For the "I'd rather have a Colt" snobs, LOL, whatever, a local-ish dealer is selling the CR6920 on Gunbroker for $919 + CC fees. Arms Unlimited has the A4 version on sale for $999 right now. Those seem like pretty damn good prices even by historical standards, especially if we account for a modest 2% annual rate of inflation.
PSA is also advertising "blem" Toolcraft BCGs for $80-100, Brownells has sales on Geiselle triggers, I've seen $29 LPKs, etc. and so it would appear that parts are getting cheap again.
The "wE'LL neVeR sEe chEAp aR-15 rIFLes agAIn!!1!1!!" crowd are scooping up all these deals, right?
The ammo situation remains tight and I'm not going to make any bold predictions about $0.35/round 193 or 855 being right around the corner, but the supply seems to exceed demand at current prices judging by the stacks of cases at bigger stores and that's gotta lead to lower prices absent any additional surprises. This being 2021, there is a high likelihood of additional surprises, so maybe do a bit of dollar-cost averaging and at least buy enough to backfill whatever's getting expended during training.