So before I send my stuff to Raven for building an A1 I decided to drop my 40x heavy barrel into the A1 stock for grins and giggles. I had enough screws of the proper type and length to go with the stock triggerguard to mount it up solidly. No floorplate of course but with a single shot, no worries. I took a piece of Gorilla tape and made a dust cover basically for the open magazine area. I even put the 1907 sling on it using some instructions from the CMP website and by pure chance, the sling was the proper length for a hasty sling that gave good tension for shooting offhand and seated. I ran 40 rounds of Eley Subsonic Hollowpoint through it over a course of 30 minutes or so with adjusting the acope.
Putting the 40x in the A1 stock was a mistake of sorts. I'm completely taken by the aura this thing exudes while in that stock. It BELONGS there. Now I have to decide whether to keep this stock and buy another to send to Raven or send this one and buy another quick like. The original walnut target stock is getting sold. The TC Electronic reverb I never really liked is getting sold. A few other music room residents of questionable utility are getting sold.
I never really bought into the 'exact duplicate trainer' thing as I never realized how enjoyable they could be. That thought is gone. Granted, I'm not buying an MST to put on this thing. The Bushnell 10x mildot is close enough. It does have an amazing Jewel trigger I got back in 2011 after I got it put together( bought from CMP South as a barreled action with nothing besides the stripped receiver and barrel). Hell, I never fired more than 10 rounds at a sitting because it wasn't enjoyable. Today I didn't mind single loading 40 rounds. I'm definitely going to have it converted to a repeater.
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Putting the 40x in the A1 stock was a mistake of sorts. I'm completely taken by the aura this thing exudes while in that stock. It BELONGS there. Now I have to decide whether to keep this stock and buy another to send to Raven or send this one and buy another quick like. The original walnut target stock is getting sold. The TC Electronic reverb I never really liked is getting sold. A few other music room residents of questionable utility are getting sold.
I never really bought into the 'exact duplicate trainer' thing as I never realized how enjoyable they could be. That thought is gone. Granted, I'm not buying an MST to put on this thing. The Bushnell 10x mildot is close enough. It does have an amazing Jewel trigger I got back in 2011 after I got it put together( bought from CMP South as a barreled action with nothing besides the stripped receiver and barrel). Hell, I never fired more than 10 rounds at a sitting because it wasn't enjoyable. Today I didn't mind single loading 40 rounds. I'm definitely going to have it converted to a repeater.
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