1.20" Vertical - 1.59" Horizontal
1.009" Western Value Pack...............1.54" Vertical - 0.85" Horizontal
1.032" Federal Champion..................1.68" Vertical - 1.37" Horizontal
1.087" Norinco Pistol Revolver...........1.71" Vertical - 1.63" Horizontal
1.100" CCI Mini Mag........................1.50" Vertical - 1.25" Horizontal
1.112" Lapua Crow HP......................No image available
1.143" Winchester T22....................2.32" Vertical - 1.36" Horizontal
1.142" Federal Gold Medal................1.95" Vertical - 1.57" Horizontal
1.144" Federal American Eagle..........1.71" Vertical - 1.14" Horizontal
1.156" Swartklip Hollow Point...........1.60" Vertical - 1.62" Horizontal
1.165" Lapua Signum......................1.38" Vertical - 1.31" Horizontal
1.170" Swartklip Match Trainer..........1.83" Vertical - 1.48" Horizontal
1.175" Fed. Champion Value Pk..........2.03" Vertical - 1.67" Horizontal
1.182" SK high Velocity....................1.93" Vertical - 0.78" Horizontal
1.201" Totem.................................2.05" Vertical - 1.43" Horizontal
1.224" Winchester Super X...............1.23" Vertical - 1.94" Horizontal
1.358" Eley Standard......................1.85" Vertical - 1.39" Horizontal
1.367" Remington High Velocity.........1.54" Vertical - 1.91" Horizontal
1.375" CCI Blazer...........................2.27" Vertical - 1.41" Horizontal
1.414" Eley High Velocity.................2.49" Vertical - 1.87" Horizontal
1.450" Remington Target.................2.29" Vertical - 1.93" Horizontal
1.504" LVE Logo............................1.92" Vertical - 2.11" Horizontal
1.813" SK Standard.......................2.40" Vertical - 2.87" Horizontal
1.879" S&B Club............................3.42" Vertical - 1.94" Horizontal
1.947" S&B Hollow Point.................3.22" Vertical - 2.67" Horizontal
2.073" SK Standard HP.................3.05" Vertical - 2.55" Horizontal
2.22"1 S&B Standard...................3.27" Vertical - 1.23" Horizontal
2.266" Pobjeda Target.................2.40" Vertical - 2.88" Horizontal

Link to view original targets and aggregate images: https://photos.app.goo.gl/S7B4Dtbmp4ZZ5VUs5

Walther KK200 Results - 2012

100 yards in a tunnel


5 Group Average...........................25 Shot Aggregate

0.426" Eley Match EPS...................0.69" Vertical - 0.54" Horizontal
0.455" Lapua Polar Biathlon.............0.79" Vertical - 0.76" Horizontal
0.513" Eley Tenex Ultimate EPS .......0.91" Vertical - 0.63" Horizontal
0.540" Eley Tenex Semi-Auto...........0.71" Vertical - 0.61" Horizontal
0.547" Eley Tenex..........................0.84" Vertical - 0.70" Horizontal
0.581" Eley Match Pistol..................0.84" Vertical - 0.90" Horizontal
0.592" Eley Match..........................0.88" Vertical - 0.61" Horizontal
0.605" SK High Velocity...................1.12" Vertical - 0.72" Horizontal
0.614" Lapua Midas M.....................0.95" Vertical - 0.82" Horizontal
0.625" RWS R50............................0.92" Vertical - 0.67" Horizontal
0.652" Eley Match Extra Plus...........0.85" Vertical - 0.67" Horizontal
0.664" Eley Team...........................0.94" Vertical - 0.69" Horizontal
0.685" Eley Practice.......................1.20" Vertical - 0.90" Horizontal
0.686" Federal Champion Target........1.01" Vertical - 0.76" Horizontal
0.720" Lapua Center-X....................1.48" Vertical - 0.72" Horizontal
0.728" Lapua Super Club..................1.00" Vertical - 0.78" Horizontal
0.746" Lapua Midas Plus..................1.38" Vertical - 0.67" Horizontal
0.748" Eley Club Extra.....................1.04" Vertical - 0.84" Horizontal
0.745" Lapua Midas Plus..................1.38" Vertical - 0.67" Horizontal
0.761" Lapua Signum.......................1.03" Vertical - 1.10" Horizontal
0.777" Eley Standard.......................0.95" Vertical - 1.42" Horizontal
0.786" Lapua Midas L......................0.97" Vertical - 1.10" Horizontal
0.818" Norinco Standard..................1.57" Vertical - 1.27" Horizontal
0.823" Federal Gold Medal................0.92" Vertical - 1.25" Horizontal
0.824" Winchester 1220..................1.12" Vertical - 0.81" Horizontal
0.836" Lapua Master L....................1.00" Vertical - 0.81" Horizontal
0.879" CCI Standard Velocity............1.73" Vertical - 0.75" Horizontal
0.844" Eley Subsonic Hollowpoint......1.27" Vertical - 0.70" Horizontal
0.850" Remington High Velocity.........1.26" Vertical - 1.16" Horizontal
0.866" Lapua Crow Hollowpoint.........1.32" Vertical - 1.06" Horizontal
0.868" Norinco Pistol Revolver...........1.45" Vertical - 0.98" Horizontal
0.824" Winchester 1220..................1.12" Vertical - 0.81" Horizontal
0.873" Remington Target..................1.29" Vertical - 1.49" Horizontal
0.890" Magtech High Velocity............1.12" Vertical - 1.59" Horizontal
0.898" Eley Pistol Match...................1.28" Vertical - 0.91" Horizontal
0.924" Winchester Rabbit HV.............1.45" Vertical - 1.16" Horizontal
0.931" Eley Silhouex........................1.78" Vertical - 0.98" Horizontal
0.931" Swartklip Match Trainer..........1.03" Vertical - 1.08" Horizontal
0.946" Eley HV Rabbit......................1.41" Vertical - 1.24" Horizontal
1.024" CCI MiniMag 36 gr..................2.37" Vertical - 1.36" Horizontal
1.082" Federal Champion Value Pack...1.29 Vertical - 1.45" Horizontal
1.098" Eley Club.............................1.80" Vertical - 0.71" Horizontal
1.117" Akah X-Zone........................1.72" Vertical - 0.80" Horizontal
1.139" Eley Sport...........................2.01" Vertical - 0.81" Horizontal
1.143" Federal American Eagle..........1.48" Vertical - 1.11" Horizontal
1.178" Kasnar Concorde..................1.41" Vertical - 1.55" Horizontal
1.179" Pobjeda..............................1.94" Vertical - 1.65" Horizontal
1.330" LVE Logo............................1.84" Vertical - 1.91" Horizontal
1.364" SK Standard........................2.10" Vertical - 1.65" Horizontal
1.392" SK Standard HP....................2.21" Vertical - 0.89" Horizontal
1.419" SK Standard Plus..................2.27" Vertical - 1.44" Horizontal
1.484" Sellier & Bellot Standard.........2.48" Vertical - 1.21" Horizontal
1.549" Totem Standard...................2.41" Vertical - 1.25" Horizontal
1.747" Sellier & Bellot Club...............2.46" Vertical - 0.87" Horizontal
1.752" CCI Stinger..........................1.91" Vertical - 2.60" Horizontal

Link to view original targets and aggregate images...https://photos.app.goo.gl/CJ25FeeH9X3RTcQLA

Yes, I am that OCD...still building the remaining aggregates from the 2012 results.
Keeps me occupied.
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your getting consistent 3" groups at 330 yards...not happening

the ammo ES is more than 3" at that distance
And my es on hand loads is 9 fps with 53 grain vmax they shoot better then the 55 fmj or the 40 gr nosler bt. Heck the other day I shot SK HV thru my .224 bore barrel and put all 10 in 4" at 220 yds.

This target hangs at 220 yds this was SK HV thru a spare Black hole 3 groove Ar15 blank I fitted to my RIM X that's a
.224 / .219 bore way over the .222/ .217 but it put all 10 shots like this ? Go figure ?
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A quick and dirty relationship exists with rimfire cartridges.
For a simple comparison if you double the distance, expect triple the spread.
At half the distance you end up with a third of the spread.
This is not an exact formula due to variations in wind/temperature/rifles and skill.
But based on my accumulated targets over multiple years and distances.

If you produce a 0.5 inch group at 50 yards, expect 1.5 inch at 100 yards under similar conditions.
1.5 inch at 100 yards and expect 4.5 inches at 200 yards. Works better in reverse.
Produce a 3 inch group at 200 yards, you get 1 inch at 100 and 0.33 inch at 50 yards.
This sounds logical, I am going out this weekend, will post up my results for comparison.
What brass are you using?
I tear down Wolf match extra resize brass then load with a duplex load my scales read to 2/100ths of a grain it takes 7 of the small flattened grains in lil gun powder to equal 2/100 ths and that little bit makes 17-23 fps difference. You cant find any reliable brass any where I also use a small amount of cotton to compress the powder column completely so it doesnt lay flat this will narrow your es 2-5 fps.
I tear down Wolf match extra resize brass then load with a duplex load my scales read to 2/100ths of a grain it takes 7 of the small flattened grains in lil gun powder to equal 2/100 ths and that little bit makes 17-23 fps difference. You cant find any reliable brass any where I also use a small amount of cotton to compress the powder column completely so it doesnt lay flat this will narrow your es 2-5 fps.
Has reloading made a difference for your longer ranges?
I find SK LR to be the best 100yd+ ammo I've tested so far.
However, I reload everything but rimfire.
Here are my 475yd hits in red, yellow was a loved one shooting with me the same day.
I have actually grouped about 6in at times with my B14r at 475yds, once on video...


12in Steel 475yds
I have found myself testing the limits of rimfires for the last 2 years.
I have a lot of material/videos I need to edit and post for others to (hopefully) gain something from.
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Has reloading made a difference for your longer ranges?
I find SK LR to be the best 100yd+ ammo I've tested so far.
However, I reload everything but rimfire.
Here are my 475yd hits in red, yellow was a loved one shooting with me the same day.
I have actually grouped about 6in at times with my B14r at 475yds, once on video...
View attachment 7590842


12in Steel 475yds
View attachment 7590848
I have found myself testing the limits of rimfires for the last 2 years.
I have a lot of material/videos I need to edit and post for others to (hopefully) gain something from.
Yes but it's very time consuming! I have all the equipment available to alter bullets , brass or what ever I need I make all my own resizing dies or molds. Let's look at this the avg. Quality 22lr bullet runs a bc of .173 the 53 gr vmax bc is .290 when I spin the heel on I loose .9 grains , does it affect the bc it has to ,but pushing the extra 12.1 grains to the same velocity my trajectory curve is cut by 29" and my velocity is maintained at longer yardage. Any! Any! time you reduce curve you increase impacts! Is it worth it ? It depends on what your trying to accomplish. I just love tinkering with stuff I've built guns for over 40 years. Justin got me going on that 17 Lijia group, my next project is to build a 17 PeeWee for the RIMX it's a 30 carbine necked to 17 cal. Dont know why I'd just like to. I will say at longer range my grouping has improved by tightening up the twist in my barrels. Bullet stability is as important as a small ES if not MORE IMPORTANT! And a 16 twist sucks out past 400 yds the best way to measure this is with a full setup target cam and chrono recording target impacts to velocity with 1 twist barrel to another at 400 yds or further you will quickly see the difference.
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Has reloading made a difference for your longer ranges?
I find SK LR to be the best 100yd+ ammo I've tested so far.
However, I reload everything but rimfire.
Here are my 475yd hits in red, yellow was a loved one shooting with me the same day.
I have actually grouped about 6in at times with my B14r at 475yds, once on video...
View attachment 7590842


12in Steel 475yds
View attachment 7590848
I have found myself testing the limits of rimfires for the last 2 years.
I have a lot of material/videos I need to edit and post for others to (hopefully) gain something from.
PS my wife can Shoot !
I would enjoy seeing high speed camera vids of the last 25 feet before impact at long range.
It'd help with my understanding instability as rate of spin decreases due to atmospheric friction.
I'd also like to see the 22lr in high speed vids during the transition through the sound barrier.
I'm not finding any indications of trajectory spread due to transition, only due to crappy ammo.
The closest test l could derive was shooting through 2 identical chronos 1 10 feet in front of muzzle #2 was at target. Shot to shot is was easy to track as long as the bullet passed through the screen i could not see any computer variances out to 200 yds., but at 330 I started seeing veloicty lose on some rounds not always the ones that started out with a low fps. Unfortunately the steel screen I built to protect the chrono at 330 was missed placed a bit and a deflected round went through the led. Screen on the chrono. End on test. I will continue this when windy season passes.
Yall ever heard the saying, keep your friends close and your enemy and the ones you compete against closer ?🤨 a alittle addin there. So I ran 10 rounds real quick before heading to the lake lot today of SK RM and SK LR. Never shot it before, shame on yall both shot under .400 with my you'll never do 10 flyer going out by alittle over .1 or both groups with have been .3ish the 24 3/4 barrel likes I'm. Got alittle video for yall to look at there 3 trees way across the lake the bottom left one in the group shot 609 yds on the Razor 4000 I'll set up here ,week after next to try a video and get some serious hang time shooting across water can be a tad different. How do you load videos ?
Yes but it's very time consuming! I have all the equipment available to alter bullets , brass or what ever I need I make all my own resizing dies or molds. Let's look at this the avg. Quality 22lr bullet runs a bc of .173 the 53 gr vmax bc is .290 when I spin the heel on I loose .9 grains , does it affect the bc it has to ,but pushing the extra 12.1 grains to the same velocity my trajectory curve is cut by 29" and my velocity is maintained at longer yardage. Any! Any! time you reduce curve you increase impacts! Is it worth it ? It depends on what your trying to accomplish. I just love tinkering with stuff I've built guns for over 40 years. Justin got me going on that 17 Lijia group, my next project is to build a 17 PeeWee for the RIMX it's a 30 carbine necked to 17 cal. Dont know why I'd just like to. I will say at longer range my grouping has improved by tightening up the twist in my barrels. Bullet stability is as important as a small ES if not MORE IMPORTANT! And a 16 twist sucks out past 400 yds the best way to measure this is with a full setup target cam and chrono recording target impacts to velocity with 1 twist barrel to another at 400 yds or further you will quickly see the difference.
I'm interested on hearing more on this fast twist with regular 22lr ammo. Care to share more? 🤓
I'll be able to tell you more next week 4 sure I got in another new barrel from John at Keystone I wanted to try a GM in a 25 " ,but it's a 16t the shilen 14 rachet I'm shooting now is tight with whatever I've feed it. I just got through making a 36" gridded target for 600 yard group test next week. I will say I'm still impressed with the SK HV out of the .224 bore 3 groove 9t Black hole barrel I'm shooting hand loads out of I'm gonna put it back on and run it at 600 as well and see if the improved GS shows up out past 330.
A acquaintance of mine has been testing 1-12 and 1-9. He says 1-9 has been making the flier fly further out.
1-12 has given better accuracy. But he did not look at BC or through his testing.
It will be interesting to see hear what you find. At this point I will be getting a 1-12 for testing but have a month to decide yet.
Theoretically the fast spin would make a irregular projectile vere of course more, but if it puts 4 in a tighter group at longer yardage than a 16t you would have to consider the gain. I truly believe there will always be fliers to some degree. But I try to figure everything from a overall avg. Testing will show this and I'll post results.