One thing you can say about all, as in ALL even the resin or "liquid" machines is they are fiddley, you need to fiddle with them all the darn time. If you get lucky your settings will stay for an entire spool, of "tub" of material, but you better run some tests when you change out.
I have an Anycubic Chiron and it works just fine, like any of the others I have had, a level bed is the key and having your "print head" at a constant distance from the print bed is one of the most critical things.
I have made some "gun stuff". I made some small boxes for when I am testing out different loads:
I also made some signs for the "home range"...these have held up really well, been down there from about May of this year and they still look good.
I don't have photos, but I also made a tray to hold 45-70, so I can put them in when reloading, you know the normal shell holder, you can buy them or just drill a bunch of holes in wood, I made one on the printer. I also made a little wrench I use when changing out dies, works well.
If you enjoy to "tinker" you can make about anything out of any form of "plastic" and there are MANY different kinds of "plastic". is a free site that will let you "build" some pretty complex "models". I know a guy that took the blue prints to his house, scaled them down and printed his entire house in miniture as a gift to his wife, that is really cool I thought.
You can basically build anything you can think of.