28 3/4" rimfire barrel?


Full Member
Feb 27, 2008
Bangor, ME
As some of you know I am a fan of the CZ 452s. My Lux is the most accurate .22 I've ever owned, but have you seen this 452 Ultra Lux? I had never even heard of it 'till yesterday cruising around gunbroker. Seriously? A 28.75" barrel on a 22LR? Can some one tell me why??
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 762frmafr</div><div class="ubbcode-body">velocity. </div></div>

I would think that with that much barrel you would actually SLOW down the bullet (from friction) as opposed to a 20" barrel.

I wonder if the barrel length isn't more for a longer sight radius?

Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

I read a test where a 10/22 barrel was cut down 2" at a time. The fastest length was 14" IIRC. Think they did a 77/22 barrel as well. I can look up the specifics if you would like.
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

My Anschutz Supermatch has a 690mm barrel, which is 27.2". They make a 500mm barrel as well, but the prone shooters tend to stick with the 690. An exercise to the user to determine why this might be so...

I have also seen a study somewhere that showed an increase in standard deviation out of the shorter barrel, but I cant seem to locate it right now.
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kombayotch</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Could be because they are really quiet with subsonic ammo, without having a can. </div></div>

It sure would be...
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

First, my opinion is worth what you paid...now, this is based upon what I have read in the past...

My understanding is that it helps:

Sight radius
More consistent velocity as virtually all the powder is burned inside the barrel, and since 22 bullets are really affected by changes in pressure on the heel as it leaves the barrel, makes the transition from the barrel to the outside world more consistent.

Heavy = steadier (less prone to wobble)

It tends to keep most bullets that are at the speed of sound subsonic for best accuracy as it eliminates both the transonic and supersonic transitions for the bullet....

Again, I am sure there are those on this board that can set me straight where I went awry, but I think I have reasoned well here.
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

Long Barrel is for better Open sight radius.

As well as stability when firing in position especially off hand get alot less bounce with your breathing and heart rate.

I read an article in gun and ammo several years back about cutting a 10/22 custom barrel. I think the fastest was around

16 inches, after that the powder is burnt up and the increased friction with bore is actually slowing the bullet down.

I had a Harrington Richardson Return from the CMP it barrel was 28 inches long. The whole gun weighted 13 pounds.

Also have a Remington 541X that has a 27 inch barrel on it.

Great guns for small competition though at a fair price.
Re: 28 3/4" rimfire barrel?

Bull Barrels did a test some time ago and found that 14 to 16 inches is where the most speed is found with target ammo. Under that and the powder is not fully burnt and the bullet is slower. Over that and the friction will also slow the bullet down. On the other hand in another test it was found that 18 to 21 inches seems to be where the most accuracy seems to be. Donald