.223/.556 ammo recommendation


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Oct 1, 2024
Hey guys, I have an AR-15 I'm setting up that will be dedicated to a mix of fun long range shooting and coyote hunting. I also have a scope that will be set up with custom turrets. So I kind of need to settle in on a desired round. It sounds like the vmax are preferred for coyote, but they're awful light. I'm just curious as I'm new to all this if there would be a better round that will do double duty? Maybe something that will be good and accurate at longer range and adequate for coyote. Thanks for the help guys.
Cant speak to Coyote, but longer range Id go with a 77 Berger or SMK, Black Hills uses the 77 and the military does or did use Black Hills so Id think it would stop a coyote too.............
Hey guys, I have an AR-15 I'm setting up that will be dedicated to a mix of fun long range shooting and coyote hunting. I also have a scope that will be set up with custom turrets. So I kind of need to settle in on a desired round. It sounds like the vmax are preferred for coyote, but they're awful light. I'm just curious as I'm new to all this if there would be a better round that will do double duty? Maybe something that will be good and accurate at longer range and adequate for coyote. Thanks for the help guys.
How long of a range for your long range shooting? You can get good quality 62 grain ammo that mimics M855 in ballistics, but is all copper and lead in construction. Good for at least 600 yards, and much cheaper than the high-dollar name brand stuff.
We use 77SMK's for yotes. Primarily I have always shot BHills 77 and the MK262 they make because it shoots the best in my yote rigs. I recently bought some AAC 77SMK from PSA to try and it also shoots good in my stuff as well as being a lot more available and cheaper. The AAC shoots nearly as well in my stuff and though slower it has close enough field dope to use my same elevations out to our average max ranges of 350 or so. Both perform pretty well to around 700 on steel.
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Black Arc Mk262 “Alpha”(NAS3)
77 SMKs at 2750-2900fps (16-18” rifles)
Good SDs and has been solidly sub-MOA

Edit: this data sheet was only about 100 rounds into this particular rifle, and this rifle now does 2825fps and 0.7ish with the same lot of ammunition. If you want to push 5.56 to its performance limit, Black Arc is solid choice.
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A number of the suggestions so far are good, I esp like the 77gr TMK/SMK options. It's hard to find the really good 5.56 77gr (like Black Hills) in stock anywhere though. A reasonable second choice--not quite as accurate, but probably good enough for coyotes--is the 77gr IMI stuff. I have some of that and have been pretty happy with it. It's usually in stock at several places and more affordable.

Another option that's worth checking, though not cheap, is the Barnes 5.56 70gr TSX. Often used with good effect as a hunting round.
The 77gr AAC otm sucks for putting down yotes. This one took one straight on in the chest at 180 yards and then took 3 more before she gave up the ghost. A 53 or 60 gr vmax would have done a lot better at that distance.

77gr TMKs work great. I personally like the 69gr TMK a little better. Same bc as a 77gr smk but you’re gonna be able to run it close to 2900 fps
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