Yes, son got the Rugged Alaskan 360 - but not the titanium variant. I was so impressed I got one of my own. I took mine out for the first time today. Observations:
With his copy, there was no POI shift at all on my .223 bolt gun compared to unsuppressed/braked. Bartlein 5R 28" Heavy Palma contour, 75gr ELDM @2830fps. I was getting consistent hits on the 6" plate at 537 yards, as I expect with this rifle. I expect no different out to 1000.
I haven't tried my own copy on my bolt rifles (.223, 6BR, 6.5CM) yet.
With my Barnes Precision AR (18" 1:7 twist barrel), suppressed POI shift appears non-existent to minimal with both suppressors. I only have a 3x-magnification Vortex Spitfire optic on the rifle, and it hadn't been out of the safe in years until son decided to get into suppressors so I don't have as much confidence in POI comparison as with my .223.
Accuracy at 50 yards sucks with 125gr polymer-coated lead bullets in my 9mm PCC - but 50+ yard accuracy with these bullets has sucked in pretty much any load and firearm in which I've used them (but they're ok for close-in like USPSA or IDPA). I forgot to put jacketed loads in my range bag today.
I have no experience from which to compare/contrast how it sounds with other brands. I can only say that, when we had it on son's Tavor, it sounded really quiet to me*. It's hard to judge when I'm the one shooting as so much sound is transmitted into the skull through cheek weld.
* The already-overgassed Tavor was WAY overgassed with suppressor in place... flung factory XM193 55gr ball brass out so hard the case necks were all significantly bent, and accuracy did not impress at all (just has a dot sight on it). Need to try with 69- or 77-gr SMK loads, with which my Barnes AR will hold 1-2MOA with its 3x optic and milspec trigger.