I've been carrying a 19 for 3 years and recently switched to working in the office and wasn't real happy with how it carried and printed. I carried my wife's 43 a few times and really enjoyed it, but the length of the grip even with the extension just wasn't for me. The 43X seemed like it was going to fit the bill of providing decent capacity, reasonable grip length and thinner (easier on us big guys using IWB holsters). I was able to snatch one up Monday and thought I would share some size comparison pics.
Top to bottom 19 G4, 43X and 43
43X on top of 19
19 vs 43X
Overall it shoots just like every other Glock 9 with the exception of seeming a little snappier than most. The grip is pretty slick and I think working on that will address the increased muzzle flip. So far I have fired 150 rounds of 147gr American eagle fmjfp and 50 rounds of 147gr HST without any issues. Carrying it is a huge improvement over the 19 as far as comfort and it printing far less. The only thing I have found to dislike so far is the crappy factory sights, but that isnt anything that can't be easily fixed. I'll update back when I cross the 500rd mark.
Top to bottom 19 G4, 43X and 43
43X on top of 19
Overall it shoots just like every other Glock 9 with the exception of seeming a little snappier than most. The grip is pretty slick and I think working on that will address the increased muzzle flip. So far I have fired 150 rounds of 147gr American eagle fmjfp and 50 rounds of 147gr HST without any issues. Carrying it is a huge improvement over the 19 as far as comfort and it printing far less. The only thing I have found to dislike so far is the crappy factory sights, but that isnt anything that can't be easily fixed. I'll update back when I cross the 500rd mark.