308 Norma Mag


Mar 25, 2013
King City, CA
Has anyone out there played around much with the 'classic' 308 Norma Mag in a long barrel? (or 30-338 Mag)

Wondering about what speeds you're able to run up to with 225's or 230's & modern powders
Sounds like you want something different, just to be different.
That's okay.

However, a 30" 300 Win will sling a 215 Hybrid over 3000fps with ease.
I run mine at 2960 and it's easy on brass. DISCLAIMER: I have the longer freebore match chamber from Northland.

I've wanted to try some 230, 245 and 250gr, but I really don't see why I should bother. (I probably will anyway)
A buddy shoots his 245 hybrids out of a 300 Norma Mag at 2850-ish.
Our dope is nearly identical out to 2k.