F T/R Competition 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Bob Roach

Full Member
Jan 1, 2003
<span style="font-weight: bold">Saturday 30 July 2011</span> starting at 9:00 AM we will be holding a Multi Range F Class Money Shoot Match.
This Match is Saturday the 30th of July, and not Sunday the 31st. We did have it on the Web Site wrong. It has now been corrected.
The range is located in South Central Missouri near Houston Missouri.

Entry Fee for this match is $40.
Rounds Required: 40

You will shoot on our 100 and 200 yard F Class targets at 100 and 200 yards. From 300 back you will be shooting on a 42" x 42" Hi Power Target with a 3" Orange Target Dot X Ring.
No Caliber Restrictions
Muzzle Brakes OK
Supressors are Very Welcome.

We will have prizes to give out.
Cash Payback is 75% of the take in.

Delta Outdoorsman is providing some very nice items for us.
I am sure Midway USA, and BSA will both donate Items for this match. I am sure we will have others also. Bryan and Ryan are taking care of the donations.

We will be serving our Famous Red Beans & Rice Dish for dinner.

For more info: http://bigpineysportsmansclub.com/

See You at the Range


Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Hey guys Ray from Precision Rifle and Tool is sponsoring this match. He just sent me a $125 coupon for one of his lowboy stocks that will be up for give away.
Thanks Ray!
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

I might see if I can lug some of the guys from Manners down there to shoot. It'll be a warm one, but that just separates the men from the boys.

I don't think i'll get to make the 17Jul shoot, the wife wants me home for something on the 16th, and I prefer to come down the day before and camp overnight. Takes 8 hours of driving in one day and makes it into 4 each day, a lot easier to do.

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Manners Stocks Has Donated a $250 gift certificate.

Guys you have time to practice on the new range, there is one shoot scheduled before the Prize Money Shoot on the 30th
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rwh38238</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have talked to sierra, brux barrels, and berger. They are all sending something. Maybe Short bus can get me a contact at manners and I will hit them up? </div></div>

I'm a little slow on the draw, but it sounds like we already added to the prize table. I know i'm committed to coming down, i'm trying to get more from the shop to come down, and maybe 1 or two from GAP, however I think most people I work with are fair weather shooters.

I do reserve the right to back out at the last minute, we may be moving to the new shop that weekend, so if i'm needed here to help with the move, then I need to help out here.

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

The new impact berm looks great. The targets look great also. If you did not make the last shoot, you need to see the range. We doubled the size of the 800 yard firing point berm.
We leveled the 600 yard line, and have 8" of base rock down. We have 9 new concrete benches up for our 600 yard bench rest matches. Next Summer after the dirt work, and base rock settles we plan to pour a concrete firing line, and put a cover over the benches. At that time we will put the new bench rest tops on new 8" x 8" concrete blocks.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Bring A Centerfire Handgun and Ammo:</span>
If we have the size of turnout we did last year, or bigger we will have 2 relays of shooters.
We will put up our Steel Handgun targets for something extra to do with your idle time besides eating lunch. For those who have not shot our Defensive Pistol Matches. We Have a Plate Rack, Dueling Trees, 1/2 Scale Tombstones, Full Scale Pepper Poppers, and a Silhouette Dual Swinger. We run this match 2 ways. You can shoot in 4 Stages, or a single pass on the clock. The difference is your magazine count. In 4 Stages you only need enough magazines to hold 12 rounds. In a single pass you need enough magazines to hold alteast 42 rounds.

The Prize Table is looking pretty good. Ryan and Bryan have been hard at work. We also have 4 items comming from Delta Outdoorsman located in Memphis. The items from Memphis are supposed to have names like VooDoo, Eberstock,and Bushnell on them. Midway is sending us several items again. I believe Hornady, Sierra, and Burger are all sending some prizes.
Some items are in, and some promised. We still have 18 days for more items to come in.

See You at the Range

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

I'm still sure that i'll be there, but my performance is going to be a crap shoot. I have to scrap 400+ pieces of my Lapua brass due to a chronic issue with case head separation. I culled out 13 cases that had signs of case head separation (a ring around the bottom of the body above the case head), and 3 of them with a partial separation with powder burn marks. I don't want to push my luck, so i'll scrap the whole lot as a life preservation measure.

Ran over to GA and Moon checked my rifle over to make sure there wasn't an issue with my barrel, chamber, and headspace. Everything checked out just fine, and in fact he tightened up my headspace another thousandanth for me. Not only do I have to re-zero since the barrel came off, I have to develop a load with Winchester brass as I have 500 new cases arriving tomorrow. This sucks. I had a outstanding load with Lapua figured out and now I have only a couple weeks to get a new load done, and I have no place to shoot since my primary private range is flooded. I think I have a solution, but i'm going to have to do some begging. I'd have 400 yards, which may be enough to get enough data to get what I need, i'd rather have 700.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Why does stuff like this ALWAYS seem to happen at the worst times for me?

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Short-bus</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm still sure that i'll be there, but my performance is going to be a crap shoot. I have to scrap 400+ pieces of my Lapua brass due to a chronic issue with case head separation. I culled out 13 cases that had signs of case head separation (a ring around the bottom of the body above the case head), and 3 of them with a partial separation with powder burn marks. I don't want to push my luck, so i'll scrap the whole lot as a life preservation measure.

Ran over to GA and Moon checked my rifle over to make sure there wasn't an issue with my barrel, chamber, and headspace. Everything checked out just fine, and in fact he tightened up my headspace another thousandanth for me. Not only do I have to re-zero since the barrel came off, I have to develop a load with Winchester brass as I have 500 new cases arriving tomorrow. This sucks. I had a outstanding load with Lapua figured out and now I have only a couple weeks to get a new load done, and I have no place to shoot since my primary private range is flooded. I think I have a solution, but i'm going to have to do some begging. I'd have 400 yards, which may be enough to get enough data to get what I need, i'd rather have 700.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Why does stuff like this ALWAYS seem to happen at the worst times for me?

Branden </div></div>

I know where there is an 800 yard range but is a few miles away from you. Todd and Flounder has shot there before. He might let you shoot sometime. We have been thinking of coming down to this shoot but haven't decided for sure. I personaly haven't shot my rifle to 800 and it isn't quite set up for it yet but what the hell!
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

If you have the time to get your ammo loaded, you could come down to Big Piney this Saturday and check your drop chart. You could spend the night at the range again, and shoot the F Class match Sunday for practice.

I have been thinking about shooting my 264 Magnum on the 30th. I have not shot it in three years or so.

I need to get my Lite Tactical rig over to Savage Doc. Don & Ryan are rebarreling my Remington stainless fluted lite varmint 221 Fireball to 223 with a magazine length throat. They should have gotten my new 1/7 barrel in yesterday. I think the chamber reamer is still on order. The old Fireball does not have quite enough sudds to go all the way back to 600 yards.

We got some rain again last night. I need to check the grass probably Friday morning and see how tall it is on the range. I may need to mow it again before the 17th F Class.

See You at the Range

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cz550</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Would like to shoot this match but I would have to use my BR rig with front rest. Would that be okay? </div></div>

In other words, you're saying I won't have a chance

I'm in. I don't know how competitive I'll be since I'm having problems with my .308 loads, I'll probably run some factory Fed.
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Would it be possible to share a rifle with someone? Thought about coming down for this just for the hell of it but would have to share a buddies rifle. And is there any place closer than Rolla to stay?
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tylerw02</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cz550</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Would like to shoot this match but I would have to use my BR rig with front rest. Would that be okay? </div></div>

In other words, you're saying I won't have a chance

I'm in. I don't know how competitive I'll be since I'm having problems with my .308 loads, I'll probably run some factory Fed. </div></div>

Well I probably won't be competitive either, I would rather run a bipod setup, but the only rifle I have up and running is my BR rifle. I am sure I will catch some hell for using it.
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

The 6.5-284 I'm trying to sell I've got to use a BR with, I'd be more competitive with that, but trying to sell it and I've only got 60 rounds loaded for it, so I'll probably just shoot my .308.
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gunrunner</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-style: italic">And is there any place closer than Rolla to stay?</span>

Scenic Rivers in Licking and the Lazy L in Houston are nice places to stay.

Thanks. Will have to check on these.
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

We should start the match at 9:00 AM. Only shooting 6 positions the first relay should be completed by 11:00 - 11:30, hoping for 11:00. We should be able to get the targets pulled, and the new ones up for the second relay in about 30 Minutes. That should have the second relay starting around 11:30 - 12:00, and completed around 1:30 - 2:00 I would estimate.
We will pull the 100 and 200 yard targets after they are fired for scoring. This should speed things up. We will still have to score the second relay main targets, then position everyone. I would guess between 2:00 - 3:00 we should be doing the prizes if everything goes without a hitch.

Bring a centerfire handgun, ammo, eye, and hearing protection with you. We will have our steel handgun range up and running as a side match to occupy your time. We will also have Red Beans and Rice for dinner.

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

You will need about 50 rounds per run. You may want to do this more than once.
We run the Steel Targets 2 ways. Either in 4 Stages of 12 rounds, or one continuous run. The difference is in the number of magazines required.
Doing 4 Stages you will need only 2 magazines.
Running continuous you will need to be able to load 36 rounds at one time.
You can run the course without a holster, if you do not have one.
Stage 1: You shoot 6 rounds at the Plates at 15 yards, Reload and advance to 10 yards and engage the Reset plates a second time.
Stage 2: Yopu engage the 6 Tombstone targets at 10 yards with 1 round each. One Time
You reload and move back to the 15 yard line and engage the reset targets a second time with 6 rounds.
Stage 3: You engage the first Dueling Tree with 6 rounds, reload on the clock, and engage the second Dueling Tree with 6 rounds.
Stage 4: You knock down both 42" Pepper Poppers, then engage the Swinging target behind the Hostage swinging target with however many rounds you have left of your 6.
Repeat a second time.

You engage the 6 Plates at 15 yards with 6 rounds only, reload and engage the reset plates from 10 yards with another 6 rounds. Reload with another 6 rounds and move to the Tombstones and engage with one round each from 15 yards. Reload and move to the Dueling Trees and engage each with 6 rounds only. Move to the Swinger and engage both Pepper Poppers, then the Swinger with no more than 4 rounds.

NOTE: If you do not have enough magazines to do the 6 round reloads, you can eject a Hi Cap into your hand, and reinsert it as a simulated reload.

You will probably want to do this more than once, bring plenty of ammo.

See You at the Range


Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Viper 225 and I was out at the range today mowing and trimming off the tops of the firing berms. Then this evening we started shooting at the metal plates off the new 600 yard benchrest tables. The wind was slightly blowing North to South across the range so it was pushing our bullets 4-6 inches on Viper225 and Tinman's .223 bolt guns and my .204 Ruger AR. once we figured out the wind drift we started hittling the plates fairly regular. There was another club member and friend shooting with us also. We will be out there bright and early tommorrow to shoot again. I kind of expect others will be out there sighting in tommorow for Saturday also. Well I better send this and go help Viper 225 reload more ammo for his rifle for the next couple of days. See yah at the range!
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tylerw02</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Looking forward to the match guys. This will be my first one ever, so take it easy on me! </div></div>

This will also be my first! And to add to it, I'll be sharing a rifle. We've been shooting it the last couple nights without much luck, but oh well, we're coming anyway and bringing it. Call it traveling 3.5 hrs. to practice! Probably won't hit much and come in last but should still be a good time.

See everyone there!
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

Unfortunately i'm not going to be able to come down to represent Manners Stocks.
Had 12 T4A's that came up that have to ship Monday, and so I have to go in tomorrow to get them all ready to go. I wish I could be there, but I gotta work.

Best of luck to all competitors!

Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

1. Don R. 299-9x
2. Ryan H. 299-7x
3. Robert R. 296-17x
4. Corey 292-6x
5. Jon S. 291-7x
6. Scott P. 287-6x
7. Peter E. 286-5x
8. Willie 286-4x
9. Chris M. 284-13x
10. Bob R. 284-6x
11. Robert L. 284-1x
12. Pete P. 283-9x
13. Ryan L. 283-3
14. Glenn S. 282-10x
15. Roger M. 282-7x
16. Brad B. 280-4x
17. Ryan M. 280
18. Matthew B. 278-5x
19. Jeff S. 275-3x
20. Jamie M. 275-3x
21. Ryan L. 274-1x
22. James L. 273-1x
23. Tom G. 272-6x
24. Robert L. 271-7x
25. Pete B. 271-2x
26. Ray B. 271-1x
27. Joe R. 270-2x
28. Scott D. 269-2x
29. Jon S. 264
30. Brent M. 262-4x
31. John H. 262-1x
32. Tyler 257-1x
33. Andrew B. 255-2x
34. Larry B. 254-1x
35. Jason R. 253
36. Bryan 243-2x
37. Hunter 242
38. Paul R. 226-3x
39. Steve C. 223
40. Jeremy S. 209
41. Mike M. 200

Despite the fact that it was hot as blazes, we had a very good turnout. We also had some very, very good shooting. We have been having these F-Class matches for around 7 years or so and no one has ever shot a clean score, and today, we had two shooters come within one point each of doing just that. The Big Piney Sportsman's Club appreciates everyone who showed to up shoot, and we appreciate those members who helped score targets and ran the steel target range.

A number of companies donated prizes for those shooters who didn't place in the top 5. We would like to thank them for their generous donations. I can't think of all of their names off the top of my head, but we will post them.

I think I'm going to go back to shooting 69 grain matchkings out of my varmint AR, I don't seem to shoot it as well with the 77 grain matchkings.
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

We had a very good day. We had 42 entrys with one dropping out. I can easily think of atleast 10 regular shooters who were missing due to one cause or another. We could have easliy had 50 or more entrys in this match.
We had plenty of help for the match. We had a couple of the wives, three of our shotgun guys, and a 600 yard benchrest shooter scoring, watching over the Red Beans & Rice, keeping the pop & water cooler stocked, getting the second relays targets ready to go, etc. Mr Slick one of our handgun shooters came in to run the steel handgun range. (Side Match to give our shooters something else to do)
We pulled the 100, and 200 yard targets and took them in for scoring, as soon as the 200 yard targets were fired. We had one crew pulling the Hi Power targets at the end of the first relay, while a second crew was stapling up the second relays targets. This really speeded things up.
You would have really enjoyed looking at the targets. <span style="font-weight: bold">WOW</span> is all I can say. We had a day with very little wind. Mirage was not terrible. And it stayed hot, so everyones data was still spot on. Robert Ross the owner of Midwest Benchrest had a terrific Hi Power Target. He shot the center out of the Hi Power target from 300 thru 600 yards. He had 17 X's, and the other 3 shots were just off the X Ring. The X Ring is a 3" Target Dot. He kept all but 3 shots on the 3" X Ring at 300, 400, 500, and 600 yards. This was not shot when the Wing Flag was just right. We have no wind flags up. It was shot over a 2 Hour Match with changing conditions. This was the most impressive target I have even seen.
Like Don and Ryan, he lost points on the 100 and 200 yard targets, which placed him in third place.
Now we get to Don & Ryans targets. They only lost 1 point each from 100 thru 600 yards. That is also some unbelieveable shooting. Don set a new Range Record for this match, that will be hard to beat, with Ryan right on his heals. Ryan & Don are Hunt's Long Range Supply. They were both shooting rifles that came out of their shop using Brux barrels. Both were shooting Berger bullets in the match. With that kind of shooting they deserve some advertisement.

I have been shooting our F Class Matches in Lite Tactical Division for the last couple years. So I have been shooting 100 thru 600 yards every match. This was my first match with my Lite Tactical rifle since Hunt's Long Range Supply rebuilt it, with a Brux 1/7 barrel chambered in 223. I came in 10th, which I was very happy with.

We were using a new 100 yard target for this match. We made up a 5 Bull target with 5 each 4" targets on it. The 10 ring is 3/4" on these targets. With one shot each, they are much easier to score accurately than the old single bull targets.
The 200 yard single bull is the one that eats everyones lunch. I do not have one handy as I am typing this, but I believe the 10 Ring is 1" on it. That is 1/2 Minute at 200 yards. For what ever reason, it is hard to keep all 5 shots on the Bulleye at 200 yards for almost everyone.

The target we use in this match for our 300 thru 600 yard target is 42" X 42" Hi Power Target. It is marked NRA SR, and is from the National Target Company. The X Ring is 3". The 10 Ring is 7" across, and the 9 Ring is 13" across. The X, 10, and 9 rings make up a Black Center Bull. We place an Orange 3" target Dot over the X Ring to complete the target for our Multi Range F Class Match. This target has worked out just fine for 300 thru 800 yard competition.
In a regular Bi-Monthly F Class match Open Division shoots on this target from 300 thru 800 yards. Lite Tactical Division from 300 thru 600 yards.

We would like to thank the following sponsers for their generous donations. In alphabetical order:

Berger Bullets
Delta Outdoorsman out of Memphis TN
Hunt's Long Range Supply
Midway USA
Manners Stocks
Pacific Tool & Gage
Precision Rifle & Tool
Sierra Bullets

A Big Thank You to all who came and those who helped.

See You at the Range

Club President
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

This was my first long range match of any kind. I had a good time and didn't come in last. Finished 22 and brought home a prize so was a good day. Only bad thing I can say about it was leaving a chair there and being 3 1/2 hrs away.

I want to thank everyone involved for putting the match on and the sponsors for the prizes. We were treated very welcome for being outsiders, so I'm sure we will be back, and look forward to it. This won't be our last long range match, just need to get a little more practice in!
Re: 30 July Money Shoot at Big Piney

I am glad you had a good time. As for not being a local. Most of our shooters live over 50 miles away. We regularly have shooters from Arkansas, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Kansas City, Joplin, Springfield, Columbia, Jefferson City, etc shooting at Big Piney. We have a couple guys who make about one match a year from Indianapolis. The guys and girls who shoot at Big Piney have always been friendly and outgoing, no matter where they come here from. I had a shooter from St Louis tell me a couple weeks ago that he really enjoyed being around our shooters because they were friendly and helpful. I have loaned out sand socks, bipods, and even given a new shooter a 308/168 Drop Chart I had in my log book (I was shooting 190's at the time, and still had my 168 drop chart in the book. We have a new shooter with a 338 Lapua. I just sent him all my Log Book Pages. We chronographed his rifle last week. As soon as he gets me a scope height I am going to run his information on my ballistic program, and make him up an accurate Drop Chart. All of our shooters are this helpful. I think this is why we have so many regular shooters from so far away. Our matches are more like a family reunion than a serious competition where everyone has his game face on all the time.

See You at the Range
