.22 match med/short range (emphasis on positional/gaming)


Full Member
Nov 4, 2012
Greensburg, KY
I have some land that some of my buddies shoot at with .22. Range 25-300. We have small matches within ourselves. I am thinking about holding one a little more legit, but not to legit. Its in Greensburg Ky. It would have about 15 stages and maybe just one day worth of shooting. I would only have 30 people max. Entry would be 30.00 50% would go to the purse. 25% would go to something like wounded warrior and I would keep 25% for targets and putting it on(mowing/berms) Maybe have a series of 4 matches. Would anyone here be interested? What are some things that would make it fun. Remember things wouldnt be to serious, but its always fun to throw a little money up. Input...
Well I think you need to come down to Arkansas and shoot with me! That would be fun! I'm just kidding, but I do have a little advice. I'm not sure what you use as targets now, but steel reactive targets are an absolute blast shooting with the .22 at any range! Nothing beats that "ping" when it all connects! Also might try awkward positions to make the shooters get out of their comfort zone!

Here is a thread of a pretty interesting looking match in NC.


Hope my rambling helps, good luck!
Well I think you need to come down to Arkansas and shoot with me! That would be fun! I'm just kidding, but I do have a little advice. I'm not sure what you use as targets now, but steel reactive targets are an absolute blast shooting with the .22 at any range! Nothing beats that "ping" when it all connects! Also might try awkward positions to make the shooters get out of their comfort zone!

Here is a thread of a pretty interesting looking match in NC.


Hope my rambling helps, good luck!

I meant yo say long range not short range. We play with our .22s alot, but we dont have any .22 comps to shoot around us, so we kind of have our own. I would like yo shoot the NC comp. As for the steel, thats about all we shoot. Thanks for the feedback.