300 Norma Improved (33 degree)?

It just seems to me that by the time you've fireformed enough brass and developed a good load, you are out of barrel life and have to start over (at least you'll have brass).
Is it worth it?

What about fireforming say 250 pieces, and having barrel melonited? Will that increase enough life?
I’ve had a couple of improved cartridges and I think it’s totally worth it. You can find a decent load right off the bat while fire forming, getting plenty of trigger time and getting to know your rifle. By the time you’ve got your first hundred pieces formed the barrel is properly seasoned and stabilized so you’re ready for good load development at that point anyway
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It just seems to me that by the time you've fireformed enough brass and developed a good load, you are out of barrel life and have to start over (at least you'll have brass).
Is it worth it?

What about fireforming say 250 pieces, and having barrel melonited? Will that increase enough life?
Someone correct me if im wrong, but barrel life should be 1000-1250, and I only plan on forming 100 pieces, so should still have ~900-1000 rounds left after forming and load dev. (and from what ive gathered so far, the unfireformed rounds are still no slouch.
That 250 is just me buddy. I gotta have that at minimum or OCD gets the best of me. 500 is mo' betta.

My 6.5 load was 250 rounds before I was satisfied. Again, just me.

I'm not at all being critical, just asking a question.
That 250 is just me buddy. I gotta have that at minimum or OCD gets the best of me. 500 is mo' betta.

My 6.5 load was 250 rounds before I was satisfied. Again, just me.

I'm not at all being critical, just asking a question.
Haha, no need to explain OCD to me - im trying to find a way to get the AMP annealer setting for that brass so I dont need to ruin a piece testing and end up with an odd number. I bought a different type of seating depth guauge just so I didnt need to ruin one of my wildcat pieces turning it into a modified case just so I could keep an even number.
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It just seems to me that by the time you've fireformed enough brass and developed a good load, you are out of barrel life and have to start over (at least you'll have brass).
Is it worth it?

What about fireforming say 250 pieces, and having barrel melonited? Will that increase enough life?

I run two barrels.. a cheap green mountain 1-8" for fire forming and the K&P for actual work. It's nice to have a junker barrel you can just bang the ammo through and not give a rip how fast and hot it gets and keep the other barrel for good work. Using lapua brass helps as you don't need to fireform much after you're all done with it. Good life from it.