Hunting & Fishing 3 1/2" magnum load


Full Member
Sep 11, 2006
Northern California (occupied)
I was turkey hunting yesterday (unfortunately, came back without a bird) and towards the end of the day I figured I might as well test out a different type of load in my shotgun (a Mossberg 835 Ultimag with 20" bbl). I usually shoot 3" shells for turkey in this shotgun and have had very good results with it but I had a box of 3 1/2" magnums with me and I wanted to see how the POI and kick would change.

I was surprised by the violence of the kick in the 3 1/2" magnum load and even though I'm used to heavy recoil with firearms (my deer rifle is a 7 mag and I find it to be totally manageable), this was beyond anything I had previously felt (there's a chunk of flesh from my index finger missing, but that was in part due to not having the right grip on the shotgun). I took two more shots (just to make sure I wasn't imagining it) and then went home to look up some info on this load.

What I came across was this doesn't even reach the 3 1/2" magnum, but with regards to the 3" magnum it says:
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">12 gauge Magnum shells are even worse. A 2 3/4 inch Magnum shell throwing 1 1/2 ounces of shot at 1260 fps from a 7.5 pound shotgun belts the shooter with 45.9 ft. lbs. of recoil, somewhat more than the recoil of a typical .375 H&H Magnum rifle shooting 300 grain factory loads! And the 3 inch Magnum 12 gauge shell firing 1 7/8 ounces of shot at a MV of 1210 fps in that same 7.5 pound shotgun slams the shooter with over 60 ft. lbs. of recoil energy. This is equivalent to the recoil of a .378 Weatherby Magnum rifle, and exceeds the recoil of a typical .458 Winchester Magnum rifle. This is literally recoil in the elephant gun class, and most shooters would be well advised to avoid such loads.</div></div>

As much as I was surprised by the kick, this description seems a bit over the top, but since I have never shot a rifle in the "elephant gun class" I have to ask here whether anyone thinks the description is accurate.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

Yes it is.

I fired one 3.5in magnum shell out of my Mossberg Turkey gun. I sold the gun and gave away the ammo and warned the buyer to beware the recoil.
I have a bit of a twinkie deficiancy so not too much padding but still even a 300 win mag does not bother me.
I shot a 338 that was loaded too hot and it hurt, but not as bad as the turkey gun.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

Mikee is calling ..... um... bs on this.

I HAVE a 375 H&H and have shot quite a lot of 450+ double guns.... and shoot a couple cases a year ( sometimes much more ) of 3 1/2 inch mag. There is no comparision. The 3 1/2 aren't that bad.

As my good friend Terry Shaughnessy says " know why I shoot 3 1/2 shells?..... they don't sell 4" any more"!!!

I found some 3 1/2 shells with 2 3/8 oz shot once. THOSE were kinda stiff, but still not up to the Africa guns.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

Very true, the 3.5" ammo does pack a wallop. I tried to put a shotgun scope on my 835 for turkey hunting. F-That! At every shot the eye piece met my shooting glasses. I took the gun home and ported the barrel and added a red dot. Much better. I then bought a 11/87 Super Mag as the gas operation cuts a bit of the punch. It's ok to shoot, but you know it when it goes boom.

The worst shotgun I have shot was a Browning BPS 10 ga pump with slugs. OUCH!
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

i think there is some truth to this article . but in is not accrate in the fact that there are very few 7.5 lb 375 h,h . and no 7.5 lb double rifles . most folks would probably decline shooting a 7.5 lb 470 nitro . kind of apples /oranges .
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 264win</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i think there is some truth to this article . but in is not accrate in the fact that there are very few 7.5 lb 375 h,h . and no 7.5 lb double rifles . most folks would probably decline shooting a 7.5 lb 470 nitro . kind of apples /oranges . </div></div>

Very true. About 20 450 NE #2 is my limit before everything goes to hell. The 375 is better, but that is because the rifle fits me better. Running the bolt give me something to focus on as well. Merely pulling the trigger for another dose takes a bit of try for me.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

Its the gun. I shoot a SBE and its nothing like that. The Mossberg is known for being a red headed step child for sure. I worked in a gun store when I was in college for 5 years back in 2003 and cant tell you the amount of people that would complain about the 3.5 turkey loads in the 835 ultimag.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

I regularly shoot 3.5" steel loads out of my SBE and SBEII. They are not bad at all. But 3.5" turkey loads are nothing to laugh about. On the other hand, I have a 3.5" chambered Beretta and that is no fun with 3.5" steel or lead.
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

Shotgun recoil discussions come up in pittsburgh every fall since we are a shotgun w/slugs only area for deer. I do not consider myself recoil sensitive at all, but seriously..I do NOT look forward to the yearly scope check. I fire 3 rounds to confirm impact, and put the remaining 7 rounds in rotation for the season. Rarely do I require more, and most seasons I'm left with 4 or more recoil tamers. Any time I think my .308 is thumping me, i shove one thru the shotty to remind myself that things could be worse.

I have gone strictly to 2 3/4" shells since the 3" and 3.5" loads do NOTHING for me on the terminal end, and the deer will NEVER notice the extra 300fps

I can't imagine a turkey knowing either. My FIL has hunted turkey for over 40 years and has never used anything more than 2 3/4" high base 5 shot or six shot. he gets a bird every year. I think all the super duper magnum slammer shot shells are a marketing joke. Just my .02

For the record...i'm heading to the range this afternoon to do the scope check on the slug barrel. May video the amount of felt recoil of a slug vs. a low brass shot shell in the same gun
Re: 3 1/2" magnum load

I pretty much only shoot 3.5" steel shot during season. Not really necessary but it's nice to know ive got it. 3" turkey loads pattern a little better for me out of both of my Beretta Extrema 2's. (thank goodness!)