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22 for young kids


Full Member
Mar 30, 2013
I'm trying to think of a way I can get a 22 stock down to an 8 or 9" LOP for my 4 year old. A 10/22 would be fine as well as a bolt and have thought about the cost effectiveness of a voodoo in a manners compact stock but it would be mostly a waste of money in it's currently planned configuration. For a bit untill he's older I'm gonna have him just run a rmr as his optic. Just plinking on steel at say 50 yards. Obviously the voodoo would grow with him but I have a few 10/22 take downs I can play around with if I can figure out a stock situation for the very short LOP. Any options other than cutting a wood stock and fitting a new pad?
Light, short, quiet for the kids

Blackhawk Axiom Stock
Magpul CTR with riser
Tacsol barrel with fixed cage
SCO Sparrow

It the Chipmunk still made? Single shot, very small.

Yes. A precision model and a Mosin clone is coming soon

My kiddos first 22 was a CZ452. Bolt handle wasn't too bad for them to manipulate. Has a single shot sled or magazine. I cut the LOP down to 9" it's fixing to get dropped into a Boyd's AT1 as there both big enough for that now.
Have 3 boys so we have a few shorter LOP options around (cricket, CZ scout, 10/22 in the blackhawk stock, Ruger Precision Rimfire and a couple others)

My boys for the most part like standing to shoot whenever they can, a lot more so then prone or off the bench. So the cricket is good for that. If I'm sitting with them they get to shoot the semi autos, but they like a little independence so with the single shots I'm a step behind. They like that a whole lot more. From my point of view I like the CZ scout, since its built like a "real" gun i guess.

If you do cut down a wooden stock drill a couple 3/8" holes down past where you plan on cutting. This way you can use some dowel rods to keep everything straight when you glue it back together.
I looked at a bunch of guns for my 5 year old. My only caveat was finding one with a threaded barrel and being able to easily attach a red dot. The best fitting we found was the Savage Rascal target. Single shot, threaded barrel, and a bolt he can operate easily. Downside is the weight.

I had a 10/22 in a Axiom stock. As an adult, I didnt like the massive amount of flex in the forearm. A child wont be able to flex it as easily though.
I coached one of the local BSA troops for their merit badges for years... the single shot where you need to manually cock the hammer would be my suggestion.

this is a great option- buy one used locally and sell it in 3-5 years as it becomes too small.

The child can open the bolt, load 1 round, close the bolt. Parent them manually cocks the bolt each time



My dad got me a Steyr Mannlicher like this one when I was 7 months old.... it was easy to shoot off of sand bags....
Once I got a BAR in 22, this gun became a safe queen...

For a child, if you at a public range, a 4X optic allows the child to see hits... with peep sights, you cannot see the hits and it might be a boring outing..


The 10/22 is fun... I appreciated the ritual of single loading each shot. as they get older, the 10/22 is a great platform.
Winchester 67 Boys Rifles

Classic firearm built for kids with the craftsmanship they used to build "adult guns".

My sons/daughters 67 "Boys Rifles"


I wanted something similar to my M40 so they realize its a "real" gun...


My local shop usually has a 67 "Boys Rifle" or two in the racks let me know if you want me to do some shopping for you.

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I actually have an old Winchester with the plunger hammer you have to cock but 1...it's long for a 3.5 year old, 2...I dont want to go down the path of irons yet with him, 3...I need to be able to run a rmr for now for the ease of getting hits for him. Kind of like how you dont want a kid to get bored fishing by not catching anything. He's just shooting steel for now standing off a game changer on a tripod. I like the idea of the plunger and single shot for safety but I also dont like how he would have to fumble and adopt bad habits with it. We shoot on our property so public range and the associated stuff doesn't apply mostly.
i started on a chipmunk with a peep sight..now i cant see the post or the circle lol

it was a great little rifle but after 10-15 rounds i wasnt able to pull the firing pin back anymore

when i got my kids started i bought a marlin 22 bolt mag fed

grabbed my hand saw and chopped off 3" from the stock

took all of 10 minutes

sanded it down, came out great. and im not a wood worker

initially i didnt even put the but pad/plastic back on because there is no recoil

after a while i grabbed some sand paper and sanded down the plastic butt to fit flush

did the same with a discovery 22 PCP rifle, worked great again
pic of the pellet rifle

added a adjustable cheek rest, kids heads werent the right size for cheek weld

daughter was 9 and son was 7, way to different for a foam pad

took off about 2 1/2"

then as usual (i couldnt stop my self) i broke out the krylon

gin pic.jpg
As much as I hate Ruger. I would go with a 10-22. kids starting out need to be entertained. A 10-22 will do it. Later on they will care about hitting the target. That's when you quit using a Ruger 22 of any kind. And set them up with a real 22
I actually have an old Winchester with the plunger hammer you have to cock but 1...it's long for a 3.5 year old, 2...I dont want to go down the path of irons yet with him, 3...I need to be able to run a rmr for now for the ease of getting hits for him. Kind of like how you dont want a kid to get bored fishing by not catching anything. He's just shooting steel for now standing off a game changer on a tripod. I like the idea of the plunger and single shot for safety but I also dont like how he would have to fumble and adopt bad habits with it. We shoot on our property so public range and the associated stuff doesn't apply mostly.

One point about cocking the head piece kids do have a hard time manipulating it.

Id have to stand to the side and cock it for my son while he was on bags at the bench.
At this point I'm between a 10/22 and a cz457 or maybe a marlin of some kind and cut the stock down myself and rework it. The CZ and the roger would be easiest to mount the rmr on I'm thinking. Cheapest and fastest route would be the 10/22 but I'm not in a hurry either. Hmm...
My girls have been shooting a Cricket Precision Rifle since they were 4.

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This is the kind stuff that gets kids shooting. It looks neat and they have fun. The reason I am following this thread is I have 4 girls and 9 grandkids. I am going through this now.. Get them started and there is no end to it. I make it fun the winner has a choice of where we have lunch after shooting. Idont care what age the shooter is they shoot better with a teacher that makes it fun. Give them something to shoot for.
My kids started early on a cricket and chipmunk. LOP can still be way too long on those depending on the kid's size. The good thing about the cricket is low forward weight. 15-22 LOP can be adjusted short enough, but it's still too heavy for a small child to shoot offhanded.
I started my oldest great grand daughter with a crickett when she was eight. At eleven she is close to outgrowing it. No matter, she has a little sister that is just now eight. Then there is a cousin that's four and another that's one and a half. Finally there is another little sister that's two months. The little rifle is going to be used for years. I'm taking the two oldest shooting Saturday morning.

What no one has brought up is the size of the kid and that's important. Also I'm not going to start a four of five year old on a semi-auto rifle. You may but not me.
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I've made no mention of how many rounds would be in the mag or if I intend to have a 10/22 cycle or not, I understand the concern though. Dont assume that just because I'd be using a 10/22 it's going to be "fully semi automatic" so to speak....
I've made no mention of how many rounds would be in the mag or if I intend to have a 10/22 cycle or not, I understand the concern though. Dont assume that just because I'd be using a 10/22 it's going to be "fully semi automatic" so to speak....

You never know. I've seen some that had no problem turning a little kid loose with a simi so my response. I started the eight, now eleven, year old kid shootin a pistol with a SR22. Load one, let her shoot, and repeat. When i decided she was doing all the safe handling things right I allowed her two shots. Now she just loads it and shoots it observing all the safety rules. I'm going to start the same process with her eight year old sister tomorrow morning.
Started my then 5 y/o on a 10/22 added a magpul stock with shortest LOP. With bipod and rear bag, He enjoyed shooting 10x10 steel at 45 yards first then he moved up to 100, 150, and 200. He enjoyed the immediate report from a steel hit.
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Light, short, quiet for the kids

Blackhawk Axiom Stock
Magpul CTR with riser
Tacsol barrel with fixed cage
SCO Sparrow

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This is pretty much one of the best set ups for them.

I have spent some decent money on one of my boys RPRr because the length of pull, bolt action, enlarged bolt knob, adjustable trigger, AR15 ergos, and used 10-22 mags. Bought a LW barrel to cut down on weight too.

It shoots pretty good but if I had it to do over again I would do

Kidd 10/22 complete action with a single stage trigger and ULW barrel and drop it in an axiom stock.

Price would be about $900.00 sans optic but accuracy would be great (not vudoo but still great) and super easy to shoot. Super LW and adjustable too.

I thought my boy having a bolt action was what he needed to have him slow down and take his time but every time I take all the kids out to shoot, they either want to shoot the 10/22 (in a PMACA chassis) or a 17hmr cz455.

My next 22 I am building for my daughter will be a Kidd in a Blackhawk axiom stock (wish they did pink) and CMORE or red dot. At this point having something that is easy to shoot and hits what they shoot at is most important to me. Ymmv
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My next 22 I am building for my daughter will be a Kidd in a Blackhawk axiom stock (wish they did pink)

Start off with a Coyote Tan Axiom stock.

Just remember that your dye color needs to be darker than the base color
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Start off with a Coyote Tan Axiom stock.

Just remember that your dye color needs to be darker than the base color

Thanks for the info. Going to have to do that. Maybe purple would be better
The Rit powder dyes are only $2.99 a box. Try a light pink and see how it turns out. If it doesn't work, then try a darker pink. You can always fall back to an even darker color like purple if it doesn't turn out well. You could even get your daughter involved in the color process. She might want something different (i.e orange or bright red).
Way back in the dark ages when the eye dominance thing first began to appear in magazine articles I taught my daughter to shoot. Right handed with left eye dominance was very easy to see. I told she had a choice, she could learn to shoot left handed or learn to use her right eye to sight with and the choice was up to her. She was eight or nine years old at the time. She chose to use her right eye and became a very good shot. She embarrased some of her big brother's friends by shooting better than they could. You can offer guidelines but it's really up to the child to make the effort---or not.
I think I found the ticket for now. Mike Warren is gonna cut down a compact stock for me and convert it to a take down and refinish. Should be a pretty sweet setup. Now I just need to get another rail and a broken vortex razor rmr sent in for repair to top it off.
Way back in the dark ages when the eye dominance thing first began to appear in magazine articles I taught my daughter to shoot. Right handed with left eye dominance was very easy to see. I told she had a choice, she could learn to shoot left handed or learn to use her right eye to sight with and the choice was up to her. She was eight or nine years old at the time. She chose to use her right eye and became a very good shot. She embarrased some of her big brother's friends by shooting better than they could. You can offer guidelines but it's really up to the child to make the effort---or not.

I will keep pushing little changes when he shoots for now. He is still really young and gets frustrated really quickly when I try to change up too much at once. For now, the biggest thing I want him to get out of shooting in enjoyment.
I will keep pushing little changes when he shoots for now. He is still really young and gets frustrated really quickly when I try to change up too much at once. For now, the biggest thing I want him to get out of shooting in enjoyment.

Age makes a big difference. I'm into great grand kids now and they range from six weeks to almost eleven and a half. How age affects maturity is quite easy for me to compare. Two year olds have almost no attention span and absolutely no patience and it doesn't improve a great deal until seven or eight and then they begin to pay more attention and actually see what works. Ever take a 3-4 year old fishing? Five minutes without a catch and they are done plus you can't get them to leave their line in the water for two minutes at a time. If it isn't happening almost instantly they lose interest.
I bought my son a Rascal when he was three and set it up to make it easy for him to shoot (and yes, he's all bass ackwards in his shooting position, It took me a while to figure out that he is cross eye dominant and I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it).
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Did your model come with a scope mounting setup? I purchased one of these for my brother's children several years ago and cannot recall, but he'll be giving it back to me soon for my kids. I also like the looks of that bipod.
Age makes a big difference. I'm into great grand kids now and they range from six weeks to almost eleven and a half. How age affects maturity is quite easy for me to compare. Two year olds have almost no attention span and absolutely no patience and it doesn't improve a great deal until seven or eight and then they begin to pay more attention and actually see what works. Ever take a 3-4 year old fishing? Five minutes without a catch and they are done plus you can't get them to leave their line in the water for two minutes at a time. If it isn't happening almost instantly they lose interest.

The fishing example is what I used earlier about what I wanted out of this rifle for now. The need for results to keep interest. As far as fishing goes, crank bait is your friend for little kids. Gives em something to do instead of watching a bobber.
Has anyone determined a good reasoning behind plunger vs non-plunger? My brother is about to give me back a Savage Rascal that I got for his kids a few years ago, and it doesn't have a cocking plunger. The Cricket does have a plunger. I can see the benefits to having a plunger that is too difficult for a small kid to cock.
What are your thoughts either way?