Hunting & Fishing 28 gauge side by side


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Mar 7, 2017
I've been wanting to get one for awhile for rabbit hunting over beagles and a little dove hunting. Was wondering if anybody has any direct experience with some different brands and recommendations?

Had a buddy that used to own a gun shop offer to order me a cz at cost but said he didn't recommend them because they were pretty rough compared to the Spanish guns. Should of done it because it was 700 bucks then and damn near double now.

Been looking hard at Csmc Rbl, price is a bit steep but don't plan on selling and don't think they'll go down anyways. Also looked at some Aya, F.A.I.R, and Skb.

If anyone has any experience doing what I plan to do all help would be appreciated. Don't believe I want 30" barrels for swinging through brush and think I would rather have sst vs double but any advice would be great.

Thanks, Hagen
Aya are beautiful gun…but pricey. I’d love to have one but I’m too busy going broke w rifles. Lol.

Have you looked at Beretta Silver Pigeon?

Still not a budget gun but IMO you get what you pay for w SxS. Cheap ones are…cheap.

I’d see what’s on the used markets in SxS but 28 ga are often more rare and expensive….particularly w vintage guns.

Best of luck.
That's part of my issue, rifles I know, decent side by sides not so much.

Definitely don't want to cheap out on this, hence the no Tristar in the list I'm looking at 😂. Spent a bunch on rifles before but never this coin on a shotgun.

Between running my squirrel dogs tomorrow gonna stop by to bullshit with the gunsmith at Haugh Custom Guns to pick his brain a bit. His dad that started the company has passed but Cole does awesome work. They don't have guns for sale but do really nice restorations and are extremely knowledgeable.
First figure out the wants:
Single trigger or double
Splinter or beavertail forend
Straight or pistol grip stock

I prefer the single trigger myself. I had a cz sharp tail because I thought it would be perfect. Well action was stiffer then stuff and trigger left a lot to be desired. Sold it after a box of shells. If you’re in the realm of buying a SxS 28 then do it right and get one made before 1960ish.

One thing with a 28 is the longer barrels make it much nicer to swing. I love my 28s but don’t use them nearly enough. Good luck in your quest.
Just out of curiosity what draws you to a premium SxS? The reason I ask is for around the same price you can get a premium over and under that, the model has been well tested and may offer a better quality control factor. Some examples of these are the Beretta 686, Browning Citori, and if you are ok with spending more you can even go with something like a Blaser F16 or a Caesar Guerini. All of these are over and unders though and if you are deadset on having an SxS another option that may fit you well is to buy tubes. What a tube is in case you don't know is a device you can put inside the barrels of SxS as well as over and unders that restricts the barrel to shoot different chamberings. I feel like this may be the best option for you as that opens a lot more gun options for you as well as it allows you to have one gun that if you want to shoot 12 gauge from, all you have to do is take out the tube. Also, don't be discouraged from using a tube because they are often considered heavy and don't pattern as well, this is not the case though. If you buy a high-quality tube such as one from Briley they pattern just as well as any full-length gun will and way less than 13 oz for a full-length tube. They are also not that much at roughly 600 depending on which one you get whenever you factor in how much of a premium you would be paying for a 28 gauge vs a 12 gauge. Hope this helps!
I have always liked side by sides better, nothing against o\u. May be because my dad usually packed one when chasing beagles as a kid. I'm sure I'm in the minority but sxs just feel better to me.

As far as tubes go I want one on the right size frame. A lot of sub gauge guns were built on bigger actions and don't feel right to me. Believe me, wish my taste was for a 20 or bigger. It would be way easier to find one.

Thanks for all who have responded so far.
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Buddy just got an old LC Smith Specialty in 16g.

After handling and running clays with it, I would buy all I can find of that in any guage at the price he paid, which is less than his 16g Citori

Not sure they made a 28 back when his was made.
Aya are beautiful gun…but pricey. I’d love to have one but I’m too busy going broke w rifles. Lol.

Have you looked at Beretta Silver Pigeon?

Still not a budget gun but IMO you get what you pay for w SxS. Cheap ones are…cheap.

I’d see what’s on the used markets in SxS but 28 ga are often more rare and expensive….particularly w vintage guns.

Best of luck.
I agree with all of the above. I tried a friend's older silver pigeon 28ga O/U and I just had to get one. I found a used one in perfect condition and although this was many years ago I bought it on the spot for $800. Light and a dream to shoot - 28-inch barrels. On my last quail hunt I didn't miss a single bird, using skeet chokes, and I had a number of doubles. It's not a side by side. I've owned Spanish side by sides but find O/U's better pointing and more accurate.

Here is a pic of the gun I took ~2016, I titled this "Night before the hunt" :).

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I agree with all of the above. I tried a friend's older silver pigeon 28ga O/U and I just had to get one. I found a used one in perfect condition and although this was many years ago I bought it on the spot for $800. Light and a dream to shoot - 28-inch barrels. On my last quail hunt I didn't miss a single bird, using skeet chokes, and I had a number of doubles. It's not a side by side. I've owned Spanish side by sides but find O/U's better pointing and more accurate.

Here is a pic of the gun I took ~2016, I titled this "Night before the hunt" :).

Oh my, at 69 I'm not sure I can even remember my own name...sigh.

I meant the 471 Silver Hawk (not Silver Pigeon which is indeed an OU) which is a side by side but they no longer make it in favor of the Parallelo 486 of which I know nothing.

Oh...and personally I agree...there was a damn good reason they took SxS barrels and turned them on edge into an OU...they are just better shooting IMO.
I agree with all of the above. I tried a friend's older silver pigeon 28ga O/U and I just had to get one. I found a used one in perfect condition and although this was many years ago I bought it on the spot for $800. Light and a dream to shoot - 28-inch barrels. On my last quail hunt I didn't miss a single bird, using skeet chokes, and I had a number of doubles. It's not a side by side. I've owned Spanish side by sides but find O/U's better pointing and more accurate.

Here is a pic of the gun I took ~2016, I titled this "Night before the hunt" :).

Oh, and great still life photo. Did you take it?

This was taken by my dearest best friend who is no longer with us. It was for the cover of Skeet Shooting Review on the occasion on of my taking over as Skeet Director for the North-South tournament.

Most of this stuff (all of this stuff??) is from the 30's when the N-S started.

It took my friend...the totally anal, perfectionist, photographer...6 hours to finally take the fucking shot. I had to ADD couldn't stand it. LOL Unfortunately, all I have is a low res version with a suggested layout of the magazine title on it...which is exactly the way they published it and was the absolute best cover photo they have ever run....well, normally its just a pic of fat guys on a podium in sweaty t-shirts

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Those are some great pics of some fine shotguns! I have absolutely nothing against o/u guns at all. The 28 sxs is just an itch I've got to scratch.

Really wanting it for rabbit and dove hunting, don't have my weim or my beagles any more but still long for one.
Buddy just got an old LC Smith Specialty in 16g.

After handling and running clays with it, I would buy all I can find of that in any guage at the price he paid, which is less than his 16g Citori

Not sure they made a 28 back when his was made.
Tell your buddy I'll give him a couple hundred over what he paid if he wants to make some money off it lol. A 16 would be a close second! Damn it why can't I want a 12, way cheaper and easy to find.
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I have my old mans 311 in sixteen gauge that he used to pack. Them and the fox b are about identical, still use the hell out of it. Like you said, great hunter, and will never sell it. The rabbits its killed wouldn't fit in a truck bed.
@Hagen - would you consider an older gun like a Fox Sterlingworth? Still not inexpensive, however.

One example of a 20 ga

Oh yeah absolutely. I'm just wanting something well done, don't want to get inside it and see a bunch of machining marks like on the cz, huglu, etc.

I don't want to get into the 5 figure range but not planning on finding "the one" for a couple grand either.
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don't want to get inside it and see a bunch of machining marks like on the cz, huglu, etc.

I don't get this fetish. As long as the tool marks are not on areas that bear against each other they are irrelevant.

Getting rid of them means you're paying for nothing.
Oh yeah absolutely. I'm just wanting something well done, don't want to get inside it and see a bunch of machining marks like on the cz, huglu, etc.

I don't want to get into the 5 figure range but not planning on finding "the one" for a couple grand either.
Reason to get an older one where they still hand fit a lot of the parts.
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i had to scratch that side by side thing myself, wanted a 16ga was a big grouse hunter at one time had 3 setters. ended up with a parker 16 26 in barrels imp and mod didnt fit me worth a shit was going to sell it but still have it. bought a winchester 20 single trigger mod and improved also shoots 3in. upland birds are not worth hunting anymore grouse went down hill, stocked pheasants last 2 days stocked once a week for 3 weeks it sucks. if i was to buy a 28ga sxs it would be a merkal.
I've been wanting to get one for awhile for rabbit hunting over beagles and a little dove hunting. Was wondering if anybody has any direct experience with some different brands and recommendations?

Had a buddy that used to own a gun shop offer to order me a cz at cost but said he didn't recommend them because they were pretty rough compared to the Spanish guns. Should of done it because it was 700 bucks then and damn near double now.

Been looking hard at Csmc Rbl, price is a bit steep but don't plan on selling and don't think they'll go down anyways. Also looked at some Aya, F.A.I.R, and Skb.

If anyone has any experience doing what I plan to do all help would be appreciated. Don't believe I want 30" barrels for swinging through brush and think I would rather have sst vs double but any advice would be great.

Thanks, Hagen
Well, your problem finding a quality sxs is that all the sxs and a 28 gauge sxs guns in particular have become "boutique" items. Low demand means low production means high prices. And there is a good reason for this.

O/U guns have overwhelmingly replaced the SXS. They have stronger actions, point better, are more accurate, and most importantly, they don't recoil differently for each barrel. SXS guns do. And that recoil moves the impact point.

I've shot a number of sxs and everything else shotgun wise, including some incredibly expensive ones over the last 50 years.

For a Spanish sxs there is no better than Arrieta. Problem is that they are all handmade and expensive. Gorgeous guns, very well made and shoot very well.

For a more moderate price of around 5K, Fausti makes some very nice sxs guns. Beautiful guns actually. I have not shot those. Check Fausti USA and the DEA SLX gun. I think $5K is a bargain for them.

Then at the bottom end there are companies like Tristar Bristol, Italian Firearms Group (IFG) and Taylor's and Co. Those are 1 to 3K in price. These are basically importers that select different manufacturers to provide the parts to build the guns. I have not shot those either.

The only way to get a very high quality SXS is to buy used. And that is hard to do because people that have them don't want to sell them, and those that want to sell them know how much they are worth.
For a Spanish sxs there is no better than Arrieta.
I agree...incredible shotguns. I particularly like their round body models. Griffin and Howe has a matched pair of Magestics (sp?) for a mere $90K!!

Almost bought one about 15 or so years ago then came to my senses! haha
I agree...incredible shotguns. I particularly like their round body models. Griffin and Howe has a matched pair of Magestics (sp?) for a mere $90K!!

Almost bought one about 15 or so years ago then came to my senses! haha
Ouch!! You can find Arrieta single guns in lesser grades used for about $5K. But buyer beware.

A lot of people might not know is that on both the SXS and O/U guns the action opening lever on top of the tang acts like a clock for the number of shots fired. When people buy a new gun they will not notice that the lever will not be centered on the tang. I did, so I looked it up. As you shoot them SXS and O/Us over and over it starts moving towards the center of the tang, and then eventually to the other side. That is wear from the number of shots.

It takes a LOT of shots to do that. Eventually the parts/springs wear out on the lock and the shotgun will open all by itself after a shot is fired. I have seen that happen in real time on a high end competition Krieghoff. In my competition Browning 425 Sporting Clays the lever is already past the middle halfway to the other side. That is with a shot count of about 40K+ shots. And the gun itself looks better than new! So, buyers of used guns beware....
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I'm gonna catch shit for saying it but I love my stoeger. Its more bulky than the more expensive brands. But it fits me better. And their customer service is impeccable. They replaced a gun that I cause a problem with 5 years after I bought it. No questions asked.
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You won't go wrong with Connecticut Shotgun round body. Really well made for an entry level sxs. I had one for a bit in 20. I also get the sxs bug. No, they don't win any Trap or Sporting clay comps shooting against dedicated rigs. I have several Beretta o/u. They will last forever, well made, shoot well. But, the worst thing I ever did was handle a high end sxs with double triggers, English stock. I was hooked!! Be careful of low end models, even some mid grade hand made ones. The CSMC is a safe bet from a reputable company for not a ton of cash. You can go real deep down the rabbit hole with shotguns, ask me how I know. It'll make high end rifles and scopes look like a drop in the bucket.
28s are a blast to shoot. Have fun!
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You won't go wrong with Connecticut Shotgun round body. Really well made for an entry level sxs. I had one for a bit in 20. I also get the sxs bug. No, they don't win any Trap or Sporting clay comps shooting against dedicated rigs. I have several Beretta o/u. They will last forever, well made, shoot well. But, the worst thing I ever did was handle a high end sxs with double triggers, English stock. I was hooked!! Be careful of low end models, even some mid grade hand made ones. The CSMC is a safe bet from a reputable company for not a ton of cash. You can go real deep down the rabbit hole with shotguns, ask me how I know. It'll make high end rifles and scopes look like a drop in the bucket.
28s are a blast to shoot. Have fun!
I remember when he was first developing the RBL. It was pre-order (if I remember correctly) with a ton of buzz. I did shoot one in 20 ga at one of my local skeet clubs and my initial thought was that this was a pure upland bird gun...which I think it is.

I see he has on his site some 28 ga RBL for abotu $6k and up (depending on the window dressing).

Be a great quail gun...for hunting the old fashion way....walking a LOT! haha It is a light field gun to my mind.

Haven't thought about that gun in many years. Thanks


Have you considered a Parker Reproduction? They are high quality, well finished inside and outside. Came with many options. Decent stock dimensions.

Your criteria are about the most high demand, low production in existence. You can find something if you stay with it.

Good luck!
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Have you considered a Parker Reproduction? They are high quality, well finished inside and outside. Came with many options. Decent stock dimensions.

Your criteria are about the most high demand, low production in existence. You can find something if you stay with it.

Good luck!
I have, I'm not writing anything off. I've looked at some other gauges just for the hell of it but don't really want to settle. I know if I do it will be more money in the long run because I'll still want the 28.

One issue is gonna be the fit, I'm 6'5" and need a longer lop. The smith that is looking for me also can put a pad on if needed to lengthen. There's a lot more 14" lop than 15.

Apparently I like to make looking for a unicorn as difficult as can be.
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I understand. My current 28 gauge project started off as this. It will have 31” barrels and weigh 5.75#.
At your height you should consider long barrels to go with that 16.5” length of pull.
You simply are not going to find a 28 that fits. Something will need to be built or modified to work for you.
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I have, I'm not writing anything off. I've looked at some other gauges just for the hell of it but don't really want to settle. I know if I do it will be more money in the long run because I'll still want the 28.

One issue is gonna be the fit, I'm 6'5" and need a longer lop. The smith that is looking for me also can put a pad on if needed to lengthen. There's a lot more 14" lop than 15.

Apparently I like to make looking for a unicorn as difficult as can be.
Don't get deterred, don't settle. The 28 is a wonderful chambering. As far as lop, a slip on pad will help. A nice grind to fit is a slightly more elegant solution. Most English style shotguns will be to short for you. I had one for a couple of years and really miss it. Look at CSMC website, Galazen, Williams Larkin and Moore. They will be a good place to start your search.
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I understand. My current 28 gauge project started off as this. It will have 31” barrels and weigh 5.75#.
At your height you should consider long barrels to go with that 16.5” length of pull.
You simply are not going to find a 28 that fits. Something will need to be built or modified to work for
7 pin sidelocks still give me a boner


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I agree...incredible shotguns. I particularly like their round body models. Griffin and Howe has a matched pair of Magestics (sp?) for a mere $90K!!

Almost bought one about 15 or so years ago then came to my senses! haha
I think you might be referring to the Arrieta Magister which is now an O/U. The only O/U in their line. Their higher end round body these days is the "Siglo". A top top of the line SxS round body. I just drool on that one. Look at the polishing and bluing on the barrels below :eek:.

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There's a lot more 14" lop than 15.
And a LOT of field gun stocks were cut down back in the day to facilitate low gun, fast, mounting. Can't tell you how many old Winchesters I have seen with stocks cut to 13-13.5" or so.

I think you might be referring to the Arrieta Magister which is now an O/U. The only O/U in their line.
Not only are you right...but I can't find on Griffin and Howe's site the set of guns I was looking at yesterday....shit, getting old is getting...well, old! haha

But they do have a Purdy for the low price of $150K! hahaha

Yeah, that's a beautiful shotgun, alright.
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A lot of people might not know is that on both the SXS and O/U guns the action opening lever on top of the tang acts like a clock for the number of shots fired. When people buy a new gun they will not notice that the lever will not be centered on the tang. I did, so I looked it up. As you shoot them SXS and O/Us over and over it starts moving towards the center of the tang, and then eventually to the other side. That is wear from the number of shots.

It takes a LOT of shots to do that. Eventually the parts/springs wear out on the lock and the shotgun will open all by itself after a shot is fired. I have seen that happen in real time on a high end competition Krieghoff. In my competition Browning 425 Sporting Clays the lever is already past the middle halfway to the other side. That is with a shot count of about 40K+ shots. And the gun itself looks better than new! So, buyers of used guns beware....

Fitting a new, oversized locking block to match the lugs is a standard maintenance item on double guns and not anything to be concerned about.

It's not even that expensive as a % of the gun's cost. I think I paid $200 to have it done to a Beretta 686.

It's the equivalent of rebarreling a rifle, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Not a DIY thing, yet.
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I was a huge 28ga fan when I ran pointers and hunted birds regularly. Tons of fun in the field and absolutely deadly on all birds. You'll want 28-30" tubes for sure with a petite shotgun. I ran a B. Rizzini O/U english stocked round body gun in 28ga that was a dream, miss that gun...
Here is a FAIR Rizzini 28ga that is 28" with 15" lop that is pretty fairly priced in my opinion. If you need more LOP a 1/2 or 3/4" decelerator pad would be a nice touch. Worth a look if you want to stay under 3G, If you bump the budget to 5g it really gives you some great options like Arrieta, AYA, CSMC RBL's etc.

Another good looking option
Fitting a new, oversized locking block to match the lugs is a standard maintenance item on double guns and not anything to be concerned about.

It's not even that expensive as a % of the gun's cost. I think I paid $200 to have it done to a Beretta 686.

It's the equivalent of rebarreling a rifle, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Not a DIY thing, yet.
When I was shooting a lot I fitted several locking bolts into Perazzi's. Not difficult if you take your time and spot them in.
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Fitting a new, oversized locking block to match the lugs is a standard maintenance item on double guns and not anything to be concerned about.

It's not even that expensive as a % of the gun's cost. I think I paid $200 to have it done to a Beretta 686.

It's the equivalent of rebarreling a rifle, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Not a DIY thing, yet.
I agree 100% for mainstream guns. Built by hand Euro guns not so much. Those could get expensive. especially if you have to ship them.

Nevertheless, I mentioned this clock thing - which is based on my own experience owning a gun with 40K+ shells through it that looks better than new - because someone spending a good deal of money on a used gun might want to know how much it has been shot. I would....

To the OP: I apologize but I'm going to hijack the thread just a bit...

Writing about my comp gun got me thinking and OMG. Am I old or what! This year that gun is going to be 30-years old! I shot this gun in the '90s a couple of times in Sporting Clays foursomes with Norman, as in Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf. We shot at the same club in Tampa, Florida. He used to host fundraiser local celebrity sporting clays tournaments at the club and being one of the regular top shooters I got to do those. One club member went out with three "celebrities". Memory fades but my squad either won one or finished second. Course was set up really easy to the benefit of the guests so I shot either a 98 or 99 out of a hundred. Then Norman had an 18-wheeler catering from Outback Steak House party. Very nice man. RIP.

Memories came back writing about this gun, so pulled it out of the safe and took a couple of quick pictures of it today.

The first is relevant to the post. It shows the opening lever in relation to the tang (ignore the safety/selector - it's not centered). It's already halfway to full right, but this is after 40k+ shells. I believe this is a testament to the very strong Browning action. Obviously, I was handloading like crazy. Shot ~25K shells one year alone.

The second picture Is the gun as it lives in the safe today. Not bad for 30 years. The stock is highly modified for vertical cant and LOP, and I had it refinished in oil after all the mods, rather than the lifeless poly finish. Oil really brought the figure out!


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Have you looked at the Franchi Esprit guns? Franchis get good and slick in their actions once you use them a bit. I have an O/U (an old one) and it’s a great gun. They do make a 28ga in the esprit line too.

After a little research, forget this post. Doesn’t look like they import them into the US.
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When I was shooting a lot I fitted several locking bolts into Perazzi's. Not difficult if you take your time and spot them in.
I think it was probably a little expensive though when you added that P word into the equation lol. My gunsmith said out of all the parts he has in his trailer for Blasers, K guns, Berettas, and Zolis with all of them added up he may have the same value as one little box of Perazzi parts. They are beautiful guns though.

Also, I don't know how many other premium guns come with a "maintenance plan" but my Blaser F3 did and I usually have all the extractor springs and firing springs changed for free each year so that may be something to consider when you are looking for a gun in this price range.
If anyone knows of any websites that aren't the standards that show up on duck duck go, I'm all ears. Been burning up the bandwidth looking at the same ones every night.

The problem wit 28 ga as mentioned above is that they tend to be rare and expensive and collector stuff. 20 ga. Or 16 ga are much more affordable.

There is an excellent book called “Spanish Best” about the tier one Spanish guns, mostly from Eibar. Get a copy of that, @Hagen and you can get some obscure names to look for.

I have a trio of Victor Sarasqueta guns from the 1960’s and ‘70’s. Victor senior was considered Spain’s Purdey. (His son mass produced guns — relatively speaking) and hurt the name. But older Sarasqueta’s are incredible pieces inside and out. And do not break the bank.

Since the publication of Spanish Best, they had a bit of a resurgence. But many of the makers are still obscure and not collected. Prices are accordingly lower.

And once you have a name, you can search for examples online. They are out there.

Also, there is a British double gun classified. The 28 gets little interest there. Not many collectors. And if you are going to go through all the hassle, you generally get a 12, 16 or 20-bore. Not a tiny gun that is not as suitable for UK driven shooting. Most of those sellers will export and there are specialty services just for that.

Last, watch the London gun auctions. Some stuff goes crazy cheap at those. And all the big companies handle the import for you.

Hope this helps!


Oh… do I like doubles? You decide!
I’m no shotgun expert nor a great wing shot but I sure do appreciate my basic Ugartechea SXS guns, one a 28” 12 GA and the other a 25” (!!) 20 GA. The latter is a sweet little Churchill model that handles very nice, actually, but I carry it’s beat up big brother because its 7# balances so well in every way and it doesn’t mind a rainy day. I believe the Uggies have pretty good LOP, perhaps approaching 15” and they are solid guns. It might take time to find a 28 GA, like in any make.

A friend borrowed my 12 to shoot a couple partridge in NW Ontario on his first walk up there and came back describing it as “the perfect bird gun” and he has a collection of hunting shotguns dwarfing my meager lot to compare it to. I do love it.
I'm gonna catch shit for saying it but I love my stoeger. Its more bulky than the more expensive brands. But it fits me better. And their customer service is impeccable. They replaced a gun that I cause a problem with 5 years after I bought it. No questions asked.
They are great guns if you never shoot. Start putting high round counts in them and you will see why they cost what they cost, same as the other cheap O/U and SxS.
I’m no shotgun expert nor a great wing shot but I sure do appreciate my basic Ugartechea SXS guns, one a 28” 12 GA and the other a 25” (!!) 20 GA. The latter is a sweet little Churchill model that handles very nice, actually, but I carry it’s beat up big brother because its 7# balances so well in every way and it doesn’t mind a rainy day. I believe the Uggies have pretty good LOP, perhaps approaching 15” and they are solid guns. It might take time to find a 28 GA, like in any make.

A friend borrowed my 12 to shoot a couple partridge in NW Ontario on his first walk up there and came back describing it as “the perfect bird gun” and he has a collection of hunting shotguns dwarfing my meager lot to compare it to. I do love it. View attachment 7800920
I had one exactly like that from Lion Country Supply. Like an idiot I sold it.