Hey folks.
Long story short, I've posted a few times with updates to a project I've been working on...and I keep finding ways to make it a bit better.
I've been building a 3x5 data book to keep for each rifle, with the hope of having reference information(not specific to any gun), data validation, hard data backups, and shooting tools at your disposal in a small, compact package that's easy to take everywhere, and also easy to use. Main goals of the compact data book are reference info of many types, data backup, and finally, a trajectory validation tool. These are inspired by the magpul series of compact cards, but I wanted a different spread of information, and to consolidate some of the reference material. I found myself going to the range with just a notebook, and found it to be difficult to manage all the information from a range day.
To accompany the data book, you'll want hard copy 3x5 cards with your data on it for pre determined DA values. Toss that card in the front of a wrist coach, and toss 2 of the reference cards in the other wrist coach pockets, and you have a lot of usable info at your fingertips. You can start a day with no information on a rifle, and leave with valid trajectory information. Copy that info at multiple atmospheric conditions onto DA cards, and you have hard data that's good to go.
For me, I use the data book for reference. The wrist coach has a drop chart in the front, the wind rose/sin/cosine/ranging formulas ref card on the back, and the mil range chart inside. Anything else will be in the pack. Additional DA cards for the coach also ride in the pack, so the DA chart doesn't live in the wrist coach...if you're checking DA, you need a new card anyways.
Data Book Contents:
General Reference Info: Wind Rose, conversion values, sine/cosine values for angled fire, generic TOF info, MOA to Mil Chart, mirage info
Mil Ranging Card, pre built
DA Reference Card
Shooters Checklist/Other Considerations/Reference Info
Gun Backup Info: MV, Height Over Bore, Trued BC, Bullet info, etc
Load Shift/Suppressor Shift Backup Info
Data Confirmation/Truing Cards
Mover Calculator based in Mils/Second: Generic 6.5 Creedmoor info, tool to change attached
Mover Mil/Second to MPH
Blank Range Cards for DA. Print another page if you want more.
I've also built a few data management/data consolidation tools, which let you input data whether it's raw data you're hard coding in, or pulling from the JBM multi DA output tool. They then spit out a condensed range card, and 3x5 cards for wrist coaches that are filled automatically from the data you 've input. These are similar to the @Jack Master charts, but are focused exclusively on the 3x5 output, as well as being compatible with the JBM multiple DA output, so you don't have to hard code data in.
PDF File attached. Link to the shared google drive containing this PDF, as well as the mentioned excel chart building tools, also below.
Feel free to provide comments or feedback. Just sharing with you all what I find useful, and have wanted to have on hand when I'm at the range.
Long story short, I've posted a few times with updates to a project I've been working on...and I keep finding ways to make it a bit better.
I've been building a 3x5 data book to keep for each rifle, with the hope of having reference information(not specific to any gun), data validation, hard data backups, and shooting tools at your disposal in a small, compact package that's easy to take everywhere, and also easy to use. Main goals of the compact data book are reference info of many types, data backup, and finally, a trajectory validation tool. These are inspired by the magpul series of compact cards, but I wanted a different spread of information, and to consolidate some of the reference material. I found myself going to the range with just a notebook, and found it to be difficult to manage all the information from a range day.
To accompany the data book, you'll want hard copy 3x5 cards with your data on it for pre determined DA values. Toss that card in the front of a wrist coach, and toss 2 of the reference cards in the other wrist coach pockets, and you have a lot of usable info at your fingertips. You can start a day with no information on a rifle, and leave with valid trajectory information. Copy that info at multiple atmospheric conditions onto DA cards, and you have hard data that's good to go.
For me, I use the data book for reference. The wrist coach has a drop chart in the front, the wind rose/sin/cosine/ranging formulas ref card on the back, and the mil range chart inside. Anything else will be in the pack. Additional DA cards for the coach also ride in the pack, so the DA chart doesn't live in the wrist coach...if you're checking DA, you need a new card anyways.
Data Book Contents:
General Reference Info: Wind Rose, conversion values, sine/cosine values for angled fire, generic TOF info, MOA to Mil Chart, mirage info
Mil Ranging Card, pre built
DA Reference Card
Shooters Checklist/Other Considerations/Reference Info
Gun Backup Info: MV, Height Over Bore, Trued BC, Bullet info, etc
Load Shift/Suppressor Shift Backup Info
Data Confirmation/Truing Cards
Mover Calculator based in Mils/Second: Generic 6.5 Creedmoor info, tool to change attached
Mover Mil/Second to MPH
Blank Range Cards for DA. Print another page if you want more.
I've also built a few data management/data consolidation tools, which let you input data whether it's raw data you're hard coding in, or pulling from the JBM multi DA output tool. They then spit out a condensed range card, and 3x5 cards for wrist coaches that are filled automatically from the data you 've input. These are similar to the @Jack Master charts, but are focused exclusively on the 3x5 output, as well as being compatible with the JBM multiple DA output, so you don't have to hard code data in.
PDF File attached. Link to the shared google drive containing this PDF, as well as the mentioned excel chart building tools, also below.
Feel free to provide comments or feedback. Just sharing with you all what I find useful, and have wanted to have on hand when I'm at the range.
Data book share - Google Drive