Hunting & Fishing .308 Lethality

hornet shooter

Full Member
Jan 12, 2012
Canyon lake Tx
I am interested in what y'alls longest kills are on deer sized game with the .308. Please include bullet type, shot placement and conditions. Mine is a 560yd broadside shot on a white tail doe with a 15 mph 3/4 value wind. The 168gr amax entered the left shoulder and was stuck just underneath the skin on the offset shoulder. I have shot many deer at the 500yd mark and I am very impressed with the terminal effects of the round. This year I am going to push it out to 750yd if the shot presents its self. I have become very comfortable at this range so shot placment should not be a problem if the conditions are right.
Re: .308 Lethality

My guess is he will respond here too but here is one I know of by PGS
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PGS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Brother in law's first elk. He killed it at 500 meters with my Surgeon .308 and one 208 Amax. Broke both shoulders and left a golf ball sized exit hole. </div></div>

For me personally 260 yards on a cow elk. 155g berger hunting. No tracking she walked maybe 4 steps. However I have only taken my 308 out once on the last day of hunting, so not too bad

If you use the search function(right side of page 2 boxes below the Shout Box) and look at the thread about SMK, Berger and Scenar hunting pics you will see quite a few more.
Hope this does not turn into another thread about the ethics of a long distance hunting shot.
Re: .308 Lethality

Mine was just under 400 yards on an antelope using 168 gr TSX out of a GAP Rock. Pretty calm conditions, shot from a bipod at slight downward angle. Popped the buck in one shoulder, turned the heart and part of the lungs into jelly, went out the other side. Buck dropped on the spot, not even a full step from where he was shot.

I've got zero problems with using the .308 at distance.
Re: .308 Lethality

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gadbmw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Brother in law's first elk. He killed it at 500 meters with my Surgeon .308 and one 208 Amax. Broke both shoulders and left a golf ball sized exit hole. </div></div>

Hell, I shoot them at Roe deer. I think I may be a bit over the top.

So far 475 yards at a Roe deer. 150 gr SP. Bullet didn't expand how I wanted so I went to the AMAX family. Problem solved. I have used 168gr and 208gr to good effect.
Re: .308 Lethality


Shot this doe with my 20" 308, and 168 Amax, About 175 yards, DRT. About an hour later I noticed she had started moving her head, looked through the scope and saw this bobcat was trying to drag her away, I pulled the trigger on him also, but when I shot he disapeared, when I went down there, this is exactly what I found, the cats mouth still around the nose of the doe.
Re: .308 Lethality

ive been meaning to post this I will also be putting it in the SMK Kills thread.

2 weekends ago I was hunting a 120 acre wheat field with a slight drizzle that was being pushed in by a large storm to follow. I figured critters might come out to get some winter wheat during the day instead of there normal night time routine with that storm coming.

4 mature hogs came out with a group of piglets and some younger hogs

I waited for the two big sows that did not have the piglets to line up at 185 yards. Fired my second to last silver state armory 168Gr SMK and that was the last of those 2. (see pictures one and two.) then realizing I still had one bullet left i targeted out the big one that had exited the field by this point (270 yards) picked my spot felt good on a hold and let it fire.

this one was a 219 pounder and it went ass over head! very exciting.



Re: .308 Lethality

ok been trying to decide if i want to sell the 300wsm, and getting another 308. after reading this, i think its a go. Ill have to post on other forums till i get enough post.
Re: .308 Lethality

I love my 308's. Got 3 of em. I wouldn't be scared out to say 500 yds or so with good bullet placement. I know you can strecth em longer but Personall I would just bring my 300WM if those shots were what was to be expected. Good luck
Re: .308 Lethality

I watched a 890 yard shot on a caribou with a .308. In my opinion that was too long of a shot for a big game animal. But the caribou had been wounded by a hunter from another party and was walking on 3 legs. After trying with no luck for ½ a day to get closer we decided a long shot was the best hope to kill the suffering caribou..
I used a pair of Leica range finding binoculars and determined the range to be 890 yards with no wind. Hunter shot from prone using a bipod,. Hunter used Horus scope and ATrag for his data. Impact was seen through the glass and 10 seconds after the first shot was fired, the Caribou fell over dead.

Rifle FNSPR, Lilja 26” barrel, Manners MCS T-3 stock, 175 gr SMK @ 2693 fps. Broadside shot bullet stopped on a rib on far side
I do not remember the temp or barometric pressure but it was in August 2010 North side of Brooks range. I was surprised that a 308 could make a clean kill at that range

Jerry Jacques
Alaska Master Guide #110
Licensed African Professional Hunter Retired