2A ALERT: New Jersey Governor Murphy vows to make NJ the first 'gun free state' with drastic overhaul of existing gun control laws.

So, this link says SC vacated the circuit court upholding the mag bans.. they have to rehear it considering the new declaration of 2A rights. So the lower courts ruling that is was unconstitutional is now back in force.
Legal scholars are saying it's unlikely to be overturned again.

So, this link says SC vacated the circuit court upholding the mag bans.. they have to rehear it considering the new declaration of 2A rights. So the lower courts ruling that is was unconstitutional is now back in force.
Legal scholars are saying it's unlikely to be overturned again.

Invade the USA? What would be the actual purpose of such an action?
Takeover Wally World?
60 million people on welfare and food stamps.
100 million people on some kind of social handout..
30 million illegal aliens
Seriously, there's got to be a plus side to such an adventure. I just don't see one.
Still plenty of wide, open land and untapped natural resources thanks to sleepy Joe!