Hunting & Fishing 4-25-09 Coyote


Full Member
Nov 22, 2008
Yuba City, CA
I went coyote hunting this evening after painting on the house all day. Left at 6:30 and got one at about 7:15. Called in three and got one. It is a young unbred female. She came hard while the other two just trotted in. She was circling down wind of me and I thought she was close to busting me so I let her have it at about 225 yds. The cows in the feild was chasing her. It was a weird deal. I wish I could have let them all get real close, but one in the bag is better than two in the bush. The grass is starting to turn brown here with the hot weather we had last week. Will be using old faded Carhartt's for the rest of summer camo. Picture is taken in front yard after I got home.



Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

Just got about 3" of snow here last night. I also did a couple spring hunts this year on a couple ranches that had calf kills. They sure do work good this time of year... Good Hnting!!

Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BDOG</div><div class="ubbcode-body">benlow !
What part of the peoples republic are you from?
Yuba City
Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

Benlow....howdy neighbor!

LOL soon as you said the grass was starting to turn yellow, it reminded me of how much weed-eating I have to do. :)

Born and raised in that town, been there my entire life. Moved to the other side of the river about 10 miles east of town. Matter of fact your probably shooting in my area???? or maybe somewhere near Beale, or out at the buttes (noticed a fire break in one of your pic's)

Need to get together and smoke some song dogs, let me know.

Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: He Shoot Me</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Benlow....howdy neighbor!

LOL soon as you said the grass was starting to turn yellow, it reminded me of how much weed-eating I have to do. :)

Born and raised in that town, been there my entire life. Moved to the other side of the river about 10 miles east of town. Matter of fact your probably shooting in my area???? or maybe somewhere near Beale, or out at the buttes (noticed a fire break in one of your pic's)

Need to get together and smoke some song dogs, let me know.

-Pat </div></div>

My mailing adress is YC. I live out by Camp Far West Lake. I work at Beale AFB. So you pretty much hit it on the head.
Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

I have several calls and use them all. I like to change it up some times. They will respond to a different sounding call sometimes and I also do not want them to get used to what I have. I think you are asking which ones are my favorite? The Lohman 3 Tone rabbit distress, and some diaphram howlers are what has been working best lately.
Re: 4-25-09 Coyote

Thanks guy, I appreciate it.

I've always wanted to try a call, but never got around to it. I haven't heard any around my place for a month or so. LOL They used to be around all the time when my dumb-ass used to throw all the extra egg's out into this 500 acre pasture behind my place.

They were getting pretty bold, then they made the mistake of eating my pet turkey! I had to give one of them a haircut with my 12 gauge to get things back in order. Loved that goofy bird, used to follow me around like a dog sometimes. poor thing got so fat, it went from roosting in a tree, to the fence, to the top of a dog house before they got him.

There's a family of raccoons that's been doing a number on my persimmon tree, and I'm pretty sure the infection that killed my cat was the result of a bite from one of them. (seen them nose to nose over the food bowl one night) I think some of them may have to experience some of my professional hair stylist work with the 12 gauge trimmers.

Thanks again,
